Van Helsing Pt 2

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Nightfall Mountains

Once you arrive at the mountains, you didn't like the atmosphere from the jump.

Something was going to happen.

With the clouds blocking the sunlight, vampires can attack at anytime without worrying about bursting into flames.

The source of the laughter arrive into the small village. Three white body vampire flew around, snatching civilians with their clawed feet.

The Mayor charged at one with large back length orange puffy hair with yellow streaks.

The other two continue to fly around, singing a tone that cause some people to stop and follow the tune. Noticing the sight, you rolled your eyes at what you had to deal with.

Y/n: Siren Vampires...oh puck.

Reaching at your back, you pulled on a crossbow and begin firing at one of the singing vampire, one with purple color and aquamarine streak straighten hair in back length pigtails and mulberry eyes.

A couple of arrows strike the wings of the Siren, making her upset.

Siren: How dare you?!

Speeding towards you, you pull out your pistol and fired at her. But the shots didn't her as she inhale a gust of oxygen and scream at you, pushing towards a chariot, breaking it down.

Siren: Those damn hunters keep multiplying!

Another Siren, this one with light blue hair with blue stripe in a ponytail and raspberry color eyes land beside her fellow comrade with a big grin.

Siren: No worries, Aria. That means more toys to play.

Aria: Sonata, you know the Queen wants us to stay on the mission. We don't have time to play.

Sonata: Ugh, fine. I just want to toy with my favorite hunk.

The Vampire glanced at Mack and Gabby who were helping the people into building. Sonata flap her wings to fly up.

Sonata: Coming loverboy!

Aria rolled her eyes at her partner. When she turn her attention back in front of her, only to receive a arrow to the face by you.

You continue firing arrows at the pigtail vamp, walking closer to her.

Aria: [Growling] You litt-

Before she finish, you punch her in the face with your right hand. Smoke from her left side as the punch burned her.

Aria: Wh-wha? How?

You reveal gold brass knuckles on your right hand with crosses craved on each knuckle.

Y/n: I always come prepare.

As you fight the vampire, Jacqueline was holding her own against the vampire she tackled early.

Jacqueline: You damn blood suckers! Why don't you go on and git!

Siren: We don't listen to you, mortal. Queen has world changing plans that will shape the world to her liking. A world of us.

Jacqueline: Over my dead body!

Siren: That can be arranged, Appleseed.

Inhaling some air, the vampire went to scream, but the Mayor slam the palm of her left hand to the throat. Reaching to the back pocket, Jacqueline took out a wooden stake and jam it into the chest of the vampire.

Expecting it to die or burst into flames, the Mayor was surprised as the Siren didn't do that. A small smile form on her face, grabbing the mortal with her hands, turning around and throw her to a home behind her.

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