Day of Downfall

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Albert slapped the Inklings in his face across the face with the blue ink of his brush. He dashed up the tower, narrowly avoiding the red ink shot from snipers above.

He threw a splat bomb and splattered a nearby wall, ascending upwards towards his enemy as the snipers were blasted to kingdom come.

And it was then, at least, he reached the top. He glared at his enemy, a skilled gunman, and in his eyes, a traitor to the good of everyone he cared about.

"You..." He growled, gripping his brush with such force it may shatter, "Three months ago, you ruined my life!"

The gunman turned to face him, and without a word drew their Heroshot.

And there they stood for a silent moment, two warriors atop a broken city. Two twin rulers of ruins.

"Your reign ends here!" Albert cried as he charged.

Three months ago...

Albert was never one for Turf Wars. Was always more a Rainmaker type of guy. A team player. Always the type of guy to lead the charge and grab the Rainmaker when no one else wanted to.

In truth Albert desired the security of knowing how things would play it. This was just how he was, a man who desired security and safety for himself and those around him. A certainty to whatever degree he could ensure.

Which is why he was not happy about the outcome of the final splatfest. As soon as Chaos was declared the victor, actual Turfwars, like before there was order before there was peace, broke out across the city.

Albert closed his suitcase with clenched fists.

He wondered how the masses could choose Chaos, willingly? Did they not understand the danger it posed?

Could it be that even if the chaos was wrong that he wanted too much security?

He brushed aside that thought despite it being a genuine possibility. In his eyes this merely meant the masses could not rule themselves, but he was no leader. He knew that.

So, all he could do was run.

He wanted security above all else, but to find that he would have to get out of Inkopolis. Was a shame to lose work fighting in Rainmaker matches, it was a good, lucrative job, but alas, staying now would be suicide.

He exited his apartment and locked the door, giving the place one final look. He pressed his hand to the door, "Goodbye, Inkopolis."

And with that he began to leave, as he walked past the chaos of colors, the city looking like a massive oil slick in arrangement, he pondered where he was to go.

He knew he could leave but to where, he had no idea.

"Hey there's a blue guy right there, get him!" A voice exclaimed.

Three Inklings aimed for Albert, who sighed, "I'm not a part of your war. I'm just leaving."

The trio laughed, "Oh where's the fun in that? Come on! The whole city is fair game! At least put up a fight!"

One of the Inklings fired off a shot from their gun, which Albert narrowly sidestepped, the wall behind him stained green.

"Alright," He sighed opening his suitcase, "Hard way it is. You know I don't get why you all chose Chaos. You know? Never did like disorder."

He looked at his array of weapons, grabbing his signature Ink Brush as he closed the case. He kicked it across the ink covered ground, across which it slid with ease tripping the leader of the trio. While the other two were distracted by helping their ally, he splatted the trio with a barrage of blue ink, waving the brush side to side rapidly to coat them all at once.

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