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I woke up pretty early the next day, despite being at the set until late. I hadn't really got to chat to Olivia much on the way home, as we were both tired but we did get to agree that we both couldn't believe what had happened on set, and that I was expected to at the very least now hang out with Lizzie Olsen.

Olivia had started to tell me more about Lizzie and the things she had acted in, but I didn't really want to know. I was nervous enough as it was, and didn't need any further reason to definitely show myself up in front of her.

I did hear though that she was the little sister to the Olsen twins, Mary-Kate and Ashley, and I was aware of them from watching their movies when I was younger. They were mega famous even now years later, and from what Olivia said Lizzie was now just as well known.

All I wanted to focus on was how kind and sweet she seemed to be, and how different she seemed to all the other actors Olivia had complained about in the past. Thankfully, because most of them seemed like real arseholes.

I sat in my pyjamas staring at the number on my phone screen after replying to Olivia's "Good morning, and don't fuck it up," text, and hovered my thumb over the call button. As I was going to set my phone down on the bed, deciding a cup of tea was needed first, I must have accidentally hit the screen as it started to dial.

I quickly lifted my phone again, thinking there was no real time like the present and that if I hung up now and redialled it would probably come off a bit strange. After a few rings, a voice answered.


"Hi, is this Lizzie?"

It wasn't. "Can I ask who is speaking?"

"It's Charlie. Lizzie told me to call her."

I could hear a mumbling of voices through the phone, but couldn't quite pick up on what they were saying. I did notice though that the pitch went quite high on one of the voices and then a much more enthusiastic voice took over the call.


"Hi Lizzie." Christ but even speaking to her through the phone was proving nearly impossible.

"I'm so glad you called."


"Have you eaten?"

"I- no? Not yet, why?"

"Want to meet for breakfast?"


Before I had time to consider my options, not that I would have dared say no, she had given me an address and asked me to meet her there in just over an hour. Thankfully the tube would get me there on time, not particularly wanting to pay for another cab, so I rushed into the shower, threw on one of my more presentable outfits and headed out into the dreary morning.

It was just after the morning rush hour, so I managed to avoid most of the chaos, but the closer I got to the centre of town the busier it got, and I was glad to get to the restaurant even if it was just to get away from the crowd.

She told me to ask for "Jane Banner" at the door which I thought was random, but all the same the waiter took me to a table where Lizzie was already waiting. She greeted me again with one of her bright smiles, I don't think anyone had looked this happy to see me in years apart from Olivia and my mum.

"Good morning!"

"Morning Lizzie. How's it going?" I asked awkwardly as I got comfortable in my seat. The waiter lingered by the table and I wasn't sure why. I guessed Lizzie could tell as she quickly prompted.

"He's waiting for your coat."

"Oh. Sorry," I slipped it off without standing up and passed it over. The waiter nodded and headed away with it. I probably should have emptied the pockets first, but it's not like I would sit here scrolling through my phone with Lizzie sitting opposite.

Seven Days - A Lizzie Olsen StoryWhere stories live. Discover now