Chapter 21

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Camila's POV

Quickly, I ate my tacos then headed back to my bedroom. I had to go and call back who had called earlier. I had only hung up on them so that Lauren wouldn't know who it was. If she would've known, she would've flipped out.

I picked up the phone and dialed the number that I had managed to scribble down on paper. "Hello?" the caller asked after a ring and a half.

"Mama?" I asked. "Camila," my mother said, bringing a smile to my face, "I was worried when you hung up on me. Is everything okay?" "Yes, but we have to hurry," I said.

Lauren could walk in at any moment, and just freak out. Also, Bryce could find out who I was on the phone with, and then end up blackmailing me. The thought of that made me cringe.

"Okay sweetie, well I just wanted to apologize for what happened ten years ago, but your father and I are going to come back, okay? We also have a surprise for you," she rushed. "Okay," I replied. There was then a moment of silence.

"You know I love both you and your sister, right?" she asked after a moment. "Really?" I asked. "Of course. We only left because we thought we would be horrible parents, although leaving you two was the worst thing we could ever do," she confessed.

Not knowing how to answer, I decided not to say anything. "How has your life been since we left?" my mother asked after a moment. "That's a really long and complicated story," I sighed. "I'm really sorry about that, but I promise we're coming back and we won't leave you ever again, okay?" my mother tried to assure me.

"Alright, but when are you coming?" I asked. "Tomorrow," she seemed to mumble. "Okay, I guess I'll see you then, bye mama," I told her. "Goodbye Camila, it was nice talking to you," my mother said. "You too," I replied. The line then went dead.

Emotions of all different sorts started to flow through me. I was angry that they had left us, but equally happy that they were coming back. Yet at the same time, they left, and they were causing more problems for the both of us by coming back.

Feeling all of these emotions wouldn't help with anything, so I decided to push everything out of my mind. It was a good thing I did this, because Lauren then came into my room.

"Camz, we have an appointment tonight," she said. I sighed. "Alright," I got up and got changed into something that seemed sexy, then headed out with Lauren.

Demi's POV

I was still feeling heartbroken about Niall, yet I decided not to let it get to me too much. After all, it was Friday and I was at the mall with my friends, which was always good.

Vanessa, Selena, Ashley, and I went to so many stores; it was unbelievable. I bought so many clothes, accessories, and pairs of shoes it was hard to hold all of my bags!

Soon enough, we all got hungry. "Let's head to my place for dinner," Ashley suggested. The three of us agreed and started to head out of the mall when we noticed Louis, Liam, Zayn, Harry, and Niall walking in our direction.

"Gosh, what do they want?" I murmured. "Aren't you and Niall together?" Vanessa asked me. "Not anymore," I replied in a low voice. "What happened?" Ashley questioned. "I'll tell you two later," I said, then turned towards the guys.

"Hey Demi," Louis said with a warming smile. "Hi Louis," I replied, returning the grin. I then turned to Niall; the smile already withering away. "What do you want?" I asked him simply.

Niall looked at me nervously. "I just want to explain," he stammered. "Go," I sighed. "She made me do it. I care about you so much Demi, I just want us to be okay," he said.

"You liar," Selena budded in. "No I'm not," Niall said. Selena gave him a death glare. "Demi doesn't want to talk to you, you douche bag," Selena declared. Niall looked sad, but the four of us just walked away.

Both Ashley and Vanessa looked at Selena and I in confusion. I sighed once more. "We broke up today because he was cheating on me with Miley," I confessed.

"That bitch," Vanessa said, a little too loudly. "You must be mistaken," Ashley said in Miley's defense. "I saw them kissing," I stated. "Camila and I were there, too, we know it happened," Selena added in.

At the mention of Camila, both Vanessa and Ashley made a face. "I don't really like Camila and her sister," Vanessa admitted. "Why not?" Selena asked. I could tell she was mad. "I don't know, I just don't find they work well with our group," Vanessa said. "Yeah, I think they'd be better off with Ally, Normani, and Dinah," Ashley added.

Selena was getting mad at this, so I wrapped my arm around her. "Calm down, okay?" I murmured to her. "Fine," she replied, and then tried to relax.

Disregarding what Vanessa and Ashley had said, we went to Ashley's house and had dinner. We stayed at her house until we realized that it was already ten at night, so Vanessa, Selena, and I headed home for the night.

Lauren's POV

Camz and I got home at about midnight. I started to get ready for bed when my sister stopped me. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "Oh, I was going to clean and ask you if you want to help," she replied.

Her reply confused me. "Why?" I asked her cautiously. "Because," she trailed off. I gave her a look.

"It's a surprise," Camz said. "Is it a good surprise?" I asked. She shrugged. "It depends on what you mean by good," she mumbled.

This didn't help my confusion very much. However, I still decided to help my little sister out. Whatever was happening must have been important to her, so why wouldn't I help her out with getting ready for it?

My sister and I cleaned for about an hour, trying to make our little apartment immaculate. After the hour had passed, though, I could tell Camz was exhausted.

"Let's head to bed and finish up maybe tomorrow, okay?" I told her. "Sure," Camz replied. With that, we headed off to bed.

***** hey alright big thank you to everyone who answered my questions!! :)

Too many people said that it was the parents so I can't dedicate the chapter to only one of u, so I'm going to put everyone's user here!







Please go follow them all!! :) (and u all may be mentioned more than once :P)

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