The Nightmare

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It is a rainy night. People would use their umbrella to stay dry. I couldn't care to stay dry. I am one who enjoys getting wet. It makes me feel something in this cold body.

It was a Tuesday in the month of May. As people were getting ready for their 3rd Shift job or head home from a long day of work, I was on a mission. The night time was the perfect time for me.

The other side of me.

5 days it has been that the police in this dump of a city look for a kidnapped girl. Princess Morbucks. Tomorrow, the family plans on giving up the ransom money to get her back.

$600 Million Dollars or the kid dies. Not on my watch. I knew who wrote because the person stick to one color. I just needed to know where they're hiding.

The perfect spot for a criminal. Or criminals.


In the main office building that was a run down shack, a group of men with green skin were smoking weed inside, laughing and enjoying the time of their life.

"This is like taking candy from a baby. A rich baby" Ace, the 2nd tallest guy in the room said, taking a couple puffs before passing it to the shortest guy, Lil Arturo.

"Boss, you think they'll get the CNPD involved?"

Ace let out a snort. "Of course. But if we go by the plan, it'll go smooth."

"Sssssssix hundred million. We gotta do thisss more often" Snake who look like a human snake with two legs snickered.

The Gang went on having a good time till the lights started to flicker.

Ace let out a sigh. "Hey Grubber! Go crack."

The strange member of the group spit with his tongue out.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Of all of us, who fucked up the bank robbery a month ago? You did! This is your punishment. Now, go!"

Grubber got up and walked out the house to the side where there was a crank to keep the lights running.

The lights kept on flickering, annoying Ace. He shook his head, turning to the tallest and fattest member, Big Billy. "Billy, see what that idiot is doing."

Billy walk out after getting stuck and walk to the right side.

"The other side!" yelled the annoyed Leader. He saw the big man walk past as he left the door open. A few seconds later, there was a scream that alerted Ace, Snake, and Lil Arturo.

"This better not be a prank!" Ace warned. "I'm the only one who pulls pranks."

Big Billy was crawling back to the open door. Blood on his orange hair and face. But was quickly pulled back to the side. Ace ran to the back of the shack, grabbing an automatic assault rifle.

He entered back to the living room. It was just him. "Snake? Arturo? Where the fuck are you? Don't you dare try to scare me."

Careful looking around while aiming the rifle. He couldn't tell if it was a trick or real. Whatever it was, someone was about to have bullets in their body.

Something drip on his right side of his cheek. Touching the wet drop, Ace was starting to freak out. More drops start to fall on his face, causing him to look up.

Lil Arturo was tied to the ceiling, his arms and body wrapped around by Snake.

Something. No someone was in the house. "Who the fuck is in here?! Where are you, pig?"

This couldn't be done by a cop. Could it?

The lights shut off. Ace felt something strike him in the face as he fell to the floor, losing his grip of his gun. The strikes continued till he was unconscious.


Detective Honeydew entered the building as fast as she can. There was a call that she received about the missing child case she was handling and was told to come in.

She saw Mr. and Mrs. Morbucks and three girls. A black short haired girl wearing green outfit sat on a nearby desk, tired and pissed. "This better be good, Honeydew."

"Come on, Buttercup" a girl with long red hair with a red bow to match her red outfit. "This is important based on the call we got."

"We just want to know if our baby is okay?" Mrs. Morbucks told everyone.

The doors burst opened to the building with a strong wind. The lights begin to flicker. It was raining, but no sign of a storm.

The lights stop going on and off and stayed on. In the middle of room were The Gangreen Gang wrapped together in chains. They were beaten up badly.

"Somebody get a medic here!" Honeydew ordered.

Blossom walked up to the group's leader who had a note stapled on his forehead. It was the ransom note that was sent to the Morbucks.

There was someone groaning next to the blonde girl who had on a blue attire. She look at the person and gasp when she recognized her. "Girls!"

"Oh my goodness, Bubbles. This...better be...good..." Buttercup finish saying seeing what made her partner scream.

It was Princess Morbucks still gagged and bound in rope.

The Morbucks grab their daughter, hugging her. Honeydew and the girls look at each other, confused on how she came here?

The lights went out once again. The only light everyone see was coming from outside by the door. Purple flames lit bright, attracting Bubbles, Blossom, Detective Honeydew and Buttercup to it.

Bubbles tried to open the door, but it didn't budge.


I looked at the four ladies from other side of the door. The Powerpuff Girls. The reason that green abomination squad been in and out of jail.

Now they're going to think twice before robbing a bank or kidnap bitchy ass brats. The girls beat them up. I do the same thing. But I put fear in them.

In a world with three powerful girls, a boy with some alien watch and...whatever Crowder is, I'm the only one who's making a difference in crime and I will continue on.

The flames grew as their eyes widen at the sight of me. It wasn't my body or my powers.

It was my mask. The look that drives fear to all that stares into the eyes.

The eyes of the Nightmare.

The Nightmare
(Y/n x Cartoon Network City)

Inspired by Matt Reeves The Batman


The Batman has been my favorite movie  since the new year and I wanted to do a story without having the actual Batman in it.

So I used Fade from Fortnite. I love the skin especially the mask and been trying to do a story on the skin. I thought of putting him in CN City, going against the Powerpuff Girls, Ben, Dexter, etc.

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