Day 6060

958 13 9

Darcy POV


Hold on, what?! I thought I was dead!

Screen Repair complete!

Wait, my screen-

Welcome to Model #6473893, Darcy.

Oh wait, I can see now!

Alright, there are some pots and pans. I think I'm in a house, not the street.  I'm in the kitchen, but not my mother's. Wait, is she dead?!

I tried to stand up, but I ended up falling back onto what was now noticeable as a couch.

"You should rest." a voice ordered.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Seri- I mean... Uh... X... ena. Yeah, Xena!" she replied. Why did she sound so unsure? Xena was wearing a ton of clothes indoors, almost as if she was going to venture outside soon, or something.

"What happened?" I inquired.

"Not sure myself. I just saw you lying there and figured I'd fix you." Xena replied. She seemed tense and wanted to end the conversation.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Y- Yeah!" she replied, looking extremely uncomfortable. I had an idea to ease her mind.

"Want to be friends?" I asked.

"W- Sure!" Xena replied, caught off guard.

"Nice! If you want, you can come to the convenience store and buy something!" I replied, getting up.

"O- Okay!" Xena answered before I left. Her house exterior seemed to be in a slight state of disrepair, which wasn't uncommon around here. Thankfully, I knew where the convenience store was, which meant that I could continue my shift!

"You're late." the manager informed me as I walked in.

"Try getting your screen scraped, then I might try to remember what you said. Also, where is my money?" I sarcastically asked.

"Ugh, get to work. Your cash is behind the counter," he replied angrily before storming off.

Well, time for another few hours of customer service, only for minimum wage...

Wait, who is that? I saw someone who was slightly taller than everyone else, only by about 1 battery or something. The customers didn't notice, focused on getting out of here.

Customer after customer, they got closer, until I realized she was Xena.

"Hey, Xena!" I greeted.

"Hello! I need to buy some springs!" she asked. 

"How much?" she asked.

"$5.00" I replied. She got the money, and the transaction itself went well, with a smile on both of our facial screens. Before leaving, she asked me one more thing.

"By the way, I never really caught your name," Xena asked.

"It's Darcy," I replied.

"What a nice name! I have to go, see you around!" Xena replied before leaving. 

Xena seemed to be a bit socially awkward, but she had the spirit. The time passed fast, however, and I soon realized that I needed to get home and examine the damage. After I had the usual argument with the manager, I headed over to my house, only to see a 'SOLD!' sign. 

They sold my house?! Not technically my house, but they still sold it! I can't take my chances on the street, so I headed to Xena's house. I figured that I could stay there for a night, and try and sort my life out. I noticed some sort of figure in the window, with a yellow display. Couldn't be Xena, as she set her display to green.

I rang the doorbell, and Xena opened the door shockingly fast.

"Hey, Darcy! What are you doing here this hour?" she inquired.

"I hate to ask this of you, but they sold my house. Can I crash here for a night or 3?" I asked, knowing that she would say no.

"Uh... Sure!" Xena replied, grabbing my hand and pulling me in. I thought she would say no!

"Also, is there anyone else living here..?" I asked Xena.

"No... Why?" Xena asked with curiosity.

"I saw a drone in your upper window. It had a yellow colour display." I replied.

"Yellow colour display? That's only for... Let's check it out." Xena figured as we went upstairs. The upper floor was simple, with only 4 rooms.

"This is my bedroom, and the guest bedroom is across from here," Xena told me as I looked around. She had a large bed, with many furnishings around her room. My guest bedroom also had a large bed, but fewer decorations.

"Storage rooms are at the back, and you already saw the kitchen downstairs," Xena replied, before heading into her room. We quickly looked around, and confirmed that the source of the light was no longer in Xena's house. I'd make a note to investigate that in the morning. However, I loved how Xena's house was decorated, and I quickly followed her into her room. She grabbed a previously unseen remove, and turned on the TV, inviting me to sit.

"What do you want to watch?" Xena asked me.

"Maybe something from the OnePlanet universe, like Drone PD or Drone Medical!" I replied.

"You up for watching Drone FD?" She asked as she put on the show regardless. I made the mistake of jumping onto Xena's bed, which bounced me onto her, knocking her over.

"HAHAHAHA!" I yelled, along with Xena.

"Oh my God!" Xena said while laughing on the floor. 

"Why the hell is your bed so bouncy?" I asked between bouts of laughter.

"I don't know, but that's not why I brought the springs!" Xena tried to reply before laughter overtook her.

"Wait, then what did you buy them for?" I wondered.

"To fix the sink!" Xena replied, already falling back into laughter.

"In what world does a sink require springs?!" I asked.

We finally calmed down and decided to head to sleep. Xena was the first to shut off, her screen display temporarily switching yellow for a second. What was that about?

I wasn't quite ready to sleep, so I grabbed a book and went downstairs to read. The book was called 'That One Worker Drone', and seemed to be about a the drone named Kane. 

"What'cha reading?" Xena asked, sitting on the couch with me.

"When the hell did you get down here?" I asked, shocked.

"A few seconds ago. You would be surprised at how lightly I can walk!" Xena informed. "That One Worker Drone. Interesting pick!" 

"Want to read with me?" I asked. Xena immediately sat down, and started reading. In a few chapters, my internal systems started to shut down automatically, and I started falling before I shutdown.

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