the start of world war 4 ( chapter 17 )

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( about an hour later )

When the mini walls finallly left to do god knows what, The others where busy stareing at the door where the mini walls trampled out after a few mintes of awkward  silence later, Bendy was the first one to speak up, her fur and hair a mess, " wall. . ." said bendy as calmly as she could she was shaking slightly, " what in the name of joey WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?!" wall didn't say anything they were having world war 2 flashbacks, " woah woah woah" said foxy siting up from the couch he was sitting on, " BB calm down for a second and-" 

" I AM CALM!" she screamed ink dripping down her body and onto the carpet, " clearly you're not" said left without even looking up from his phone, " you're anything but calm right now".  "thanks for stating the obvious leaf" said bendy rolling her eyes, her head steaming a little bit,  "no problem" leaf repiled and he went back to his phone with out a second thought, that's when Charlie came down the steps bags under her eyes and her long blonde hair in a messy pony tail, as she was walking she noticed wall was shaking in fear, Charlie how ever was going some where important so she didn't have time to ask why wall was shaking in fear, she stopped in front of the hotel door and turned around, 

" Alastor!" she yelled, Al snapped awake and fell off the celing fan face first onto the carpet,  "WHAT!" he repsoned picking his head up, " WHY DID YOU WAKE ME UP!" Charlie just flatned her hair as best as she could before answering the dramma king's question, " look I have bissuness to attend to, and when I get back this place better not be burnt down, have a chuck blown out of it or niftty taped to the roof!" and with that she turns around and slams the door behind her, al rolled his eyes as he stood up and walked outside, t-posed despwaned onto the roof grabbed Niffty off the roof and despwaned back inside the hotel carrying her, she scurried into her room to do tea with a dead rats, wall just floats over to the couch and grabs the tv remote and plays turnip boi commits tax evasion, 

( mean while )

The mini walls have now left the hotel and they where running away under the bright red sky, hell stank of smoke and other things, while some of or most of the mini walls where complaing about how hell smelled so bad others where more worried about getting as far away from the hotel as humanly possaible, they all stopped by a nearby bar, to catch their breath when they all heard yelling inside and smashing of glass to lots of it, the door to the bar swung open and hit on of the baby walls right in the face, the person who exited the bar was none other than tails the little edge lord wannabe villain man, he looked to his left to see what he hit with the door when he saw all the baby walls his eyed winded and his jaw dropped to the nasty bloody road after he got over that shock he started forming a plan in his head about how he could one get back at the agents that fired  him and how he could get back at the others for treating him like a joke, all the mini walls did was watch as tails paced back and forth without a second thought in their mini heads, then tails all the sudden stopped pacing and turned to the mini walls with an evil smile on his foxy face his gold tooth shining in the street lights, 

" so," said tails looking at all 43 of the mini walls, " would you like to join my army?" 

none of the walls spoke at all some gave each other worried glances others whisperd to each other about who knows what, tails watched as all of them where whispering and glancing, after about 5 mintues of the walls speaking one of them spoke up and her name was W her face was all the way on the top of her face, 

" diap teg ew lliw" she asked her little tongue stickng out like a small dog " ekac eseehc ni diap teg ew nac od ew fi dna" Tails could not under stand a singe word she just said but he just nodded unsure of what he just agreed to he could've agreed to get a lung transplant for all he knows or cares, 

" sooo who's WITH ME!" tails yelled putting his fist in the air all the mini walls where jumping up and down happily, " who wants to take down those LOSERS once and FOR ALL?!" he yelled again but louder this time, all the mini walls where really rilled up now, " BUT before we can't just charge in there and fight 'em" tails said with a puzzled look on his face, again he started pacing back and forth, thinking of a way to ambush them without them even knowing they where there, That's when tails had the best idea he huddled all the mini walls together and started talking about the plan

( mean while in the Hotel )

all of the 5 mini walls bendy force adopted are now either sleeping or causing havoc in the hotel, the twins wallie and wally where feeding husk crap tons of cat nip and he was bouncing off the walls, wallfred was in the kitchen making a knife sandwitch for mangle, that's right a KNIFE sandwitch, wallow was having an existentail crisis in the coner along with leaf wallter was asleep on the couch, Soonic came back from the hell mart and saw this choas he quickly grabbed his chilli dogs and bolted it to his room and slammed the door shut, Al was shut in the bathroom with angel and cuphead, 

" what the hell is goin' on out there is sounds like a fuckin' WAR?" angel yelled from the bathtub

" I don't KNOW okay dude!" AL repiled shaking while holding his cup son

" WHY DON'CHA GET OUTTA HERE AND CHECK!" angel yelled again 


"well. . . you're the MAN!" 

" SINCE WHEN BITCH?!" now al was some how wearing a maid dress

" i-. . . welp guess we're stuck in here 'till we die it was nice knowin' ya." 

" HA no for me"

Bendy and Oswald where hidding under a table along with niffty and her two dead rats 

" what the heck do we do NOW?" oswald yelled using his ears to cover his face

bendy was busy praying in taco, to even answer his question but niffty slapped her across the face with one of her dead rats catching bendys attention, " OW why the heck did you do that?" se yelled at her, Niffty just shrugged " your husband asked you a question!" bendy when red as a beet when she said husband so did Oswald but his face was coverd with his ears so they didn't see that, " well. . . what did he ask?" Bendy said looking over and seeing her husband cowering, " ask HIM not me" niffty yelled crawling out from under the table almost getting hit in the face with a frying pan, Mangle was trying her best to defend her self from wallfred who was trying to force feed mangle a sharp sand which, Mangle held the frying pan like a base ball bat ready to swing at him with it, 

" aye noodle eat the sand which!" Wallter yelled yeeting the sand which right at mangle but she doged it right before i could touch her 

" OH HELL no I'm not eating that!" she pointed at all the knifes now planted in the wall ight behind her

" uuuggghhhhh you're no FUN!" and just like that Wallter fell asleep right on the carpet, foxy mean while was. . . tapped to the celing fan with husk who was most likely drugged out becuase of the cat nip, foxy looked down to see nothing but the carpet that looked far away, foxy was panicking and just before he was about to fall the door slammed open and their was Charlie and she didn't look happy at all, Charlie looked up and saw foxy and husk tapped she sighed not having any engery to get mad, she grabbed a nearby ladder and untaped husk first and he just face planted on the carpet, angel exited the bathroom still shaking he saw husk and dragged husk to his room, Charlie then untapped foxy he face planted on the carpet and shot back up, Charlie came down the ladder and helped foxy up, he saluted " thanks princess" and off he went, Charlie just shrugged and went back into her room. 

( tbc in chapter 18 =] )

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