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The rest of the family were already seated when they came outside, with the looks they are all giving her, they must hear them during their lovemaking, and she was flushed and embarrassed "good morning" she greeted them looking away
Jasper mum came to pick her way from jasper side "good morning my daughter" she was beaming with so much joy "hope you guys succeeded in making me a grandma"
Miranda also coming to join them on the cushion they have sat down "girlfriend, good morning, how was your night, hope you slept well, oh I remembered, it was this morning" she teased her
"I slept well, thanks for asking," she said back to her
"We heard you this morning" she heard a voice in her head, she looks around and saw Bryan smiling at her
"Get out of my head," she said looking at him
"You were so damn loud, was he that good" he teased back
"I swear to God, if you don't get out now, I will...."
"You will what Luna, yes Jasper" he dares her with a mocking tone
she was about to stand up to spank his head when Jasper spank his head for me which make me surprise, how did he know I was going to do that "because he can hear our thought dummy" my wolf answered
"I am saving you the stressed, you are sore," he said in my head
"Shit" I cursed out now, I should have known since we finished the mating process
"Is anything the matter Luna?" Miranda asked
They are all here to torment her obviously "like seriously, you too," she asked looking at Miranda
Giving her an innocent look "what are you talking about my Luna" she couldn't keep the serious face as she burst out laughing making everyone in the room laugh too
"Let's eat breakfast and then we all talk cause I believe there is so much to talk about," his father said
Jasper came to her side to support her to the dining room because he knows she is sore, she wanted to argue with him that she was fine but the looks on his face told her not to dare it "sure"
They all sat around the table, the Alpha doesn't normally eat with the rest of the pack members who decide to live in the packhouse especially the Omega who normally stay with their alpha, they are the least rank in the pack and they always helping the Alpha with basic things, she normally does see them as maid cause that is literally what they do. They were served breakfast and her mouth begins to salivate, she ate last night but this morning works out on bed has exhausted her, jasper looks at her and smiled. Oh shit, he can hear her thought, how did she keep embarrassing herself
"Stop stressing yourself, I will teach you how to hide your thought from me but I won't encourage it, I will always love to hear your thought about me"
"What about other guys," she thought back
He growled out with everyone at the table looking at him, Rose quickly concentrate on her food giving an innocent look "is anything the matter" she asked with a raised brow. Jasper also smirked, oh two can surely play this game "you need to stop thinking about other guys cause I won't hesitate to repeat what happen this morning to show you who you belong too"
Her cheeks were crimson red with embarrassment; she didn't know he will take it that far, she kept quiet as everyone at the table laughed even with Bryan nudging at her.
They ate the remaining of the breakfast in silence, after eating, Jasper knows he has to tell his parent the truth, they should know too "Rose, you and Miranda can take a tour around the pack but don't go too far while we talk"
"If it's about me, why can't I be involved in your meeting" she protested
"Please, you can't know about it yet, I want to protect you"
"If you want to protect me, you need to get me to involve"
"Yes, she needs to know too" Bryan input "it's all about her and she needs to know what's coming"
"I did not ask for your suggestion wolf" it was obvious Jasper did not like the idea
"Sadly you will be seeing me as far you are her mate cause am also her protector" he didn't mean to say that out loud but his wolf is angry that someone is stopping them to protect who they want to protect
"What do you mean, you are my protector" rose asked confused, she never heard of a wolf having a protector before
"You can as well tell her since you already started it," Jasper said angrily, he is disrespecting his alpha title
"You both are confusing the lady," his father said coming in between them "you both should settle this amicably and Rose needs to be aware too," he said facing his son
"What is happening," his mother asked me
"I know that Rose is my mate the day school resumes back" he replied
"What, how come you told me about it only just yesterday, Jasper, I am your mother you can't keep it away from me, I am disappointed in you"
"I am sorry mother but I refused the mate bond, I was scared"
"Oh my God, why will do such a thing," his father said looking at Rose in pitiful "that means you have put her through hell"
"My wolf marked her the day I want to reject her" he explained
"Your wolf does not want you to take such a drastic step, he knew it could kill you, you will be weak and your enemy will overpower you"
"She is a white wolf" he voices out "and have been receiving some letters even before I met her"
"White wolf" his father and mother chorused
"How did you know am a white wolf," she said, nobody knows except her family
"That's why I am your protector and same with my mate here" Bryan explained
Everything is confusing to her, is she in danger for being a white wolf "who is after me, is it a red eyes alpha" she asked maybe that will confirm the dream she has been having
Jasper was alarmed, was he nearer than he thought "have you meet him" moving closer to her
"No, but have been seeing him in my dream" was her replied
"Oh shit," Bryan said "he is already meeting her in her dream"
"What going on" his father was tired of the way they are talking in the parable
"That's the Alpha of rogue, he has been sending me a message to get him the white wolf in my pack, I just didn't know she was my mate, I just sensed it," Jasper said
"He is ruling his kingdom with that witch," Miranda said
"How did you know that," his mother asked her
"Caused she is from there, I rescue her and later found out she is my mate" Bryan answered for her
"No wonder he was able to communicate with her through her dreams, he needs her power to take over the whole werewolf world"
She started to panicked "I don't have any powers, you get it wrong, am just a regular white wolf" she is more than scared now
"That's because you are to get them on your birthday" Jasper answered
"It's five days away," she said still panicking
"Calm down babe, am here and I will always protect you" smoothing her into his embrace
"You also have Miranda and me" Bryan added
"I can't let you all risk your life from me," she said crying into Jasper's shoulder "maybe I should go to him now and when he sees I don't have any power, he will let me go"
"He is not taking my mate away from me"
"what are we going to do then, he must know who I am to be invading my dream," she said panicking
"I don't think so, if he knows who you are, he will have come for you," Jasper mom said
"then we better make sure he doesn't know who she is and we should look for a way to stop him from invading her dream any longer" his father added
"I will talk with the person who let me know am a protector if she can help"
"that will be good," Miranda said
The sound of a plate dropping in the kitchen divert their attention, someone is eavesdropping on their conversation
"Who is there?" Jasper said standing up "I better not have a spy in my pack, they are going to regret thinking about it" following the sound to where it came from.

who do you think is the spy and do you think they are going to be able to stop him from invading her dream. read to find out

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