Twenty two

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Rose pov
       The rest of the evening, I even cut the chocolate cake they made for me, I feel some kind of weird like something wanted to happen but something is protecting it from happening "are you okay" Sarah ask me
      "I don't think so, can you please get my brother or the Alpha"
she nodded and drifted away
"what's happening to you, are you a white wolf," Hanna asked me
"How did you know," I said amidst my pain
she looks round to make sure nobody is listening "Sarah is also a white wolf"
"shit," I said as saw everybody approaching me
"let's get her inside," Jasper dad said "we can't let people know what going on here especially with her"
"I will set everyone home, the party is over anyway," Danny said as he walks away from us
Jasper lifted and carry me into the house and placing me on his lap as he seat down on the chair "what's happening to her" he asked my father
"someone is protecting her powers from manifesting"
"what do you mean Jasper asked "who else knew about it"
"I do," a stranger said which makes Miranda flip away in fear, thank God Bryan was beside her to hold her
     "Who are you," Jasper dad asked
"he is the witch that is working for that alpha of rogue"
that must be the reason she is scared, everybody covers me away from me and Jasper growled at him hard that I thought his wolf might come out.
    The pain has subdued now, and, my wolf did not feel threatened by this new guy instead she feels safe "guys, if am in danger, Bryan will know"
"that's true," Miranda said
"that is because am not a threat, am a protector," the stranger said "Miranda, nice seeing you again"
"I can't say the same about you," she said between gritted teeth
"what are you doing here," my father asked
"as I said earlier, am her protector"
"her protector won't be working with her enemy"
"that's because I want to protect her" looking to his other side and staring deeply into Sarah eyes that my brother have to draw her more closer to himself "I see, another white wolf"
everybody was shocked except me, it's no longer new news to me "what do you want Negro" Sarah asked him
"so you are with your powers already," he thinks "I can set you up with him, after all, am not your protector"
suddenly something sparks in me, I walk up to him even with Jasper trying to draw me back "I command thee to protect her even with your life" holding his neck up
"yes your highness," he said bowing down to me
    Releasing him immediately, what just happened to me "what happened"
"I thought I blocked your powers from manifesting," he said surprised and gaining control of himself back
"what's happening," Jasper dad asked
"I guess one of her powers is making him bind to her will" my dad replied
"How is Sarah a white wolf, you two are twins," Jasper asked
"I guess, it passes me" Hanna replied
"Now we have two white wolves in the pack, we need to be more prepared especially with this snitch here," Danny said
"don't worry yourself, we still get more time to prepare, he is Rose protector, he can't harm her even if he wants to and with Rose command, he can't harm your mate" my dad explained
   everybody becomes relieved instantly "he will be visiting tomorrow" the guy Negro said
"who" we all chorused together
"he is coming to see if you get your powers," he said "that why I try protecting your powers but I think you are breaking the barriers"
"he can't meet Sarah here"
"I will protect her," my brother said
"he will be suspicious if the Beta is not around," I told him
"she will be with us," Bryan said "we will keep her safe, I promise"
with that Negro disappear to wherever he has come from.
"so why didn't anyone tell me Sarah is a white wolf, do you know about this Danny," Jasper asked
    "no, am just hearing the same as you," he said too like he was just recovering from his shock too
    "am sorry for not telling anyone but it's not something you go about telling everyone" Sarah explained
"I told the Luna when I found out she is a white wolf"
everybody was staring at me as if I have betrayed them or something "don't you all look at me like that, I was told some hours ago and that too when am in pain"
"what are we going to do, I don't want my mate taken away from me," Danny said
"both of you should mark each other, just like Rose and Jasper" my father suggested
"I agree with that" Jasper dad added
"I don't think so, am going to mark her when she is ready no because of some psycho who wants her," he said
we all turn to look at Sarah to make her decision, she moves closer to Jasper "am ready, am tired of running and I don't want to run anymore, you are my mate"
      "Are you saying this because we are under pressure," he asked her
"nope, am saying this because I want it too"
isn't this romantic, I was becoming emotional "what are we going to do concerning his arrival tomorrow" I asked
"I will call a meeting with the pack warriors early tomorrow as it is already late to be at alert in the case and we will make sure the children and woman are safe," Jasper said
   "I will help too" Danny included
"I will be up in your room first thing tomorrow morning to come to take Sarah with me"
    "I want to help," Hanna said
"leave this to the men Hanna, we don't want him suspicious of anything," My mom said "you will be with us" referring to her and Jasper's mum.
"okay" she agreed
      "lets us call it a night, we will be having a long day tomorrow," Jasper dad said
"I agree, we don't know what tomorrow hold," Jasper said
with everyone standing up, we all move to our designated room, Hanna was giving room to stay in since she won't be going home tonight and her sister is being taken by the beta.

    Danny pov
I took Sarah to my room, I want to take everything close to her, I don't want to hurt her in any way "Sarah, you can change your mind" settling her on the bed to seat
"I already told you, it's still going to happen, so why to prolong it," she said
she isn't helping at all, if I should mark her, there is no going "if it's okay by you" moving more closer to her "may I?" she nodded her head as I move her hair to one side. her collarbone is tempting that I want to dig my teeth into it, instead, I placed a soft kiss on them to warm her up.
    she whined at my touch, clinging to me more than before if she keeps up like this, I won't be able to control myself "oh.....yea.....Danny" she moaned out my name
she was unbuttoning the shirt I was putting on while I was fondling her breast in my hand with my mouth still on her neck "you will feel a little sting but don't worry it's just for a second"
"I trust you" that is all I need to hear as I sink my teeth into her neck, her finger dug into my skin and they hurt like hell, gradually, her grip loosely as she seems to be enjoying it, I lick her neck clean before going for her lips
    At last, I will be kissing the lips that have been tempting me since I first saw her, "oh babe, am be wanting to kiss these lips" biting her lips for entrance. at her gasp, I was all in her mouth kissing her more deeply, it was intense. the gown she was wearing is disturbing, moving my hand to the zipper at the back, I unzipped it and help her out of it, am not going to be having sex with her but I want to feel her, my wolf wants to rub his scents all over her.
      "can I mark you too," she asked me amidst a moan
"why not, I will be honored to be bare your mark too," I told her
she climbed me immediately spreading her legs on me, if not for my trouser and her panties, she will be seating on my shaft, the thought of it is getting me wild, am sure am going to be needing a cold shower after that.
  "if you keep teasing me like this, you will soon be moaning more than my name," I told her
she kept on with her teasing, she is asking for it, I spank her ass, and then she also sinks her teeth into my neck.

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