Chapter 37

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Ally's POV

Throughout the whole day Saturday, my parents weren't home. I wondered where they were, but in truth didn't really want to know. I sat on my balcony thinking for most of the day, however I did text Normani for a bit.

Late that evening, Lauren came to the balcony again. I got butterflies in my stomach as usual. "Hey," I said. "Hi Ally. Are you always on the balcony?" Lauren asked. I nodded. "That's cool. I'll always know where to find you," she said. I laughed a little nervously, yet the conversation continued normally.

We talked for a while until I heard my mother call me from inside. I told Lauren that I had to go, so we both said goodbye and parted ways. I hurried to the kitchen where my parents were. I could tell immediately that something was wrong.

"Ally, have a seat," my father said. I did as such and my mother began to speak, "As you know your grandfather hadn't been doing well for the past few years." I was already in tears at this point; I knew what they were going to say. "I'm sorry Ally, but there was nothing more that the hospital could do for him anymore. He's up in heaven with God now," my father said.

I ran to my room immediately. I curled up in a ball and began to sob very loudly. I couldn't stop; it felt like someone had punched a huge hole through my chest. I had loved him so much, then he just left. He left and he was never coming back.

Seemingly hours later, there was a knock on my bedroom door. I didn't answer, yet the door opened anyways. I looked up and through my tears I could see Normani, Dinah, Camila, and Lauren walk into my room. They came in and sat down beside me.

For the next little while, all of the girls comforted me. I was so grateful to have them in my life and to be there and help me. They helped me to not feel alone even though the most important person in my life had left me and wasn't going to come back.

"Girls, I think we need to sleep over and make sure Ally will be okay," Normani declared. Everyone agreed. I gave them all a weak smile and said, "Thanks girls, you're really the best. Now come on, I have some blow up mattresses that we can use."

Normani took my hand and we went downstairs together with everybody else close behind. We blew up the mattresses and decided to all go to bed.

Everyone fell asleep almost instantly. I shared a giant mattress with Dinah and Normani and we were next to Lauren and Camila. I faced Lauren, and even though they were all sleeping, I just thought about how my grandfather was probably smiling down at me from heaven, maybe even wanting to joke about how I was staring at my crush sleep.

Realization set in then. Although my grandfather was no longer with me, he was in a place where he wasn't suffering; where he could really be happy.

Lauren's POV

The next morning, I woke up to the feeling that someone was staring at me. I opened my eyes slowly to see Ally smiling at me. "Good morning," she whispered.

"How long have you been staring at me?" I questioned abruptly. Her cheeks went red as she mumbled, "Sorry, I just woke and you were there and yeah sorry." "It's fine, no need to worry, I was just curious," I replied.

"Do you want to go and cook some breakfast? The rest of girls are still sleeping," Ally suggested after a moment, always in a whisper. I nodded my head and slowly got up, trying my best not to wake up Camz. Her arms were around me so I slowly took them off me and wrapped them around a pillow, then hurried with Ally upstairs.

Just as we got to the main floor, Ally's parents were leaving. "We're going to make some funeral preparations, we'll be back tonight," her mom said, then they left.

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