I.M.P part 2 ( chapter 7 )

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While Blitz was watching Al and Bendy along with the cup child with a Confused stare while trying not to shit himself, witch worked well enough, Blitz stod up from the chair and yeeted himself outta that cafe and face planted on the cement, his coffce was now ruined did he care yes. but it's fine he didn't pay for it anyways, the dude barley has any money because he keeps spending it on stupid mlp merch, and bill boards. moving on from that,

" what the actaul fuck-" he mutterd to himself 

cup child pulled on deer dudes suit thing. " uh- there's an imp following us by the way"

" there's a what now-" deer man spun around and looked down at blitz. "oh- wait why do you look familiar. . . " while the stupid slow gears where spinin'  deer man's head, Bendy meanwhile speaking to blitz, " wait soo, you kill humans for money?"

"yup why you need some one killed?"

" ppfft maybe but- he can drown in ink for all i fuckin' care"

" alright then, so what's your name"

" bendy you're  blitz right"

" the one and fuckin' only"

( B O O M )

The ground shook heavily, buildings shook, demons where face planting on the ground, parts of buildings fell of and hit some demons right on the head. 

" WHAT THE FUC-" the cup child yelled pointing his finger gun thing in different directions, trying not crack his cup skull on the ground

" oh shit is that a hell shake ?!" Blitz yelled, yeeting him self outta the way of a falling building part thing 

" uh- no, wait is that fuckin'. . . tails"

" THE ONLY AND ONLY BABY WHOO!" tails used his little hover boots to land on the street. and he pulled outta a massive bag of mints and other candys. " oh yea i just robbed a mint factory with cherri if thats what your wonderin' what that was" he points to a gaint clould of smoke and glitter and Cherri was hopin from building to building yeeting bombs at people. she was havin fun with that, anyways-

" holy crap dude what the hell!" the cup child yelled pointing his finger gun at tails

" what you've never seen a hell shake before little man"

" one i'm not a little  man alright and two why don't shut the hell up?!" cup's finger gun thing now had a little blue flame on it

" oh woow i'm so scared"  said tails with an evil grin

Then an inky tenactle shot between the two that were fighting. " can you guys please shut up already!" bendy yelled ink dripping down her face, " he started it anyways" the cup child said with a smug look on his face, " i don't have time for this" tails said walking away as he was flipping off cuphead. "uh- welp moving on!" said the deep man grabbing his cup son and setting him on deer mans shoulder. " what now". 

" can we go back to the hotel already?" said bendy with an irritated sigh. " plus i need to give this back to foxy" she pulled foxy's arm from who knows where. 

" mind if i come with you?" Blitz asked his little demon tail wagging 

" not at all " deer man repiled 

( at the hotel )

while blitz, Bendy, cupchild and deer man were walking to the hotel, Inside it was a different story. wall died again, foxy was paniking trying to rebulid them but he couldn't with his hook and he was gonna cry soon enough, " i'm gonna kill bendy later" he mutters. " how she's not even alive-" asked soonic munching on his 5th chilli dog, " i don't know okay i'm just really pissed off i mean sure i get it i killed her 'kid' but come on i lost my good arm over a fucking egg with a face!"

" we get it foxy you're mad" said wall who was still a crumble " just get some one else to re-build me!"

" i can't i'm the one who broke ya now i gotta  fix ya'

" i hate it here"

" we know that now shush so i can concentrate!"

" uhm-i can help ya erm- wall" said Millie shrugging

" thanks but- ya any glue?"

" uh- sorry no"

" fucking damn it"

leaf came down the staris along with mangle.

" what the hell is going on-" leaf asked

" foxy is trying to revbuild me and he's doing a really bad job"

" i said shush wall i'm trying to concentrate!"

" calm down man-"


then the door got kicked down by bendy- and she yeeted foxy's good arm at his face knocking him over and onto the floor, foxy sat up and put his arm back in it's orginal place. 


" that'll be a leeson to ya!"

" oh thank god now i can rebuild wall!"

*insert lego rebuliding noises*

" thanks now what do we do"

deer man shrugs 

" welp the writter is pretty tried an they'll post a better and longer chapter tommrow"


( to be contuined tommrow i'm tried)

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