✸𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝕚𝕞𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥✸

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"Gojo-sensei! Can we go now?" Yuuji asked as his teacher was searching in the crowd for someone. "We still have to wait for someone." Gojo replied as the trio looked at each other in question. "The student is a foreigner! So you three better treat him/her right, okay?" Gojo said as Nobara and Yuuji saluted at him with childish expressions. "Understood, Gojo-sensei!" they responded. As for Megumi, he just nodded.

A girl was walking in the plaza for half an hour trying each of the food stalls. "Thank you for buying! Come again!" a vendor exclaimed as she waved her hand goodbye. "Thank you for the food!" a girl in her teenage years replied with a smile while handling the mochi in her hand. She took a bite and chewed the sweet snack. The chewiness made the experience better.

A reminder made her phone buzz. She took it out and looked at the notification. "HOY ITIGIL MO 'YANG GINAGAWA MO, ETO REMINDER SA MEETING MO PARA SA JUJUTSU HIGH. (HEY STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING, HERE IS A REMINDER FOR YOUR MEETING FOR JUJUTSU HIGH.)" the notification reminded her, she stopped walking and eating and widened her eyes in realization. "Oh sh**! The meeting!" she whispered as she began running.

Megumi started to tap his foot, patiently waiting for her but silently kind of annoyed by how long they have to wait. "Sensei, I'm going to buy something." Megumi said as he walked away, hands in his pockets. "Sure! Just come back quickly!" Gojo answered, waving goodbye to the emo boy. After Megumi handed the money to the cashier, he was ready to head back but, a girl bumped him and made him dropped his food.

The girl looked shock and immediately apologized while bowing. "I'm sorry! I'll just buy you another!" she exclaimed as Megumi shook his hands. "It's okay, there's no need for you to buy me food." Megumi replied but the lady insisted. "No, it was my fault that you dropped your ice cream, I'll buy you another, it's the least that I could do after I did this." she added as she walked to the cashier and bought an ice cream. She walked back to Megumi and handed the icy snack. "It's only the vanilla flavor, I didn't know your desired flavor. I gotta go now, sorry again." the lady said as she bowed and left running, leaving a slightly dumbfounded Megumi.

Y/N, the girl who encountered Megumi, stood in the less populated part of the plaza. "Nasaan sila? (Where are they?)" she mumbled as she started to type a message. Nobara and the others sat down and waited for Y/N to arrive. Little did they know, they were close to each other. "Where is the student we've been waiting to arrive for about half an hour Gojo-sensei?" Nobara asked, bored about the situation. "Let me call her." Gojo said as he took out his phone.

Y/N who was cracking her knuckles in panic, heard her phone ring. She swiped to answer the calling number. "Hello? Who is this?" Y/N asked. "Hi! Is this Y/N Bonifacio?" a man's voice was heard on the other line. "Yes, who is this?" Y/N repeated. "This is Gojo Satoru! The most handsome man in the world! And the most powerful sorcerer too!" Gojo happily said. Y/N's face scrunched up after hearing his introduction. "Where are you? I've been waiting for you to arrive so I can properly introduce you to principal Yaga!" Gojo added. "Oh, I'm in the Tokyo plaza, Gojo-sensei." Y/N answered. "Really? How do you look like? So I can find you quickly." Gojo asked, standing up from his seat. "I'm wearing a black jumpsuit and my hair is down." Y/N replied as she also stood up and walked away from her seat to search for him.

'Black jumpsuit, hair down. Where are you?' Gojo thought as he spotted someone with the exact description about her. "Are you standing up right now, Y/N?" Gojo asked making Y/N look at her sides. "Yes..." she answered as Gojo walked towards her.

Satoru then tapped her shoulder to grab her attention. Y/N looked at the person that tapped her and saw a man with a black blindfold with white snowy hair. "Gojo-sensei?" Y/N asked for confirmation. "Y/N?" Gojo asked instead of answering. Y/N immediately bowed shocking Gojo. "No don't bow!" Gojo said as she stopped mid-way and straightened herself. "Oh, hi Gojo-sensei! You're taller than I imagined!" Y/N exclaimed as she looked up. "I know I am! But I don't play volleyball!" Gojo replied, Y/N smiled. "Now come on! I'll introduce you to the other students!" Gojo cheered and walked towards his students.

As Y/N was standing, Itadori and Nobara widened their eyes by how Y/N looked. "She's the student you're saying sensei?" Nobara asked, internally screaming in happiness. "Yes! Say hello to Y/N Bonifacio! And Y/N, they are my other students!" Gojo said as Nobara suddenly hugged her in excitement. Nobara let go of the hug and introduced herself, "I'm Kugisaki Nobara! Pleasure to meet you Y/N! Thank you for coming, I can't be the only girl here," Y/N gave her a smile and nodded. "Pleasure to meet you too Nobara," Y/N replied as Itadori decided to step in. Yuuji cleared his throat. "I'm Itadori Yuuji! Welcome to Tokyo, Y/N!" he said. "Thank you," Y/N said and offered her hand to shake.

Itadori also let out his hand and the both of them was about to shake hands. As they touched, Sukuna inside of Itadori looked at the black figure in front of him and smiled menacingly while the black figure also looked at Sukuna with a glowing sword at hand. An electric feeling was felt by the both of them and they didn't continued the warm greeting. Y/N and Itadori rubbed their hands from the sudden feeling. Visible smoke was seen on their hands. "What happened?" Nobara asked, confused about the situation. "That hurt." Y/N muttered as an eye was formed on Itadori's cheek.

"Oi, there's something in you too," Sukuna said with his deep voice. "What do you mean? Who's that?" Y/N asked, confused by the voice, "Don't make me a fool, I know you're lying." Sukuna continued as Gojo, Itadori and Nobara looked at Y/N. "I really don't know what he is saying." Y/N replied. "By the way, that's Sukuna. The king of curses." Gojo said as Y/N widened her eyes. "Oh. He's the Sukuna." Y/N stated. "You know him?" Nobara asked as Y/N shook her head no. "Nope. I only read about him. Researching about curses and other information." Y/N answered, eyeing the person who has just arrived. "Oh Megumi! Glad you came back!" Gojo greeted as Megumi and Y/N gave each other a nod.

'He's the person I bought the ice cream for! This so embarrassing.' Y/N thought.

"Megumi, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Megumi!" Gojo introduced his emo student. "Hello, nice seeing again." Megumi spoke. "Hi, sorry again about the ice cream." Y/N said, obviously embarrassed. Gojo looked at them with a thin line as his lips. "Oh well! What do want for lunch?" Gojo ended the awkward silence. "Lunch? Sushi! I want sushi!" Nobara exclaimed as she raised her hand. "I want steak!" Itadori disagreed. "We already had steak yesterday!" Nobara said, looking at Yuuji right in the eyes. "But we had sushi for dinner yesterday night!" Yuuji replied back. "How about the two of you?" Gojo asked the silent duo. "Anything's fine for me." Y/N replied as Megumi nodded in agreement. "Very well then, since no one is agreeing on one meal, I'll be the one to choose!" Gojo said with a smile.

The smile that Itadori, Megumi and Nobara knows.

"Oh no."

Yep. I finally finished the first chapter. I finished this about 1:36 am. Yes at 1 am. Yeah sooooooooo hope you liked this! See u again! Lyn out!

𝔖𝔲𝔫 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔐𝔬𝔬𝔫 (𝔍𝔲𝔧𝔲𝔱𝔰𝔲 𝔎𝔞𝔦𝔰𝔢𝔫 𝔵 ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯)Where stories live. Discover now