Day 6066

348 7 6

Darcy POV


"H-How are you here?!" I asked in surprise.

"Well, the hospital billed our insurance and I got a new screen." my mother replied.

"Hello, Ms... uh... what is your name?" Xena asked sheepishly.

"Yvette." my mother answered.

"Well... come in!" I suddenly said, inviting her to sit. Xena closed the door and relaxed on the couch.

"So this is where you've been living?" my mother asked.

"Yeah. I kinda live with Xena now and we pay our bills together." I replied.

"Well, you can come home now, I've got everything repaired!" Yvette ordered, before taking me outside. Xena looked annoyed, to say the least, before disappearing. Granted, I wanted to stay, but I was already in the car.

"Of course, you run to leech off of someone else!" My mother replied angrily.

"Here we go again..." I thought.

"Now, you are staying with me forever! I need you for the paychecks you give me!" she told me.

I'm guessing she doesn't know I lost my job... whatever. I'll escape, and I'll live with Xena again! 

I was grabbed by the arm and led inside my old house. The inside was a mess before my mother went upstairs.

"Clean it!" She ordered, before slamming the door.

I HATED her. I couldn't exactly kill her, since I don't have any weapons.

I started to pick up all the garbage, however, since I would need a few hours alone in my room to escape. I started using a broom to pick up all the crumbs before she came down.

"How are you not done?!" Yvette asked.

"How are you so impatient?!" I countered, continuing to sweep.

"Well, I'm an important woman. I need my house tidy every second!" She replied.

"You work at the school as a teacher." I countered, putting the broom away. I had an idea from this argument, all I needed her to do was ground me for the rest of the night.

"That does it! You have been so disrespectful to me! Say goodbye to your daily can of food!" she yelled before dragging me upstairs. I walked into my room by myself, before she shut and locked the door.

Immediately, I started examining the window, before realizing that I needed a screwdriver, which was something I didn't have. I looked around to find a screwdriver but found a camera instead. I immediately knew that it was off, so I immediately moved it to where it could see only the wall. 

If she confronted me about it, I could report her to the police for stalking or something worse. What she was doing right now wasn't illegal. All I knew was that both the gangs and the police took this type of stuff extremely seriously.

Now with the room clear, I scoured it for a screwdriver, but couldn't find one. I decided to try and examine the vent, but I couldn't reach it. I also knew that she wouldn't let me out of here ever again. 

I looked over for anything I could use as a screwdriver and found a small token. Wherever it was from, I didn't know, but it would help me now. I took it to the window and attempted to use it on the screw, but the token broke in half.

The hell?! How strong are these screws?! Trying harder, I was finally able to stack a few things to reach the vent. I took a half of a token and tried it on the vent screws. It took a bit, but I managed to undo all 3 of the screws. Before I could start the last one, the screw appeared to undo itself, causing the cover to fall on me, and by extension, causing me to fall on the bed.

When I looked up, I saw a pair of yellow eyes and a toothy smile.

"Be quiet, I'm here to help you!" Xena ordered.

"Thanks!" I replied, grabbing her hand. She immediately crawled back into the vent, taking me with her. Soon, we were on the roof, which is when I realized it was midnight.

"Can we..." I started before Xena interrupted me.

"Yeah." she replied, before taking off, and flying toward her house. It was a few twists, turns, and much more, but we soon arrived there.Soon, we landed, and I walked inside.

"So... Do I have permission to kill-" Xena started before I interrupted her.

"No." I replied. Xena and I both got in bed and cuddled with each other. 

"So, why did she kidnap you?" Xena asked.

"Child support payments that she spends on herself. She also takes away my paychecks, which are nonexistent now." I informed.

"Remember, just say the word, and I'll paint the walls with her oil." Xena replied.

"Still no." I replied. "Even though she is evil, I don't exactly want my only parental figure dead."

"That's understandable, I guess." Xena replied before snuggling closer to me, which I did as well. Soon, we both shutoff for the night, and I hoped I wouldn't wake up back in that house.


I woke up in the middle of the night, when I heard someone in my house. Since I couldn't kill her, I resorted to blocking the door and calling the police. Darcy had woken up too and helped me. In a few minutes, car after car drove to our house. If my suspicion were correct... Yep! That's Yvette, being dragged out in handcuffs.

"Thank you so much!" Darcy said before hugging me. However, we soon heard a commotion outside, and saw Yvette steal a police car. 

We had a long road to go...

Editor Note

Hello again, fellow readers!

I just wanted to check in with y'all, because I want some feedback to improve future chapters! 

Also, I have still not decided whether Darcy and Xena are going to be a couple or not, they just have fun together.

That's all I have to say for today!

See you all in the next chapter!


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