Chapter Thirty-One

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Kiba Inuzuka was not the brightest and even that was an exaggeration. He was not the strongest either, nor the most empathetic one. He was loud but Naruto had beaten him on that factor too. In everything he did, there was another person that did it better. His turmoil on the matter haunted him for years, hiding behind idiotic statements to cover the fact that he was lacking behind. As the years went and past, he came to terms with the reality. He was not the smartest but he finally arrived at the conclusion that he was himself and that was fine. Hinata was fine with it and Shino too. His sensei never looked at him with pity and he realised that insecurity didn't suit him.
He took pride in one fact over the years. He was a good friend, an excellent friend. He would die for either two of the weirdos that he was lucky enough to have on his team. He would kill anyone who would try to hurt them. They were better than him. Better people, better shinobi but he never felt jealous of them, they inspired him and he felt proud for every accomplishments they made.
But when Neji died, he found himself lacking behind in that too. He was a man of action, of speaking his mind, but in that case he felt helpless. Hinata was not like him. She needed space and quietness, a gentle handle of things. But even this didn't seem to work. He tried and failed poorly to work things with care but she didn't seem to respond. He and Shino had talked for hours, days with what to do to help her. She seemed better in a while, but he could tell that they didn't help her. She walked on her own and he felt more stupid than he was ever been in years.
Yet, as he saw her been her old self something didn't feel right. It was not a thought, a mannerism that he could point, his brain didn't work like that, more of an instinct of danger that the animals feel before they get hunted.
Still he had to take a step back. He was old enough now to understand when he was not enough for something and tried not to push on the things he had already failed.
He was worried and he watched and waited for the upcoming attack.
Then his gut relaxed. It swifted slowly to be at ease in her presence again. He could never point the reason for that, but Shino was not like him, he was observant. He was blessed with a friend that could explain the things he could not.
When he asked that night why Hinata had invited the Uchiha, scoffed of the fact this was supposed to be an evening with just them, Shino had responded and Kiba began to pay attention. She is better, he had said. She is better every time we see her after her mission with the Uchiha had started.
And Kiba could not deny she truly was. There was a swift in her but to him she felt the same. Not as a person, more in the intimacy that had grown over the years and was sitting in the space between them, in the words they exchanged, in the laughs they shared.
Kiba Inuzuka was not the brightest. But he could see how eager she was to begin the mission. How in the moments of silence, her eyes travelled to the black figure no matter were he was. How when he spoke, she listened to his every word, her gaze not lost again in a scene far away.
He was not the smartest. But he thought of the way Akamaru responded to him, a person that Kiba himself didn't particularly like. He saw that his gaze travelled back at her in the times she was not looking. He observed his movement when she almost tripped and he was ready to run to catch her.
He could not wait to arrive to Suna. He would have many things to say to Shino.
Hinata was smiling after a long time.


They had already been on the road for two days and it would take at least one more to arrive to Suna. They couldn't run their way there since it was a large number of people and it slowed the pace down. For every prisoner meant to be transferred, two jonin were assigned. There were five prisoners in total all strained away from Suna, that were walking in some distance before him with their guards.
On his left was Sai, looking straight ahead with no expression on his pale face. But Sasuke had learnt by now that Sai not looking didn't mean he was not there or see.
Two feets away on his right was her. And beside her Inuzuka. She had informed him about their participation in this mission and in their goal to visit Aburame. He had said, he was part of it too, despite the fact that he informed Kakashi the day after.
After the night she had come to his house, she visited everyday again. They were quick visits, as she still had work to do, but she still came.
He didn't leave his house because the hours she arrived were never the same and he feared that he missed her. He didn't know what exactly he was doing but he pushed that fact on the back of his mind, since the three months he was away felt too long.
The subject of her and Naruto didn't reach the surface, as he desperately wanted to ask her if anything happened between them in the months he was away and he really didn't want to know either.
He would know eventually. And maybe when he did, he would behave rationally again.
Maybe it was in its start and they didn't want to share details about it. It would be odd if nothing had happened, since they were both seemed willing in his eyes a while ago.
She laughed at something Inuzuka said, her hand in front of her mouth and the memory of Naruto kissing her hands emerged.
He frowned unwillingly and she turned at him.
"Really you are nothing alike." She said, maybe thinking that his frown came from hearing their conversation.
"What do you mean Hinata? They are like brothers. One paler than the other but still."
Inuzuka spoke to her and then looked at his direction.
"What are you talking about?" The calm voice of the man beside him reached his ears.
"I was saying that you two are like clones of each other. And Hinata doesn't think so."
"Why is that Hinata-san?" Sai spoke again. "Many had told me that I look like him over the years." His question was genuine.
She put her hair behind her ear. She was thinking of how to respond.
"Well, you are calm and frank. You speak your mind in a bizarre way, something between a child and an adult. It reflects on your face." She said as her eyes were on the man on his left.
"I see. Thank you." He was heard pleased.
Sasuke never turned away his gaze from her, waiting.
She returned his stare for a moment but said nothing.
"And?" It was Inuzuka who broke the small silence. "That doesn't explain it." He barked.
She turned to her partner, her hair covering her face. He could not see her expression.
"What do you mean Kiba-kun?" Her voice was slightly irritated.
"You didn't explain how they are different." He said and he turned his head away. "That it not the way to win an argument."
"I didn't know we were arguing." She said calmly and Inuzuka scoffed.
"What a wonderful time you all have." A voice turned four heads up front.
The woman was chained, obligated to walk in the distance between them and the rest of the group.
"A blissful time really." She said without looking back. "Are you happy Hinata? Walking with your friends like that?"
His eyes turned slightly to her. Her features held a cold expression. He wanted to speak to her but Inuzuka's palm was already at her shoulder.
"Keep quiet." Sasuke said instead.
"Am I not allowed to speak Uchiha-san? I was not informed of that." Her tone one of mockery. "Or is it am I not allowed to speak to her?" She turned then and looked straight into his eyes, before she turned her gaze to her.
"You are always so willing to speak to me Hinata. Has something changed?" Her eyes were narrowed and a smirk painted her lips.
"Of course." A cold voice occupied the space. "Our paths will depart soon." She spoke calmly.
The smile of the woman never flattered, even if Hyuga spoke deadly.
"Will you introduce me to your friends? I know Uchiha-san, but as for the others, I have no clue. None of them was seen in your memories." She said it to hurt her, to threaten her.
Sasuke was losing his calm.
"I don't want to hear your voice until the trip ends." He said roughly.
"Not even if you are in danger?" She said almost shyly.
His eye reddened.
"Are you going to kill me Uchiha-san? I wonder what method you are going to use. Maybe the same as your.."
Her voice was cut short. Hyuga had moved silently and her finger pressed her throat just in time to stop her next words.
The woman looked at her startled.
"Let's move Sachi-san." She said and almost dragged the woman a few feets away from him.
"Incredible speed." Sai said as he walked further ahead.
Sasuke felt the eyes of Inuzuka on him but stayed silent as they proceed to their destination.

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