inkwel island part 3 ( chapter 15 )

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a/n- sorry I left again now I'm back also, if you' have some chapter ideas  let me know I might make it into a chapter 

( tails pov)

While the demons where in a completely  seprate rooms than the non-demons, Tails was impaiently waiting for them to wake up when the other demons enterd the room, 

" I'm surpised you actually did it to bad you wasted our time!" Agent 1 screamed right in my face jeez, her breath stinks like tuna anyways I just surugged not really caring that much the only thing that I was upset about was that I have to remake those darts and the only way I know how to make them is in that stupid hotel in my room and there is no way in hell I'm going back any time soon, I walked past the two tall human idoits and walked into the room where the demons where, the cooked deer was still asleep mean while inks was muttering spanish curse words under her breath, she was moving around a lot in the chair trying to wriggle free again that wouldn't work that chair she was tied to was chanined to the ground, she looked right at me with pure hatred if looks could kill I'd be dead by now, 

"Esto se está poniendo muy vieja" she said to me rolling her eyes, I'm gonna ausme she roasted me or something cuz I don't speak taco bell, she then looked around the room which stank by the way the agents haven't cleaned this place since the imp's where here, anyways I stood by the door and watched her struggle aganist her restraints, " also" said bendy "where the hell is oslwald?" I know that tone like the back of my hand, she looked inoccent on the outside but on the inside not so much talk about two faced much, anyways as bendy was getting more and more pissed with every passing second and ink was dripping down her face, ho boy, the agents are for sure gonna fire me it's not like they pay me enough to deal with this kind of shit, but in the blink of an eye bendy was now inky bendy?! oh fuck me then!, with out even thinking striaght I bloted the hell outta that room and slamed the meatl door behind me, and before I even reached the exit the metal door flew off and hit agent 2 right in the face knocking him out most likely or even dead who knows but I didn't wanna find out, I looked behind me for a second as i quickly put my boots into hyper speed mode she wasn't behind me? don't worry about that and get the hell outta HERE, I grabed my bag, put in the code, and pulled to the portal machine thing put in some random loction and hopped inside with out looking back, 

( mean while )

bendy was on a rampage in area 51 right now so that's fun, Agent 1 was hidding in a broom closet, al was still asleep while chained to a chair, the others where regreting they were ever born, just then bendy burst through a nearby wall that was coincidentally was the room that the other non-demons where in, bendy looked as Oswald he just started at here most likely zoned out while on the moon drinking tea or something, Bendy turned to her normal self and squzzed the ever loving crap outta Oswald and that's when he was snapped back onto earth, and boy was he RED, but bendy was to busy squeezeing him to death to even notice, cuphead just looked at each other so confused, mugs now had PTSD but we'll let elder kettle handle that when It comes along, after the stupid long hug Bendy finally let go and set Oswald back onto his feet, he just looked at her with a smug look, " you really missed me huh?" Bendy went red as the deer man's hair, " I'm still mad at you for stealing my stuffies ya know? but yea I GUESS I missed you a little bit" she mutterd turing away from Oswald, while crossing her arms, " ya enough to go pyscho mode on this area 51 rip-off!" cup head yelled at her, " can some one PLEASE untie us!" Bendy and Oswald both untied the boys from the charis and they all went to go get the deer man and wake him up from his long slumber, when the enterd the partially distroyed room al was in the middle of the room, still tied to the chair still asleep?!, how- I don't even know, mugs stopped the rest of the group as they where walking twords him mugs got an idea a very evil idea,  he walked up to behind the deer man and pulled his ear with all his might, deer man snapped awake and spun his head around just to look at him right in the face, " why in the name of sans the skeleton would you do that?" he yelled at him, mugs didn't say anything instead he backed up all the way towards the others, " ya'll i need a little help I can't just untie myself?" he said again, Bendy walked over to him and started undoing the knot keeping him in place when that was done after about 5 mintues deer man spawned in a portal and stepped aside waiting for the others to step inside, first went Bendy and Oswald holding hands after they went, next was the deer dad and his son, he grabbed his handle and off they went, after the portal was gone all was left was mugs who now had traumma but it's fine elder kettle will pay for his therapy hopefully agent 1 was still hiding in a broom closet and agent 2 was still knocked out cold

(mean while in hell ) 

Wall was drunk as hell and they where throwing wine bottles at husk with poor aim and husk was flying around the place trying to avoid being smacked right in the face with a bottle, Angel mean while was sitting on a nearby couch with fat nuggets in his lap, while scrolling through his phone not caring about the choas that was happening right beside him, in the kitchen mean while was Mangle and Leaf, Mangle was making noodles was she good at it the short answer is. . . . no, she burnt the water some how and leaf was trying to prevent a fire from happening because if there was a fire Charlie would for sure kick them out, 

" maybe you should do something else like read a manga or something?" leaf said worried slightly 

" shush child" said Mangle putting her hand on his face muffleing his voice, he care fully moved her hand from his face,

" MANGLE YOU'RE GONNA BURN THIS PLACE DOWN TO ASHES!" Leaf yelled stomping his little leaf foot on the counter, how ever mangle did't reponed she was focusing on her brunt water, leaf just face plamed and watched her and try to prevent her from burning the entire hotel down, foxy and soonic where getting along for once playing five nights at freddy's 2 on a phone foxy stole from some one, Foxy was winning so far and Soonic's quills where turning a dark shade of blue but he tried to remain calm and watch foxy play the game, Niffty was tapped to the roof again, Vaggie and Charlie where watching a movie together, Bendy kicked the Hotel door down and was meet with wall yeeting bottle's at husk so that was some sight, Bendy just face planed and dragged Oswald to her room to watch poppy play times letsplays or something, deer man and his cupchild walked in and it was utter choas but deer man was too tired to deal with this crap so he just teleported in his room and flopped on his bed, cups just walked around nearly getting hit with a bottle by wall, he just contuined walking until he reached the kitchen where the entire pot that mangle was using was on FIRE?!, leaf was full on panicking mangle was also panicking, cups mean while was just really confused, leaf grabbed a cleaning bucket and filled it with water, but. . , wall rolled on in and yanked the giant bucket of water but cup's shot a hole through it and water was now every where on the floor and jelly wall rolled out again and contuined yeeting bottles at husk, mangle then threw the flaming pot in the sink and turned on the water, leaf was watching the whole thing go down but the worst thing that happened that night. . . the A.C broke now every one went to sleep hot and sweaty af. so that's fun right?

( tbc in chapter 16 =] )

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