Chapter 20

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Selena's POV

I looked down at my hand, and there it was: Camila's phone number. I wondered why she had given it to me. Sure, we were friends, and pretty close friends, too, but there could've been something more to the gesture that I might not have realized.

Anyhow, I picked up my bags and headed to Vanessa. "Hey, I'm going shopping with Ashley tonight, do you want to come?" Vanessa asked me as I went up to her. "Sure of course," I replied. "Great," she said with a smile as she picked up her books and headed to our lockers.

Demi was there once the two of us arrived, and Camila long gone. Vanessa asked Demi if she wanted to join us on our trip to the mall.

"Maybe. Is Miley coming?" Demi asked casually, although I could tell how much she didn't want her to come. "No, she said she has something," Vanessa replied. "Alright, well I think I could come," Demi said with a grin.

Just then, Ashley came up to us. "So are you girls ready to go?" Ashley asked us. We all nodded. With that, we all headed out of the school and towards our cars.

Since both Demi and Ashley had their separate cars, we decided to take them both to the mall. I stayed with Demi while Vanessa went with Ashley.

From the moment we got into the car, I began to tell Demi about Camila. She listened attentively to everything I had to say.

"Take things day by day with her, okay? I don't know of she likes you or not, so I don't want you to assume anything or take things too fast and get hurt," Demi told me once I had finished speaking. I nodded in agreement. With that, we arrived at the mall.

Camila's POV

I met up with Lauren immediately after I got my stuff. "So what is he going to do?" I asked my sister once I saw her. "Nothing, you're all good," she replied. "I don't know what you did but thank you so much," I sighed of relief as I hugged her. "It's no problem," she whispered in my ear.

We then headed to the car and headed home. During the ride, the two of us were quiet, however my thoughts were racing.

My thoughts were all about Selena and Harry. I was friends with Selena, but I didn't like her, did I? I had Harry, and I was always sleeping with people. Sure, I had to admit that I preferred it when I had female clients, but I figured it was because the men were much more violent than the women.

As we arrived home, I pushed these thoughts out of my mind. I didn't want to think about anything for the week that the two of us were off from school.

"Camz, I'm going out," Lauren stated as we walked inside. "No, you're not," I told her. Lauren gave me a look. "Why not?" she questioned, not expecting an answer.

"You've been going out alone all week," I replied. "And...?" Lauren asked. "I don't want you going out and dealing with customers alone. It hurts you, I can tell that much, and I want to help out. Besides, we'll get more money this way," I told my sister.

Lauren seemed to think for a moment before replying, "Fine, but two conditions. One: don't tell Geoffrey or Bryce about this." "Sure, what's the second one?" I asked. "Two: if it even starts to get too much for you, you have to tell me," she said. I nodded.

"Now, why don't you go to your room, and I'll see if we have enough food to make us a dinner. If we do, I'll make us something nice, okay?" Lauren suggested. "Okay," I said, and went to my room, where I began to do some homework.

Lauren's POV

There were always little things holding up my plans. For example, there was obviously Camz. I really didn't want her to end up like me; like what I had become.

Plus, there was now Dinah, Ally, and Normani holding me back. They wanted to help me, to be my friends. They had said they wanted to help me with the cutting and stuff. Of course, I wasn't sure if I believed them, but they wanted me to, so maybe I would stay for them.

Deciding to push these thoughts out of my mind, I went to the fridge to see what we had. There was nothing in the fridge. I had still promised my sister a nice meal, so I went to look at the takeout flyers we had.

A TacoBell flyer fell from the pile of flyers. We hadn't had TacoBell in ten years.


"Okay girls, what do you want for dinner?" our dad asked. "Food!" Camz exclaimed. "Of course you silly, but what kind of food?" he asked.

Camz looked puzzled. "Tacos!" I yelled with joy. "Yeah!" Camz agreed with me.

Suddenly, our mother walked into the room. She looked worried. "What's wrong mama?" Camz asked. "Nothing, now let's order some TacoBell," she replied with a slight smile.

My sister and I cheered with glee. Little did we know that they would leave us all on our own the very next day.

**end of flashback**

I called TacoBell and ordered the two of us some food. As soon as I did this and hung up, the phone rang. I looked at the number, and it wasn't one that I recognized.

"Hey Camz, do you know this number?" I called to my sister. She came out of her room and looked at the number on the cord phone. My sister shrugged, then picked up the phone.

"Uh yes, this is Camila," Camz said after a moment. Her face fell after hearing the person on the other line talk, then hung up the phone.

Puzzled, I looked at my sister. "Who was it?" I asked. "No one important," she replied. With that, she went back to her room and shut the door with a bit of a slam.

Even though I was very confused, I decided not to ask about the call right away. Instead, I decided to sneak outside for a little bit.

Once I managed to sneak outside without Camz noticing, I sat down in the grass. I wished I could just head to the bar like I had every night that week and just forget about everything in my life.

Quickly enough, the TacoBell delivery man came with our food. I payed him then headed inside to see Camz on the couch.

"Dinner's here," I told her. "I know, I saw u from the window," she replied. She took a bag from me, then looked inside.

"Wow, haven't had tacos in like ten years or something," my sister commented. "Actually, it's been exactly ten years," I replied.

My sister went in the bag and took out two soft drinks, which we only had in extremely rare occasions. She opened them both and handed one to me.

"Cheers," she said, "to being independent enough to survive ten years with only each other. You're my rock, Lauren, I don't know what I'd do without you." A tear was forming in my eye as I tapped my can against hers. "Cheers," I mumbled.

For the first time in a really long time, I actually figured that we doing pretty okay.


Hey beautiful readers! :) hope you're all liking the story, now I have some questions for all of you just to see where this story should be heading! You can either comment or message me the answers to these questions but answers anywhere would be appreciated :) thanks! xx :)

1) who do you think the phone call is from?

2) Calena (just made that up) or camarry?

3) favorite POV?

4) more or less of ally Normani and Dinah?

5) more or less with Geoffrey and Bryce?

6) any new povs that I should add?

7) any new ideas that you would want me to put in?

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