Chapter Four

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"Someday, I will be the most powerful Jedi ever."
- Anakin Skywalker

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Oriel finally woke after being passed out from the overwhelming pain, but now, she felt better.

Feeling a little too confident in herself, she tried standing but fell, knocking over the glass of water that had been given to her.

"Shit." She mumbled, sitting up on the floor, leaning on the bed and looking at the mess she had made.

"I didn't know Jedi spoke that way." Obi-Wan said giving Oriel a fright as she did not sense his presence.

"Well I'm not a Jedi yet. And your not my master." She said while Obi-Wan helped her back onto the bed.

"I'm afraid your not going to be able to leave this room for a while." Obi-Wan said, picking up the glass pieces.

"I think your right." Oriel admitted sadly. "Are we on Coruscant already?" Oriel asked realising they were no longer moving.

"Unfortunately not, we had to stop on a nearby planet, I think we're on Tatooine. Our hyperdrive was damaged while we tried to get past the blockade, it's my job to fix it but Qui-Gon had to go to the nearest town to get some equipment." He said filling Oriel in on what had happened while she was out.

"Need any help?" Oriel tried but Obi-Wan saw right through her.

"Not a chance, you need rest." Obi-Wan gave her a warning look to stay where she was.

"I'll check on you in a bit." He said leaving the room.

"You need rest." Oriel mocked below her breath. "I heard that!" She heard Obi-Wan yell from down the hall.

The day consisted of her lying in bed trying to occupy her mind, and Obi-Wan coming to check on her and change her wet bandages every hour while Oriel insisted she was fine.

The next day she felt better and she was able to stand and walk with a limp.

"Young Dune." She heard her name as she entered the Queens chambers of the ship.

"I heard you were injured fighting for me, I greatly appreciate your service." The Queen begun.

"It's an honor serving you." Oriel replied, sensing Obi-Wan enter as well.

"Thankyou for joining us Young Kenobi." The Queen greeted as Obi-Wan took his place standing next to Oriel.

"Please sit, I need your opinion." She said motioning to the seats beside her.

The Padawans took a seat and a hologram of Sio Bibble popped up on the communicator.

"The death toll is catastrophic." He started, sounding urgent. "We must bow to their wishes. You must contact me." Bibble insisted and the hologram flickered away.

"It's a trick, send no reply." Obi-Wan said getting up from his seat immediately. "Send no transmissions of any kind." He finished before walking out to fill his master in, Oriel followed in pursuit.

When they got in contact, Qui-Gon agreed to it being bait, but Oriel had a funny feeling that something was off.

"What if its true." Oriel piped up. "What if the people are dying."

"Either way we are running out of time." With that, Qui-Gon turned his communicator off.

"Well that's reassuring." She mumbled. "I'm gonna go do what I do best." Oriel said, limping off.

"And what may that be?" Obi-Wan said catching up to her and tried to help her walk but she shooed him off.

"Sleep." Oriel replied and headed off for her room.

Oriel Dune | Obi-Wan KenobiWhere stories live. Discover now