Inkwel island part 1 ( chapter 13 )

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when the three finally made it to their destination, tired to hearing how cups wasn't done with his pancakes none the less they made it. they all where standing on a dirt path surrounded by thick tress and small houses with gardens, Cups beamed and ran in a random direction, well not really he ran into the woods and he was out of sight, " some one's excited huh " said bendy looking up at alastor " indeed so what now" he repiled, " what do you mean what now didn't you already have some thing planned?" Bendy scolded crossing her arms and giving Alastor an irritated  stare, " I dunno I didn't think i'd get this far" he mutterd looking over bendy, bendy face plamed and sighed, " okay 1, you just stole a spongebob  qoute and 2, why don't explore  this place". Al just shrugged " alright then lead the way" and off they went and little did they know some body was watching from a distance but they both went into the small werid town filled with toons of all kinds, they both went into all kinds of shops, bendy was having fun yoinking all the stfuffies she could get her hands on, she paid for all of them of course using Al's money that charlie gave him, a few hours later bendy was walking around carrying 5 whole bags of stuffiies, and she was struggling  a little bit, " uhm- a liitle help here?" she said dragging the plastic bags on the concrete and soon enough a hole opened while she was dragging the bags  and the stuffies where now sprawled on the ground, Al turned around and sees bendy trying her best to scoop them all up when a figure sped past and yanked one of the stuffies, " HEY!" she yelled and she chased after the figure leaving al alone to pick up the mess, and if you don't know already al hates cleaning more than anything on this planet but since he didn't wanna deal with an angry bendy he summoned a wheelbarrow and put all the stuffies inside it, problem solved for now anyways mean while with bendy she was still chasing the figure who had spring Bonnie plushie when she got close enough she tackled the figure to the ground while on their back, she took the spring Bonnie plushie back and when she got a good look at the figure she realized that he was a toon and he was a rabbit with big ears, " ow!" the rabbit groaned ' get off me!" bendy slowly got off him watching him to make sure he didn't get up and run away, the rabbit stood up on and rubbed the side of his head, " ow. . . jesus, that was some tackle. . . " he cleared his throat and suck out a gloved hand " name's Oswald, what's your name sweetie?" Bendy went slightly red after he called her that but she shook her head and shook his hand, " bendy, and why in the name of huggy wuggy are you stealing my stuffies!" she yelled at him her head steaming yet again, " whoa, whoa, whoa no need to get so angry toots its just one I took," Oswald said putting his hands up defensively and backing up a few steps, " i don't care if it's just ONE you stole that was my- well my FREIENDS money that i spent on that thing!" she yelled yet again stomping her foot, 

" what is taking you so LONG dude-" said al pushing the wheelbarrow, and stopping it right next to bendy, he takes the spring bonnie stuffie and puts it in the wheelbarrow, he looks at Oswald with an eyebrow rasied " uhm- who's that bendy?" he asked, bendy sighs " that is Oswald. . . "   Oswald just looked at Alastor so confused and kinda scared to be honest, " uh- y-yup that's me Oswald  the lucky rabbit" he mutterd, " . . . are you the guy from those weird lucky charms cereal. . ." al said squinting at Oswald, Oswald just looked at bendy then Al, and whisperd under his " is he really that stupid?", " uh- no he rabbit and the guy from the lucky charms cereal is a person al" bendy said face palming, again, 

( ??? pov )

wow they're really that stupid i though to myself as i was watching him through a cafe window, right now they were talking to some weird looking rabbit with a british accent? meh whatever, i have to try and capture them again I alreadly have one i just need a couple more, i just hope this works becasuse if i dosen't I'm dead, deader than the stupid demons that live in that firey hell scape, oh, what's this Cuphead and what looks to be his brother?, perfect boss won't be so disappointed with me after i catch 6 of them this is going way better than i expected! boss will be so proud of me! at least i hope so, " ORDER FOR uhm- TAILS" some one called out, oh yea my coffee  is ready, i  walked up to the counter, the person looked rather young around 15 or 16, they had short auburn hair, brown eyes, and lastly freckles and they looked really familiar , I took a closer look at their face and realized it was agent 3?, " uh- you gonna take your coffee  or what dude?" they said, " huh "  i guess i was too busy in my own head to realize I was staring  to much but whatever what's done is done, " yea I'll take the coffee,  don't remind me and what are you doing here!" I whispered  yelled at them, " oh yea i go fired for ' being too easily distracted ' " they said using air quotes , and with an irritated sigh they continued  on " yea turns out by reading to much fan fic i got fired but it's not like they paid me anyways but this is the only job i could find that wasn't weird" they shuddered " well see ya later" 

" where the hell is my is my frapp with soy milk, two pumps of vanilla, two tea spoons of sugar with chocolate and caramel  drizzle!"  some girl with long ass nails yelled out while scrolling on her phone with a stupid crusty musty red clear phone case on it.

" ITS COMING BRITTNEY YOU BASIC BITCH!" agent 3 yelled whipping around and going to kitchen, the girl just scoffed and rolled her eyes, that's when i grabbed my coffee and left the building thinking of a plan to capture those idiots , but in the mean time I  guess I'll  upgrade my gagets i reached in my leather bag that I made myself i even put a keypad to unlocked because I'm smart like that after i put the code in i reached in and pulled out some gadets and got work, after about 2 hours it was 2:37 pm when I got up and left the cafe the sun nearly blinding me, I then went on a hunt to find the others so i could captrue them about 10 minutes of walking i found them inside a daycare of all things? whatever I slowly walked up to the window on the outside of the building and peered inside it, Inks and that weird rabbit where talking about god knows what, all cooked deer guy was watching his so called 'son' the cup kids where inside the nasty ball pit do they even clean it? i really hope so, I then walked up to the door took and deep breath and was smacked in the face by the door GREAT! now there's now a giant burise on my forehead! I was about to get up and yell at them when I saw inks standing there I have no idea HOW she didn't see me but I wasn't complaining , she did look a little bit sad but I don't have time to worry about it so I did what ANY sane fox would do, try and talk her into forgiving me so I could back stab her, I stood up when I did she was crying ink? okay I have NO idea how to talk to people let alone comfort them?!, " you okay there inks?" I asked I know it was a really stupid question but what else was i supposed to ASK?, Bendy turned to face me with an angry glare, " IM TOTALLY FINE IT'S NOT LIKE I'M CRYING OR ANY THING!" she shouted sitting down with her legs to her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs, I sat down next to her, " so why are you crying anyways?" I asked her, she wiped  her inky tears and whisperd " Boris. . . I miss Boris" I had a slight idea of who Boris was because i heard her say that name when cooked deer man her where fighting, " He's like your brother right?" I asked her she just nodded, " yea I really like it here It's amazing but I still kinda miss 'home' well. . . only Boris he stuck with me  through thick and thin and I just left him alone with a crazy ink angel. . . " she was crying even more now but, I didn't have anymore questions to ask her so I just sat next to her.

( TBC in part 2 =D )

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