Special Chapter

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Soyeon blinked in disbelief, she gasped at what she's witnessing right now. She just came from the grocery store to buy something they need but when she arrived at their house, At the living area, Yuqi— her girlfriend was carrying a dog.

She's not shocked at the scene because she knows Yuqi really loves animals, she just doesn't know where she got the dog, because they don't own one.

"Are you hungry? Do you want some food?" Yuqi asked the dog as if it would answer her.

"Yuqi?" She called, interrupting her girl. The woman looked at her and when their eyes met, she smiled sweetly at her.

"Soyeon!, You're back already? By the way, do you have something there that we can feed to this cute little puppy?" Yuqi asked while pampering the dog.

Soyeon just breathed then she started walking to the kitchen, "Yeah, I have. But I don't know who's the puppy between the two of you." She said while putting the paper bags on the kitchen counter.

Their house is not that big, it's just a small space. With one bedroom with a bathroom and an office for her, she can see Yuqi who's currently sitting on the couch from the kitchen.

Soyeon crossed her arms then watched Yuqi play with the dog. She was supposed to scold her but seeing the woman happy makes her smile.

"Yuqi, where did you get that dog?" She asked and started sorting what she bought from the store,. "Uhm, I was looking for you earlier, then I saw him near the gate."Yuqi responded.

Soyeon closed the refrigerator after putting the meat in, then she faced Yuqi again. "And you took him? What if he has an owner looking for him?" she asked again.

Yuqi just smiled at her, "Then I'll give him back. I'll shelter him for now.," she said then pet the dog again. Soyeon just shook her head, she started preparing for their breakfast.

It's just seven in the morning, she woke up earlier than usual. That's why she decided to go for groceries, maybe because of her dream— no scratch that it's a nightmare.

Soyeon stopped washing the ingredients, she remembered her nightmare that woke her up earlier. She then looked at Yuqi, she just needed to see her just to make sure, but the woman was nowhere on the couch already.

So she put the fruits in a bowl and quickly walked to the living area.

"Yuqi,.?" she asked whilst scanning her eyes. No one answered so she opened the bedroom door, but there was no sign of her in there either.

"Yuqi??" She asked again, a little bit louder this time.

She got outside the house finding Yuqi, a breath of relief escaped her mouth when she saw Yuqi talking to someone outside, near their gate. There's a kid that is hugging the puppy and a woman beside her, she walked near to them but not too close just the right distance to hear their conversation.

"Thank you so much for taking him, it would be dangerous for him if he was left outside." The lady said to Yuqi while holding a kid who's currently hugging the small dog.

"It's okay.," Yuqi answered then looked at the kid. "Take care of him, Okay? Don't let him wander alone next time. Hmm?" She said softly to the kid.

The kid nodded and smiled at Yuqi. Soyeon just watched her girlfriend socialize with other people. She was happy seeing her like this, after a year of recovery. Yuqi is finally coming back to her old self.

When the lady and the kid left, Yuqi turned to face her. A smile appeared on Yuqi's lips again then she walked to her. She entered the gate then walked near her, Soyeon opened her arms for an embrace and Yuqi happily accepted it, hugging her tightly.

YuYeon: In love with Ms. Mafia BossWhere stories live. Discover now