Day 6086

191 3 0

Darcy POV

We all woke up to a call coming from the downstairs phone. Whoever it was, it sounded important.

"Who the hell could that be?" Uzi asked as she and Xena trudged down the stairs. They put it on speaker, and we all listened in.

"Heads up, we spotted an object heading into Copper 9's atmosphere. Can you come to check it out?" someone asked through the phone. The voice was noticeably female, something that N quickly picked up on.

"Why is that voice so familiar?" he asked, Xena, agreeing.

"Let's check it out," Xena ordered, to which we rushed over there, and peeked through a bad patch in the wall. We saw... 4 murder drones?!

"Oh my god, A and Z are working with J and V?!" Xena whispered, panicking already.

"You have GOT to be kidding me!" Uzi whispered back.

"Do we have a game plan?" I asked in a hushed voice.

"No! What the hell are we going to do?!" N replied.

"What if I shoot my railgun in there, and then hide in that vent?" Uzi asked.

"Good idea. We'll wait in there." N replied as all of us got in. I was able to see Uzi fire her railgun, then climb into our vent.


"They're here!"

"And they have some weaponry, granted it is rudimentary."

"Oh, when I'm done with them..."

Soon, the group emerges from the hole that was once a doorway and ran past us, intending to investigate the corridor. We emerged from the vents, and entered the room containing the gun, only to see they haven't touched it, not to say that everyone else was pristine. Oil was covering the walls, and corpses were scattered everywhere, including the control room.

"Hell yes!" Xena whispered, as she went to the control room. She maneuvered the weapon around, and realized it created minimal noise.

"We can probably grab all 4 of them and punt them out of existence!" Uzi realized, before the gun started charging. It wasn't exactly quiet, and it could definitely attract someone.

"Shut it off!" I signed to Uzi, who did exactly that. It was too late, and V came to investigate. A second after she locked eyes with Uzi, Xena grabbed her with the gun. A green tractor beam came out of the end and made a transparent cube around her. She couldn't escape and was trapped.

"Hey! Let me out of here!" she yelled in annoyance before we started experimenting with it. We soon learned that the cube went through the ground, allowing us to crush her if needed. N soon tried it out, something that V noticed.

"Hey N, let me outta here, and we can kill all those workers!" V yelled.

"Why should I? They're kinda neat!" N teased.

"Because that's how this works! You have a crush on me, and you follow my orders." V replied, realzing her mistake.

"Yeah no. I won't do that anymore. Loving you was the biggest mistake of my life, I'm so glad I'm here to correct it." N replied in a cold tone. He set the beam to slowly crush V against the wall, while she panicked.

"Wow N, I never knew you could do that!" Uzi replied, happy that justice was being served.

"I was surprised as well." N replied before the lights flickered. V somehow got out of her cube and made a beeline for the control room. Not before I started shooting her with bullets. Unfortunately, the rest arrived, and a full-on battle ensued. A and Z didn't even look like they were tiring out, but that was what they needed.

In reality, I and Uzi we're recharging he gun while Xena and N battled J, V, A and Z. Their 'bullet rain' tactic was starting to become a problem for everyone, and the facility was starting to lose power.

Thankfully, Uzi had the idea of firing her railgun into the gun, fully charging it in a instant. We managed to grab V with it, and crush her against the wall, deactivating her. Out of the corner of my vision screen, I saw N go flying into the ceiling, creating a hole in it.

That was the day we learned that the bunker had a lower atmospheric pressure than Copper 9's above-ground atmosphere.

Air immediately began rushing in, shoving A into the floor. He appeared pinned to it until a piece of debris crashed down on him. The debris came from the expanding hole in the ceiling, which was beginning to affect everyone. Soon, we were all pinned to the floor, the pressure of it entering holding us down in conjunction with the gravity.

Uzi noticed a new hole forming directly above the control cabin, sending it flying into the floor. Glass shards flew for a second, then rained down on the floor. Something inside the bunker shifted, and all of us were sucked through the hallway, into a house, which soon imploded.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" I yelled in horror as we were sucked into cold storage. I saw the last place I wanted to see.

The shaft.

An endless elevation of body drawers, going in both directions for an unknown amount of time, all of which needed to equalize in air pressure. All of us grabbed onto a handle, which became our lifeline. We suddenly realized that N was missing, and realized he had fallen into the pit.

Never mind, he was cutting a hole in the side of the shaft, sending a huge downpour of air rocketing down into the depths of it. How did he get outside?!

All of a sudden, the row of body drawers that we were on started coming apart. N accidentally hit me, causing my drawer to pull the rest out. We were falling down, and accelerating fast. The air rushed past me as the entrance to the shaft became a distant light, then nothing at all. We just kept going faster, and faster until the force of the air couldn't push us down faster.

I also noticed a large amount of body drawers below us, that could serve as a landing cushion. It would come in handy, as the last thing I saw was a floor.

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