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The guys stick to them like glue except for the time when they entered the lingerie store, they were forced to stay outside and after getting everything they need, they decided to go eat lunch, the men are so tired, they have made use of them as their carrier.
"Remind me not to follow you ladies shopping next time," Bryan said taking a seat at the restaurant they entered
"Nobody forced you to follow us, you are just possessive that's all," Miranda said taking a seat for herself too "we aren't in danger for going shopping"
"We don't know when the attack will come, we can't risk it" Jasper answered as he brought out a seat for Rose to sit down before sitting down beside her; he was tired too but Rose is far more important to him "what will you like to have" he heard her ask
"Anything you are getting" he was too tired to be selecting or picking
"So, how are we going to be celebrating your birthday," Miranda asked "we should surely do more shopping" she full of energy cause am also exhausted too
"Don't you get tired babe, am still very much tired from all the stress you guys put me through today" Bryan said
Miranda giggled in her seat as the waiter comes in to take their order "son, I and your mum have decided to take a break and travel for a while"
No wonder his mum has been glowing lately "sure dad, I understand, I will take care of my pack and my people" The waiter comes in with their order and settled it in front of them before excusing himself "so when did you plan on going"
"After your mate birthday, moreover we want to be here when she is sworn in as the Luna"
He has forgotten about it, he was more passionate about making up his mistake with his mate that he forgot about the ceremony "oh, that is true, we will be doing it with her birthday together then" Rose was happy and also nervous at the same time, she will be the Luna of the pack instead of that slut, thinking about her, she wanted to puke.
           After their lunch, they drove back to the park house, and the ladies leaving the guys to bring their loads in as they went inside, the men struggled with their stuff, and getting them inside they all went to their separate rooms.

Miranda pov
      I kind of feel guilty looking at Bryan like this; he is looking grumping and tired "my love, sorry, should I prepare a bath for you to relax"
"Mock me all you want right now, I will be showing you who the boss is later" threatening her
", am not mocking you" helping him to remove the polo he is wearing and making sure to touch his skin, he shrives at my touch
"Don't start what you can't finish" pulling me close and make the both of us fall on the bed
"Who told you I can't finish what I am starting" kissing him lightly
"I will take that as a challenge, even though am tired, that won't stop me from having you" removing my top "you are not wearing a bra" he chuckled
"Yea dear and what are you going to do about it" my nipples are aching me, they want to be touched
He did not bother to answer me instead he bends his head to suck on them making me moan out "am going to make you moan my name" he smirked, he did it on purpose and then he found his way down to my skirt
My wolf Cassie wants to be let out but I know Bryan won't be able to satisfy her urge except if his wolf takes over so I just tell her she should wait till next time cause our mate is tired and we won't want to stress him further. She back away understanding my plight but not before she told me she will be taking charge next time.
         With his other hand under my skirt, he then bases his finger on my clitoris, I found the whole thing tremendously intoxicating; I was getting drunk on the pheromones floating in the air. I must confess the thought of being full of his spunk was something quite appealing for the entire dynamic display, he took his time with me, no surprise because he is always gentle with me, he was still pumping into me with his finger with me ready to climax.
I didn't even notice I was completely naked before him and him only in his short, I gave out a whimper as he took back my nipples into his mouth and sucked on them. When it reappeared it had grown incredibly. The areola had crinkled and shrunk, the nipple, well that could poke eyes out, fuck, I was turned on!
       I was so mesmerized by his cock pressing hard against my clit and knocking against it, I scream out in pleasure as I welcomed him in, his hands continued to torture and tease my nipples and his phallus slid in a rhythmic motion between the folds of my vaginal valley. I moaned as the rhythm of Bryan pounding cock between my legs got faster and faster. His manipulating digits on her now engorged hard deep brown nipples taunted the long stalks.
      Bryan's cock ran between the lips of my pussy, my clitoris moving up and down as the bulbous head stroked back and forth. I groaned and whimpered as the glands head kissed my clitoris on the upstroke. He placed his hands on my hips took hold and then lifted, I rose off the floor in a single motion, the expression on my face is like I thought he said he was tired, he was never like this, maybe it was because we are so engrossed in protecting Rose and we don't have time for ourselves.
    He lowered me down onto the head of his gland. My inner and outer labia embraced the glands corona wrapping themselves around the head as they were dragged inward as Bryan impaled me. I gasped as a quarter of his shaft slowly disappeared into me.
  He thrust and I started to purr, I was enjoying it and with one final thrust, we both find our release making it the sixth times I cum over our session
"I thought you said you are tired" panting very hard
"What can I say, I and my wolf don't like being challenged" he answered and kissed my forehead "I will go take that shower now and I think I will be the one preparing your bath now" he mocked me
"How dare ....." wanting to hit him
"Eh babe, keep the energy for tonight" kissing my lips to stop me from speaking any further as he disappears into the bathroom. I looked away shyly and am sure am excited about being taken by him again.
      I was glad I met him the day I got away from that monster, he keeps girls for his pleasure and when he is done, he kills and discards them like debris, luckily for her, she got away from him and right into the arms of her mate. if he is after Rose now, she has to make sure, he doesn't get to know cause she sure knows the type of person he is, he is heartless and all he wants his power and more powers
"what are you thinking about babe," Bryan asked me coming out of the shower
"nothing" I lied, I don't want him to get worried
I can see he did not believe me but choose to drop it "am done, and your bath is ready, do you want me to carry you"
"no, I think I will help myself" helping myself out of the bed "am still sore for another round"
you just hurt my feelings cause you know me too much"
"and by the boner, you are having" I replied to him
"they erect for you alone darling"
"they better be for only me if they don't want to be cut off"
"that's brutal but am sure, it for you" he kissed me and spark my ass "you better your ass into the shower else it will be bend on this bed"
I was tempted to dare him but I slowly walk down to the bathroom.

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