~ Sick ~

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Rainsong's POV

Whitecough sucks. I thought bitterly as Bluestar coughed roughly again. Frostfur and I exchanged worried glances. It seemed to be getting worse by the moment. I licked Bluestar's head comfortingly, but my tongue was met with such heat I thought I licked the sun itself.

"Get Yellowfang!" I hissed in a rush to Frostfur.

Frostfur seemed to know what was happening and dashed off to fetch the old medicine cat.

"C'mon Bluestar, you'll be fine. I'm here." I mewed in a rushed but soft tone.

I started to lick her fur the wrong way, that would get more air to reach her skin and hopefully cool her down. When Frostfur and Yellowfang came bounding back, the latter asked what was wrong.

"I think she has greencough." I choked out. "She's even warmer than she was this morning."

Yellowfang locked eyes with me. She knew that I knew Bluestar only had two lives left. Then she bent down to examine Bluestar.

"Bluestar does indeed have greencough." She rasped out with a worried tone.

I was horrified. I started to think about whatever could happen if Bluestar died now. Then I sneezed. Frostfur looked at me with worry.

"I know, I know!" I snapped at Yellowfang who was opening her muzzle. "I've got white–" I burst into a coughing fit. "-cough."

Miserably, I padded away to Yellowfang's old clearing to join Patchpelt and Mistlekit. When I entered, I found Patchpelt in one nest and Mistlekit shivering in another. Thinking I'd do Speckletail a favour, I curled up around Mistlekit to keep him warm. Then I fell asleep out of exhaustion.

There was a paw continuously prodding me in the side. I ignored it and tried to keep sleeping, but the prods only became sharper and sharper. With a grunt, I opened my eyes, squinting and attempted to raise my heavy head.

"Fireheart has found us catnip." Yellowfang meowed in a rushed tone. "I gave most of it to Bluestar, but there are leftovers. Patchpelt and Mistlekit are weaker than you, so I'd like to give it to them."

I twitched my ear in acknowledgement and shifted so that Yellowfang could feed Mistlekit the catnip and feverfew. When she moved over to Patchpelt, I shifted back to my previous position to keep Mistlekit warm. I fell back asleep, but it was a very short time that I slept before I was disturbed again.

I had been sleeping quite peacefully, when my ears pricked up all of sudden. I raised my heavy head to look around the clearing. Then I saw a fiery ginger pelt dragging a cinder like gray one. My eyes widened, one of Cinderpaw's back paw wasn't looking good at all.

"What happened?" I mewed hoarsely, I desperately needed to soothe my throat.

Fireheart looked surprised that I was one of the cats that had caught whitecough, but answered: "She got hit by a monster..." He croaked.

His eyes were filled with grief and worry. I was sure my eyes mirrored his. Cinderpaw had been the most lively out of Frostfur's litter. We were both concerned that if she lived, she wouldn't recover her spirit.

"May Starclan let her live..." I whispered, wincing at the toll it took on my throat.

When Yellowfang came, I knew I had to continue resting, but something made my ears stay pricked. I stayed awake, I needed to know what it was. Fireheart then left to go check on Bluestar.

When he returned, he looked at me then at Yellowfang. Hesitating as if his words were only for the medicine cat.

"Don't worry, I know that Bluestar only has 2 lives left." I said, my voice barely even a whisper.

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