Chapter 3

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Demi's POV

I hurried off to class after I escorted Camila to her class. She seemed pretty nice, and maybe not as shy as she pretended to be.

Anyhow, I started to head to class when I passed by the bathroom. The door was closed, which was unusual.

Curiously, I opened the door, to see Selena crying. "What's wrong?" I asked as I closed the door behind me.

Selena wiped the tears from her eyes and sniffled. "Nothing, I'm okay," she said.

The warning bell then rang to head to class. "You're going to tell me later," I told her as I hugged her, "Now go to class."

We then got out of the bathroom and parted ways. I got to my English class with a few minutes to spare, so I sat down next to Miley and behind Lauren.

Our teacher walked in as soon as I sat down. "Okay class, this year we will be studying Shakespeare's best known play," the teacher started.

Lauren turned to me. "Who's Shakespeare?" she asked me. "A play writer from the 16th century, you've never heard of him in school?" I asked. Lauren shook her head. "Thanks though," she said, then turned back around.

Miley started writing something on a sticky note, then gave it to me. "She's so weird, why are we being nice to her?" the note said.

"Her and her sister are really nice," I replied. "Fine, whatever, as long as these freaks don't take my spotlight," Miley wrote.

Lauren's POV

I was clueless during this entire class. All we talked about was this Shakespeare guy. How was I put into advanced English?

Since it was the last period of the day, I rushed to Camz's class as the bell rang. She was talking with Selena, so I took her hand. "Camz, we have to go," I told her.

"Demi and I are going to mall in a bit, actually, would you like to come?" Selena asked. "That's nice, but like I said, we really have to go," I said a little cooly.

Camz followed me out of the building and to the parking. We jumped into the car I had stolen a few years ago, and drove away quickly.

"Would mama and papa be proud of us if they hadn't left?" Camz asked shyly. "I don't know," I replied.


"Lauren, Camila, we're leaving, be good," our mom called. The two of us ran to our parents.

"Mama, when will you be back?" Camz asked. "Soon," our mom said.

She hugged us both very tightly. "We love you so much," she whispered.

I was then pulled aside from my dad. He picked me up into his arms. "I know you're only six, but you have to take care of your sister. You'll be all she has," he whispered. "Okay papa," I told him.

"Alright, it's time to go," my mom said, "Bye girls." "Bye!" Camz and I said in unison.

Our parents then left.

**end of flashback**

We got to our little apartment then. It was dirty and old, but it was much better than when we used to live on the streets.

As we went inside, the phone rang. It was Bryce. Neither of us wanted to answer, so we let it go to voice mail.

"Girls, I didn't pay for you to get a phone so you could ignore my calls," he said in a raspy voice, "Anyways, don't forget about tonight. It's your usual client."

I shuddered. I hated our usual client. He was so disgusting and dirty, and all he wanted was... I couldn't even think of it.

"Camz, go do some homework. I'll get our clothes ready," I told my sister. She nodded and went to the little kitchen we had.

Camila's POV

I hated this job we did. I hated it with a fiery passion. But it helped to pay the bills that Bryce wouldn't pay for us.

He was pretty nice, except for the fact that he was stoned most of the time.

Also, he was our pimp.

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