~ Family ~

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Rainsong's POV  (WARNING: Lots of talk about relationships and kits, as well as lots of cringe)

Wake up Rainsong, wake up! You're helping Lionheart and Tigerclaw train Firepaw and Graypaw today!

That voice sounded familiar, but I didn't want to wake up. But then I felt a hard jab to my side. Assuming it was the same cat, I yelped and jumped up hissing. Sensing that I wasn't in any real harm, I planted my bottom and tail down and blinked the sleep from my eyes. When I could see clearly, I realised half the cats in the den were glaring at me, and Whitestorm was staring at me with concerned eyes. Oh the voice had been his...

"Sorry, you all can go back to sleep." I muttered sheepishly.

Whitestorm led me out of the den then decided to ask: "Did you have a nightmare? You were shaking all of last night, and you weren't cold."

"Uhh yea, the dream wasn't so nice." I replied, I had decided keeping my gifts a secret was best.

Whitestorm nodded and gestured to the apprentice's den. I licked him on the ear thankfully and padded to the den where I could hear Graypaw hastily washing himself and a bleary Firepaw beginning to wake up.

When they finally exited the den, they looked around till I signalled them over.

"Lionheart and Tigerclaw are already at the ravine." I mewed before leading them to the ravine myself.

When we arrived, it seemed that there had been a change of plans.

"Sorry Rainsong, we've only just decided." Lionheart purred to me apologetically. "We're going to show them the territory then go back to camp for a break. Sorry, we should have decided earlier."

I nodded to them and padded quickly back to camp. When I arrived, I saw that every cat was out or doing something. I leaned my ears towards Bluestar's den. Hearing nothing, I swivelled them to the nursery's direction. Ah, Bluestar was visiting the kits. I decided that it was also time that I visit the nursery myself. Afterall, Frostfur HAD kitted not too long ago. I had only visited her twice since.

I squeezed in from between the brambles.

"I apologise for not visiting Frostfur," I whispered as soon as I had entered. "I've been busy, but that's honestly no excuse for not visiting my sister."

Frostfur in response purred quietly and shifted so I could see her kits. Adorable! Cinderkit was a colour close to our father Fuzzypelt, both toms were the same gold colour as their father Lionheart, both of them tabbies, but Brackenkit being darker than Thornkit and lastly Brightkit a beautiful white she-cat with ginger patches. A slight stab of envy hit my heart, but I pushed it away, just because I couldn't, didn't give me the right to make Frostfur feel bad. Anyways, Frostfur didn't even know.

"Aren't you supposed to be helping with the apprentices Rainsong?" Bluestar asked from another corner of the nursery.

"I was, but Tigerclaw and Lionheart both changed plans that instead of fighting they would do boundaries today."

With that, we both started talking to the queens lightly. Gossip was heavy around the new apprentice. With both Bluestar and myself informing the queens that he would be fine and with multiple mentors would be caught up in no time.

After a little while, just before sunhigh, Whitestorm's, Darkstripe's, Sandpaw's and Dustpaw's scents wafted in, along with the smell of fresh-kill. Frostfur and I had been talking about her kits and the struggle with them when the scents had hit our noses. Frostfur then gave me a teasing look.

"It looks like I'm going to be in here with my little sister soon!" Frostfur purred as she gave me a little nudge.

"Huh?" I meowed in a confused tone. "What do you mean? Did Brindleface get a mate?"

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