angie x me proposal

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i see her from across the hallway in all her glory. her luscious dark hair, endearing eyes, her elbows... her features were calling to me and i couldn't resist. i take a deep and unintentionally sensual breath. i rehearse the scene ive thought about so many times in my head. i am ready. i walk over to her, angie. but i do not just walk, i use the sexy saunter ive perfected, using my hips to my advantage, waving my arms wherever they would go.

she looks over to me, astonished and speechless at the sight of me. i am satisfied by this. i reach her and smirk, looking into her eyes. her dark, captivating eyes.. i nearly got lost in them before i righted myself.

as i take one last step forward, i swoop down onto one knee. i hold out my hands, imitating a proposal although i do not have a ring. she is flabbergasted, bringing her hands up to her mouth.

"angie... will you to the dance with me?!???????!?" i declare, with just the right amount of sensuality, intimidation, and despair.

"rOwan~... i will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" her beautiful voice exclaims, how i long to listen to that voice for an eternity.

disguising my joy, a slowly get up, making sure to sway my hips. i place a slightly prolonged smooch on her cheek. i start to-- ensuring i'm still walking in that sexy saunter-- walk around her in a circle as a stripper would do around a pole, and to her surprise occasionally grinding against her.

alissa skips lightly into the hallway and starts to circle me and angie. she possesses a basket filled with angie's favorite flower. she starts to chant: "yippie!!" and throwing the flowers around.

my dancing gets more intense as time goes on.

but then.. just as angie was about to show me her bare elbows.. a teacher started walking towards us. it was mr nerby. that fucking buzzkill.

"girls. get to class. now." he tells us this as he shakes his head in disgust. i cant believe he wasn't turned on by my dancing..

"FINE YOU GAY LITTLE FUCK" i scream, angered to my greatest extents.

"god i hate lesbians.." mr nerby mutters under his breath.

me and angie make out for a bit just to anger him and then we all go to class.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 ⏰

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