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Hanna pov
l left them to go look for Isaac, although he is not helping them to prepare for the war cause of his status in the pack he is trying hard to prove himself worthy of me.
"so how was it," he asked me as he saw me
moving more closer to him as he embraced me "she didn't take very well at first but Danny helped"
"that's great" he looks at me "have you be crying"
"I thought I was losing my sister"
"'I am sorry, I wasn't there for you," he told me
"I want to introduce you to everyone, I know they know you but I want to make it official"
"Are you sure, am not in haste, you can surely take your time"
"don't you want to meet them," I asked him
"of cause I do babe"
"we will do that tomorrow at dinner"
"anything my queen want"
"so what are you doing" smuggling more closer to him
"I missed you, I was looking for you"
"Glad we found each other then" I laughed
"will you come to my room"
finally, have been looking forward to the day he was going to ask me that question, all we do is meet up or he should take me out, the least we ever do was to hug "sure" I said before he changes his mind again.
getting up from where we are both sitting, he led me to other quarters in the packhouse, I haven't been to this side of the pack before, there are a lot of people here, and judging by their scents, they are Omegas "you can hold my hands if they make you feel uncomfortable" I heard him says
I nodded my head and hold his hand, there surely is a lot of people in the pack and I haven't met them, a lot of eyes were staring at me, some greeted me while the others just mind their business "I don't know many people stayed in the packhouse"
"that is because we don't get involved in you people business"
when we enter his quarters, I met two elderly people, I thought we are going to his room "mom, dad meet my mate, Hanna"
I wasn't prepared for this, he did this on purpose cause he was smiling at me, I frowned at him as I go greet his parents "Oh my, you didn't tell me your mate is the luna friend" his mother said hugging me
"he never tells us he met his mate except he comes late nowadays" I was a bit awkward, I wasn't prepared for this at all "nice to meet you sir and ma"
His mother laughed "feel comfortable, this is also your house" I nodded and smiled
"mother, I promised to show her something up in my room, I will bring her down for dinner"
I look up at him and whispered "am I staying that long"
he did not answer me but free me from his mother hold and led me to dinner "you did not tell me I will be meeting your parent today" I said immediately we entered his room
"would you have followed me?" he asked
"of course not" I exclaimed
"exactly why I did not, you are mine," he said
"Isaac" he was walking closer to me
"I want to kiss you" lifting my head to look at him, he then bends his head too and the spark erupted, he was coming closer to my lips "Isaac"
"Shhh, don't say anything" he then placed his lips on mine
drawing him more closer to kiss him deeper, this is our first kiss and definitely won't be the last, my wolf herself is howling in my head with how close our mate his "your lips have been tempting me since day one and have been looking forward to this day"
"am glad you brought me here today cause I want you to kiss me also," I told him
no words were said again as we enjoyed each other tongues in our mouth, his hand brushed my hair "I want to mark you, I want people to know you are mine"
he is being too possessive today and I wonder why, is something going on that I don't know, I brush the mindset of "I am your Isaac"
"then let me mark you" I moved my hair to one side of my neck to reveal my collarbone and where is mark is going to be, he seems so excited to mark me, cause the next thing he did was to kiss my neck which makes me hold him more for support, he was suckling harder into it that his teeth were grazing my neck and without warning, he bites into my neck.
"ah" I cried out at first but then after it softened into moaned "oh baby" he licked the blood making it heal and also conveying electric shock all through my body. I can now see why people complete the mating process after being marked cause what I want right now is to be taken by him and to be beside him.
His lips found mine yet again and this time it is different from the first one we shared because I feel more connected to him than before "you are all mine now"
"I have always been yours," I said in-between kiss
"good to hear, so where was I," he asked "don't worry, I just want to rub my scents all over you, that will comfort my wolf"
"Isaac, what the matter, is something bothering you"
"alpha Patrick has been trying to reach me, I fear for my life"
"Why didn't you tell me" I knew something was wrong
"it's my job to protect you and not the other way round"
"it's also my job to make sure my mate is alive" I was really angry at him, something this big was bothering him and he did not tell me "he is going down"
"Hannah, please"
"have heard you" he lay down on the bed with my head on his chest, it is not over.

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