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Patrick pov
I have a feeling something wrong, my spy hasn't get back to me to update me on what is going on, I have been trying to get him but all to no avail, I hope he did not betray me cause I am going to piece his limb one after the other. Negro too is nowhere to be found, he told me he needs to visit his hometown to find out about more but since then I haven't heard from him. Brenda on the other hand, I am expecting her today to come and give me feedback on the assignment I gave to her.
I went to check on those training including my recruit, anyone that refused to join the fight is to be killed immediately, I don't care Rose is going to be mine sooner or late, only one more week to go and she will be next to me, I might need her to empower me before but now I will also want her to warm my bed, those slender legs, and pretty curves.
"Alpha, your Luna is here to see you" I was angry, my only luna is Rose
I held him by his neck "have I ever introduced anyone to you as my luna" I asked him
he struggled to get free from my hold "no, but she said she was the luna"
"no one is my luna except I said so, are we clear" he nods his head and I let him go
I need to put that girl in her space, who told her I was going to make her my Luna, walking back into the house, I saw her sitting down on my chair but that isn't important right now "were you able to separate them"
"they are fighting right now but that isn't the problem"
"What is the other problem you are having cause my only problem is to make Rose mine"
"why will you be thinking about her, am your mate for crying out loud"
"do I look like I care and you need to stop telling people you are my luna"
"cause I am, am your mate, am carrying your baby"
I stopped for a second, what is she talking about "come again, I didn't hear you clearly"
"I said am pregnant"
"abort it," I said nonchalant, the only person I want to carry my heir is Rose
"am not going to, it's your baby and you are my mate" she screamed into my face, she is growing wings nowadays" am not giving you a choice here"
"and am not asking for your opinion here"
I walked up to her "listen very carefully, woman, the only person allowed to carry my heir as to be a white wolf because it's going to give me more power" I said with so much joy
"Good luck in getting her and so you know, they are preparing for your attack"
that got my attention, I knew I told them I was coming back but I didn't tell them how soon "what do you mean" holding her hands
"Get your filthy hands off me right now, am not going to tell you anything,"
that pissed me up that I slapped her hard across her face "am not joking here Sophie, tell me what you know"
"you slapped me, you know what I Brenda Caleb reject......." I slapped her again "you don't get to reject me because it's only going to make me weaker now"
"I hate you, Patrick" she was on the ground holding her cheeks
"the feelings are mutual and you better get rid of that thing in your belly," I told her as I walked away.
I need to hasten up my plan, now that Rose isn't with Jasper again, I should kidnap her but I don't want to risk her using her powers on me, I have to threaten her with the person she loves the most and being the beta daughter, they are influential, Negro who is meant to help me out has suddenly disappeared.
Brenda pov
if Rose thinks she can take everything away from me, she has another thing coming for her, I am going to kill her before she takes away my mate from me, I already left jasper for her but am never going to let her have Patrick too. he even dared to slap me all because of her, getting up from the ground, I left Patrick pack to go to my former pack, I have a score to settle with Rose. I drove down to the packhouse.
I met Danny with a girl I haven't met before "where is your sister"
"what are you doing here Brenda"
"am here to see your sister, not you"
"oh, have you forgotten about the drama you pulled in school that day, so you expect her to be here"
I guess my little tactics work that day "just warned her to stay away from my mate"
Jasper came out of nowhere "Danny, what is she doing here, do you invite her here"
"what a rhetorical question is that Jasper, you of all people should know how much I hate her," he said as he eyed me from head to toe but that isn't important
"Jasper darling" I have to re strategies
"hold on, is he your mate that my sister is to stay away from or Patrick," Danny asked amused
how did he know Patrick is my mate, I did not tell anyone about it, I got scared but still, look like I don't know what he talking about "how am I Brenda mate, you should be fighting for your sister " Jasper asked
"you know my sister is your mate you impregnated her" he used his hand to wash me away
the girl with him did not say anything but try to keep her laughter, am I funny to her "DNA will prove that" he then face me "get out of my place, or I will throw you out myself"
if I was not pregnant, I would have stayed to dare him so I backed away and walked out of them, am still going to get Rose.
Danny pov
I should have received the award for the best actor of the year, immediately Brenda left, we all started laughing "Danny, you are harsh"
"she was messing with my sister mate, what do you expect me to do, kiss her shoes?" I asked him
"I wonder what she is doing here, is she here to confirm rose isn't here anymore," Jasper asked
"maybe, the first person she asked of was Rose"
"thank God Rose is sleeping cause I won't have known how to explain this situation to her"
"you are keeping another secret from her, she will fry your ass this time around," I told him with laughter
he breathes out "I will explain to her when she wakes up"
"better do or else I will love to watch the drama that unfolds," I told him which cause Sarah to hit me "ouch, why are you hitting me, I did nothing wrong
" you are being a pussy" Jasper said making me to glared at him
"you should have seen the looks on her face" Sarah chipped in and also change the topic
"I have a feeling she was talking about Patrick before you come in," I told Jasper
"you know she is carrying my baby," Jasper said with sarcasm
"Oh yeah, what a pity, I did not know, where is my sister"
"she is sleeping, I just want to help dad with some pack duties, the training has taken all of my time," he told me
am grateful when dad and Jasper dad agree to take over temporarily while we prepare for the war, so we just need to focus on one thing "it will be over soon, we are protecting our mate here"
"to be honest man, am scared"
"who is not scared, we just have to be strong and positive"
"I pray all of this is over soon"
"same with me, I don't want to continue to live in fear that someone is after my mate," he said
If I did not have my mate, I will have just make fun of him but now I know better cause I felt the same towards the girl whose head is resting on my shoulder, brushing her head gently as I and Jasper continued our conversations"I will see you later guy, dad must be tired"
"is he still going on that vacation with your mum"
"perhaps after the war, am think of taking mine too"
"you are my Beta, you are not allowed to go anywhere," he told me and walked away
we are not allowed to take a break except if our child take over from us, holding Sarah hands "if our child take over from us one day, I will surely take you around the world"
she blushed "so far am always with you, I am okay," she told me making my wolf smile inside my head.

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