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Rose pov
      getting home, I couldn't find the both of them but I saw Jasper mum "ma, where are they"
"they are in his office, you must be tired, come and relax while I get you something to eat," she told me
I wasn't in the mood to eat anything right now, I just want to know what is going on "is everything fine"
" of course darling, you don't need to worry yourself" she knows something which she is hiding too
Miranda came to meet me "I thought you are with Bryan"
"he was called to Jasper office, it looks pretty serious"
"do you know what is happening too"
"no" she is lying and I know it
"please Miranda, I just want to know what is going on" I begged
"am sorry Rose but it's better if Jasper tells you himself" she stood up and left me there
"sky, what is going on," I asked my wolf
"I don't know too" she replied me "but I have a feeling something is very wrong" she added
"can't you ask his wolf, at least both of you do talk"
"have tried, his wolf seems angry over something and isn't telling us anything"
I was about to say something when the office door open and all men came outside, even my dad was here "dad, what are you doing here" going to his side to give him a hug
    "nothing princess, I just came to see Alpha Jasper" yet he looks worried
"Can someone tell me what is wrong" I screamed
my brother came to my side to tell me something but Jasper shook his head not to tell me "really, is that how it's going to be, then am out of here" picking up Jasper's car key that was on top of the table.
"Rose, stop it, why are you behaving childish" Jasper said
"am behaving childishly?" he hurt coming out of his mouth "good luck in getting a matured mate" storming out of the house with everyone calling" my name to come back.
         he dares call me a child for worrying, entering into the car, I reverse and then drove out of the compound, I don't have anywhere to go and I don't want to go home, I decided to go to the human bar where nobody that knows me will see me, thank God it was not crowded, moreover who will want to get drunk in the afternoon. Settling down on a seat on the counter, I saw the barman, he is a young guy who should be in his late twenties, he is handsome but not as handsome as my mate. I told him to get me the strongest drink they have in the bar, he looks at me like am I sure
"hell yeah, just give it to me" advantage of being a werewolf is that we don't easily get drunk
  he thinks for a moment before getting me the drink "so why will a beautiful lady like you want to get drunk in a bar all alone" he asked me
"what can I say, am having a really bad day" gulping it down, it hurts my throat for a first-time drinker but hell am here to get myself intoxicated "give me another one," I told him
"you might want to slow it down," he told me
"just get me another" I was only worried about what's going on and he looked into my eyes to call me childish, collecting the drink from the handsome guy "just keep it coming"
"so, who broke your heart," he asked me
"excuse me"
"you are here in the middle of the day trying to get drunk, who else can be the cause if not a man"
I laughed, not only is he handsome, but he is also intelligent "let me ask you a question, is it a crime to be worried about my boyfriend" I didn't want to say, mate
"no, why" he answered serving another customer that arrived.
"he said am childish for being worried" taking another shot
"he is such an idiot"
my wolf was sad about what our mate called us but obviously, she wasn't enjoying the conversation am having with this stranger, when did she stop being supportive
"When you drive us away from the pack, we could be in danger," she told me
"common relax, we are safe, nobody knows us here" she blocked me. she too
Jasper pov
     my father called me during the school hour to get home with Danny, immediately I mind link Danny that we are needed at the packhouse. getting home we went to my office where my father and my mate father are already waiting for us. he explained that when he was taking his usual run with Rose father along the border when he has found two corpses with a message on them that they know who the white wolf is in my pack and that she was my mate
    "How did he know she is my mate" I was angry, someone was trying to reach me through the mind link but I kept blocking the person out, now isn't the time.
   "I don't know but I do know the corpses are not any member of the pack" he answered back
that was a relief that everyone is safe but my mate is now in danger "what are we going to do now" Danny asked "my sister is the one in danger"
"but she is my mate, meaning am more concerned than you" remembering my mate is still at school, I called Bryan to bring her home as we are already at home, he asked what is wrong and all I told him was that he already knows who she is.
       we were still discussing when Bryan joined us "guy, what you said on phone, I don't understand, what do you mean by he knows," he asked
"am surprised too, there is a spy in the packhouse" am more worried now "hope you didn't tell her anything," I asked
"no, I only told her you told me to bring her home"
"better, no one is to tell her anything"
"she deserves to know" Danny protested
"do you want her running to him cause that is what she will be doing, she will endanger herself to keep everyone safe," I told him
"what do you suggest"
"I suggest we all play it cool till we come up with a solution"
they all agreed and I guess the meeting is over. coming out of the office, Rose was outpacing around, she must have been waiting for us, she greeted her dad and then asked what was going on. Danny was about to tell her but I warned him, this got her angry and I guess my next word ruined everything.

Danny pov
     I wanted to explain to her what is going on but then also I can't disrespect my alpha, immediately she stormed out of the house, we ran after but damn she is very fast, maybe it was her powers too cause she can run very fast "you see what you cause, are you supposed to say that" I fired at him
"Danny, you won't speak to your alpha in such a manner" my father warned
"This is your daughter we are talking about, we don't even know where she went to"
"am sure she went home to her mum" Jasper dad said and immediately I brought out my phone from my pocket to call mum
"Hello mum, is Rose there with you"
"have you start drinking Danny, have you forgotten she doesn't stay with us again, she must be at the packhouse"
"Okay, I will check there," I said in order not to worry mum, dropping the call "she is no there"
Jasper stood there dumbfounded, It's almost five hours now and evening already yet she is not back. Jasper become quiet, I guess he is trying to mind link her or make their wolf communicate "Danny, you are right, I should have told her"
"of course, that was the same mistake you did the first time, yet you do it again"
"don't worry, I will go bring her home, you all can go home"
"home, do you even know where she is"
"there is a tracker on my car, I will track her down"
"and you are just telling me this now" I shouted, he just got me scared
"I promise, this is my fault and I will sort it out, you all go home"
       "I will be here first thing tomorrow," I said as I left the packhouse

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