LOO LOO LAND (chapter 3)

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using the deer man magic teleportation powers, Bendy, mangle, tails and Al's cup-child are now at Loo Loo land a shame less rip-off of  another famous theme park in hell, anyways. oh there goes a roller coaster falling down, its normal like I said this is hell and no-one cares. As the group walks towards the entrance  of the Loo Loo land trying very hard not to get run over by cars in the parking lot, tails nearly got run over and how did he react? by throwing a bomb of course! and just like that the car exploded  into a million parts  tails got some kool-aid on his fur but its fine, anyways, The enetrance to Loo Loo was massive ( that's what she said again )the games where 100% a scam, the rides could kill you sounds normal enough, and there's a creepy funhouse that may or may not steal your soul and lastly the main attraction the creepy ass jester clown robo-ripoff fizzaroli.

"welcome to loo loo land" yelled Alastor throwing his arms wide open and he made his mic appear outta thin air just for effect  " so what do you want to do first?" tails thought about it for a second and he said" I don't really know but imma go do. . . things" and a evil grin spread across his face as he flew away to do god knows what, " welp- we could play games " said bendy " or go into that weird circus tent " 

Cup-child scooted way back " you guys can i'm staying right here " 

" alright suit yourself " Alastor repiled 

Then the demon duo and a noodle with a fox mask sat down on very worn and dirty wooden benches waiting for the show to start, after for what felt like hours the curtains flew open showing none-other than fizzy himself, " h-hello everyone it's me the robtic fizzarloi back again with another show!" now two things happend, 1. all the kids inside were now traumatized  and 2 all the parents are questioning why they're alive. anyways bendy and mangle were havin' a blast listening to the robo-ripoff sing his dumb song, Al meanwhile was not vibin' he didn't really like it here, After fizzy boi was done singing his song " oh-ho-ho is Alastor my sensors spot up there?"

" SHUSH YOU FNAF REJECT!" then, Al just t-poses and despawns

" what the actual hell was that" bendy asked 

" * insert radio noise here *" said mangle 

After the show was over bendy and Mangle walked into the blazzing hot sun, beside the tent was cup-child asleep from boredem bendy pokes him in the arm and cup child wakes up " where's deer dude?" he asked while standing up 

" he just despawned " bendy repiled 

" oh alright sounds normal " 

just then tails showed up again coverd in even more kool-aid, he stands right next to bendy  "don't ask questions " tails said " hey were did deer man go?"

" he left the world" said bendy 

while the group was doing whatever they where doing, playing very much scamed games, Tails go so mad cuz he lost he pulled out a freakin' ray gun from who knows where and shot the imp right in the face with it, leaving the imp with a gaint hole were his face should be. Mangle went to see fizzys show at least a dozen times and when she would come back and join the group she would try to hum the song that the creepy ass jester was singing, but would fail because well. . . she has an old TV where her voice box would be, Cup-child and the deer man went to the fun house and when the two came back one of them was now traumatized 

( I'll let you guess who )

Oh yeah and deer dude wacked some creppy ass apple mascot with his mic just because he can, after about 2 hours of Loo Loo land every body was exhausted, mostly tails shooting people in the face and throwing bombs at any one who walked by him is tiring, Mangle meanwhile was just vibin' and mostly likely regretting  her life  choices and so was bendy, and the cup-child 

" welp"  said the deer man " you wanna go back now?"

" yea sure" said Bendy 

Deer dude nodded and spawned in a portal on the ground for them to jump through, he grabbed his cup-child and jumped in the portal, next was bendy, then Mangle and Lastly tails.

They all spawned in front of the happy hotel and you could her Vaggie yelling and a lot of things breaking from the inside, looking in through the window bendy saw Vaggie as usual  yelling at Angel, he was just sitting on the couch on his phone while holding nuggets in his lap not even fazed by the table that flew by his face, Husk was watching this go down while chugging some of that cheap booze, Niffty was cleaning or something everbody else meanwhile not sure they were either in their rooms or dead, 

( TBC in chapter 4 :>  )

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