Day 6061

672 8 10



Oh nice, must be daytime!

Weaponry at 100%. Oil at 7%.

Oh god! I'd better get to the cold storage!

Welcome, Serial Designation X!

My visor booted up with artificial light shining in my screen. I looked away, and saw Darcy had fallen into my lap while reading. She looked so peaceful, but I was still afraid of hurting her. I could tell that me running at high temperatures was keeping her warm, but I had to leave. I gently got up, and patted her head before heading to cold storage.

I LOVED tearing through the worker corpses stored in there, especially with so many choices. In a few occasions, someone spotted me, meaning that they had to die. I loved those parts even more, because I could kill live prey! Though Darcy was a permanent exception. At least I got my oil warm those times. I arrived at the area through the vents, and selected a corpse higher in the drawers.

Time to get my fill!

Darcy POV


Why do I feel so cozy?

Welcome to Model #6473893, Darcy.

Wait, where did the warmth go?

My screen finally booted up, and I saw that Xena had left the house. I was lying sideways on the couch, making me wonder if I had fallen over while reading.

I decided to make some scrambled titanium with a side of grease. I knew that this was a popular dish to make, but I never cooked it before. It wasn't hard at all, really, but I was always nervous about cooking.

I grabbed the eggs from the cooler, and activated the stove labelled 'BL0W T0RCH 6000'. The blue flame of a blowtorch started heating the pan, which meant that cooking it was a breeze. While that was happening, I poured out the grease, before I heard Xena return.

"Hey, Xena!" I greeted, before turning to the eggs. Wait for a second, was that oil on her face? I turned back around instantly and saw a confused Xena looking at me. I am so sure that I saw something, but I must have imagined it.

"What is this?" Xena asked me.

"Breakfast!" I replied. Xena smiled at the kind gesture, and sat down.


Did Darcy make all of this for me? I mean, I don't need it due to my need for oil, but I'll eat it anyway. I'm so glad that I didn't kill Darcy when I saw her, she has been so nice to me. I just hope she doesn't find out about me.

"Xena?" Darcy asked me.

"Yeah?" I replied, concerned about what I missed.

"Are you going to eat or..." Darcy asked, already eating.

"Yeah!" I replied, before eating it as well. Darcy hugged me before leaving for work, which left me alone to do whatever I wanted. I didn't need to work, since I made a deal with the tax department. They don't tax me for bills, and I won't slaughter their family.

Damn, I already miss her.

Darcy POV

At least the violence in this part of the bunker has calmed down since yesterday. I sometimes wonder why Xena saved me, but I'm glad nonetheless. I headed over to the store and went to my post.

Wait, was the manager... crying?

"What happened?" I asked, keeping a slightly annoyed tone.

"I was going to visit the dead body of my sister, but her corpse was mutilated when I saw it. She wasn't even murdered!" he said while crying, before heading to the back.

Damn, who would do something like that? Mutilate a corpse? That's on the level of evil a murder drone lives on!

I couldn't run the store by myself, so I followed the manager back into the break room.

I sat down beside his hunched form and rested my hand on his back.

"Normally, I would be rude on a normal day, but this isn't a normal day." I started, not knowing how to console someone.

"What happened to your mother? Aren't you sad as well? You just keep coming back each day fine..." he asked. For once, I felt bad for the guy.

"I try and keep my feelings separate from my work. At the place where I'm staying, I feel terrible every day." I lied, trying to emphasize with him. I and my mother didn't have the greatest of relationships, but it wasn't bad either. Truthfully, I didn't want to bother Xena at all, but she was so fun to stay with.

"I just need a moment." he finally said after some time. "Can you close the store?"

"Alright," I replied. I was so excited to have more time to spend with Xena, but as I walked outside, I saw Xena enter.

"Hey, Xena! I'm about to close early, want to hang out?" I asked.

"Like you have a choice with me! Of course!" Xena replied, before heading home.

Closing up was easy, just shutting off the lights and locking the door. Not the hardest task in the world.

In a few minutes, I was met with a smiling Xena inside the house.

"I decided to make us some popcorn, and we can watch your favourite movie!" Xena announced. I was happy with her idea, but I was happier to be spending more time with Xena.

We went to Xena's room, and put on my favourite movie, called Drones, Weapons, and a Plotline. It was about two humans and three drones protecting their home planet from enemies.

Xena was intrigued by it, and was watching intently. I, on the other hand, was close to sleeping. I accidentally rested my head against Xena's shoulder, which I moved.

"Oops!" I said apon the above happening.

"It's alright, It's kinda neat." Xena replied. Why was she so calm with it?! Either way, I placed my head against her shoulder, to which she chuckled lightly.

"Did you hear about the mutilated body found in cold storage today?" I asked all of a sudden.

Xena seemed startled by it, and soon responded that that was horrible. She must be concerned because she shut off soon after. I followed suit, forgetting to get out of her bed. How the hell did I forget?!

Editor Note


This is just a general check-in to see how y'all think of the story so far.

The next chapter will be out soon, so stay right.

Happy Reading as always!


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