Chapter 41

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Camila's POV

"Lauren is missing," the doctor informed us. "What?" I screamed. "I heard Lauren scream in her sleep, so I called you while I sent another doctor to check up on her, and when I finished I went to see that both of them were gone," he said.

"OH MY GOD WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!" I screamed. "Camila, don't wake up your sister," my mother warned. "BUT LAUREN IS MISSING!" I yelled. "I called the police. They're on their way," the doctor piped in. "That's not enough. I think I have an idea," I said.

Quickly, I ran off. I ran and I ran until I reached our old little home. No one new was living in it yet, so I burst inside. I looked around and saw that it was absolutely empty.

Every wall, every crevice, every single part of our little home was so familiar yet so different. What was pretty much the same was that the electricity was still on and all of the phones were in the same place.

Realizing that there was a voicemail, I decided to listen to it. "Lauren. Camila. You girls had better still live here. If you don't, I'm going to find you girls. Take you where you'll never expect it. You'll be wishing that you had never quit the business," Bryce said in the voicemail.

Falling to the floor, I began to sob. This was all my fault. If I hadn't gone with Harry, I wouldn't have gotten beaten up and put in the hospital, then our parents wouldn't have had us live with them, then Bryce wouldn't be after us.

The phone starting ringing then. I knew it had to be Bryce, so I let it go to voicemail. "Hello. Camila, if you're listening to this, I have Lauren. I'm not making a deal with you so you can get her back or whatever they do in books or movies, I'm just letting you know to stop fucking looking because you'll never find us," he said. There was a shriek in the background then. "I've got to go, but just letting you know that you'll be next," he added then hung up.

My mom walked in with my sister close behind her. "What happened?" she asked. She thankfully hasn't heard the voicemails, and I decided that I wasn't going to tell her. "Nothing. I didn't find her, and I don't know where to look," I cried.

Sofia came up to me and hugged me tightly; trying to comfort me. " I feel so empty," I confessed, "I mean Lauren was my whole life and now she's gone and there's nothing I can do about it." "The police are on the case, alright? I promise that things will work out. Now come on, lets go home. Some rest might help you," my mom said. I followed her orders and went home and went to bed.

However, I just couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned all night thinking about where Lauren could possibly be and what Bryce could be doing to her. I almost threw up with worry as so many scenarios came to mind. She could already be dead, or much worse could be happening, like he could be brutally torturing her.

Before I knew it, the time to go to school arrived. I wasn't in the mood to go to school because I was so exhausted and worried. I begged my mother to stay home, and after a while she agreed. She then took Sofia off to her school, leaving me alone.

As soon as she left, I went searching frantically around the house. I looked for things that reminded me of Lauren, and after a while I just decided to go through her things in her room.

I needed Lauren. I needed her so much. No one could even begin to understand how much I needed her. I just couldn't bare anything without my sister. That was why I was going through her things, going on her bed, all the while crying uncontrollably.

Noticing something shiny underneath some papers, I decided to see what it was. I lifted the papers to see a couple of blades. I took the one that looked the sharpest and held it to my wrist. However, I put it away as quickly as I had taken it because I knew that Lauren wouldn't want me to do that to myself. Instead, I threw out all of the blades then lied down on her bed and continued to cry my eyes out.

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