Part 5: Maximilious: The Chosen One

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The Fair was suppose to be fun with people after a long week of school or work. That changed as Demons started chasing people away and destroying stations.

On the top of the drop tower, Lincoln felt sick to his stomach. Don't get him wrong.  He love riding rides. But this was to high for his liking.

Judgment look at the frightened teen, enjoying the fear in his eyes. "Enjoy the last moments of your life. Once I receive the Devil's Blood, you're going for your last ride. Down to Hell!"

Lincoln put on a brave face. "No I won't. He'll save me. I know it."

Judgment tsk at the young adult, almost wanting to burst into laughter. "You're putting your faith in someone that doesn't know you. You really think he can save you?"

"Think? I know it" he said. But he was lying through his teeth. He wasn't sure if the Hero will show up. That grenade situation was too close for comfort.

This was different life threatening situation. 'At least my family is alright.'

Max arrived in a RV, leaping out of it and saw Demon Cops walking around in the fairgrounds. He held a hammer with two buttons on it and charged at the cops, hitting them with it. Words like "Hit" and "Strike" popped up with every hit at the enemy.

He continue to go through the fair, hitting the Henchdemons till he made it to the drop tower, where he was surrounded by more Demons.

"You guys just don't learn, huh? Judgment!"

Inside the circle of Demons, the High Prosecutor appear a couple away from him.

"Devil's Blood. Give it?!"

"Give it...?"

"Give it or the boy and other people on the ride will die" threatened Judgment.

Max only smiled at her. "I was looking for please. You do know that I know your plan. Damned if I give it to you, damned if I don't. Either way, they'll die. You can't fool me. So I give you a chance. Get those people and Lincoln off the tower or I'll get them and kick you ass back to Hell."

Judgment and Maximilious stared at each other. Both of them knew what the answer was going to be.

"So be it, Judgment."

Taking out a device, he placed it on his waist and the strap wrapped itself around to the other end. He took out two fullbottles, one pink and one white, twisting the top and flipping them down to the slots of the device.

"Doctor. Gamer. Best Match!"

Cranking the device, white and pink liquid start to flow through the inside. Clear tubes start to appear in front and behind Max, the two colors flowing in. The tubes were in the shape of Max's body, split in half.

"Are you ready?" The Device asked.

With a smile, the Hero nod his head. "Hell yeah. Game on!"

The halves collide at the Man's, forming pink and white armor with hint of green. The chest plate resemble a game controller with four different colored buttons and orange cartoon eyes on the visor.

"I'm Maximilious

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"I'm Maximilious. In this form, I'm Kamen Rider Ex-Aid. Game Start!"

Ex-Aid and Judgment ran at each other, throwing attacks at one another. The Henchdemons went to help their Leader, only to be killed off by the Hero with his Gasacon Breaker, this time in sword form.

The overwhelming numbers start to dwindle. But Ex-Aid needed to find Judgment. Looking up at the tower, he had an idea where she could be. There was these annoying monsters to get rid out of the way.

Pressing the pink A button on the hammer sword three time, the blade glowed and a powerful circular slash destroyed the monsters.

Small virtual brown squares appear above Ex-Aid leading to the top of the drop tower. He hopped on each one to go save Lincoln.

But as he got close, Max saw the people on the ride, scared and panicking. Looking up at the top and the ride, he made a choice on who to save. The people or Lincoln.

Lincoln waited for the Hero to show up. It's been going for a long time and he was hoping to be rescued soon. Judgment returned with a smile in her face.

"He's rescuing those people I trapped. Some hero he is. You were the person to rescue. Not them. All that hope for nothing."

Lincoln didn't let her words get to him. She wasn't going to win. "He knows what he's doing."

Judgment rolled her eyes, raising her right arm with night stick, coming to strike the Loud Son. "HE'S TOO LATE!"

Lincoln closed his eyes, bracing himself as he await for the deadly strike. It didn't happen. There were sounds of grunts and groans as well as clashes of metal objects.

Opening his eyes, he saw this strange person fight the Grey Demon with a sword with blade that had the spiky hair like it had on it's head.

"You are a nuisance!" yelled Judgment.

"You're right. You also know what? I'm not a liar. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I'm going to stop you and end this mess" Ex-Aid said with confidence.

The two enemies continue to fight with their weapons. The High Prosecutor got the Gashacon Breaker out of the Hero's hands and begin to bash him in the head with night sticks.

The sword slide over to the tied up Lincoln. Judgment didn't tie his legs very well and it was a great advantage as he went to pull the sword towards him.

Ex-Aid drop on the top sliding to the edge of the ride. His legs dangling in the far down ground. He try to pull himself up. But Judgment walked to the edge, a big smile on her face.

"That's a big fall. It'll be a shame if you fall."

Going through her pants pocket, the Demon took out a detonator. "Nothing can save you or that piece of shit kid. Even if the Devil's Blood don't survive. I can get rid of the two of you. Good riddance, assho-GAH!"

Judgment scream in pain as a pink spiked blade of the Gashacon Breaker impaled through her chest, blood pour out of her mouth.

"That's for my friends. That's for my family. That was for me, you demonic bitch!" said Lincoln. "Return to Hell!"

Pulling the sword out, the Loud Teen push Judgment off the top of the ride, her body falling down aimlessly to the end.

In her dying moments, she press the detonator. ""

But nothing happened. She met her end as she hit the ground.

Lincoln help pull Ex-Aid back to the top and the two laid on their back, their eyes looking at the blue sky, catching their breath.

"Thank you, Lincoln" said Ex-Aid.

"No. Thank you. Um, I didn't get your name" Lincoln said, flashing a smile.

Taking the two fullbottles out of the device and the armor flashed off Ex-Aid's body. "Max."

The mouth of the Loud Son came agap. That name of the alleged alien in the woods last night.

"No...way. You're the alien!"

"Hush, hush. Keep it down now. Voices carry. It is me. Come on. Let's get you home."

The two men made it back to the ground level. They went to the spot where Judgment fell. There was nothing. No corpse. No blood.

Lincoln shook his head. "It can't be. She's gone..."

"Where else does a demon go? To Hell. It won't be the last time I see her. I still got what she wants. Come on, Lincoln. I promise your family to bring you home."


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