~ The Price's Echo ~

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Leafpool Third Person POV

Leafpool was organising the herbs when a shrill shriek pierced the peaceful atmosphere in the camp. Shooting up onto her feet, Leafpool quickly padded out to see what the commotion was.

In the centre of the clearing, more and more cats began to gather there. Pushing through the crowd, Leafpool managed to get to the middle where she found Rainkit wailing and a confused and worried Cloudtail.

"What happened?" She demanded.

"I don't know!" Cloudtail replied in alarm.

"Bring her to my den, and tell me everything." Leafpool turned around and padded through the path the crowd had made.

Cloudtail obeyed and picked up Rainkit by the scruff and followed Leafpool.

"Set her down in the nest over there." Leafpool instructed, gesturing to one of the nests. "And tell me what happened."

As Leafpool began examining the kit, Cloudtail explained: "We were playing moss ball with the other kits. When she suddenly shrieked and started wailing."

Leafpool nodded quickly as she continued her examinations. "There isn't anything wrong with her. She doesn't have a thorn in her paw and she doesn't seem to have broken or sprained anything." She bent down and asked Rainkit: "What's wrong, little one?"

Rainkit sniffled before wailing: "I can't see!"

"Open your eyes please." Leafpool instructed calmly, while panic flared under her fur. She carefully looked over the kit's eyes. "She doesn't have any moss or anything in her eye..."

"Then what's wrong!?" Cloudtail demanded.

"I don't know!" She snapped back in response. "I'll have to keep an eye on her for a while to figure out what's wrong."

Ferncloud Third Person POV

Ferncloud paced anxiously in front of the medicine cat den. She had left Dustpelt to look after the other three kits and awaited news on Rainkit.

Leafpool poked her head out of the entrance. "She was able to see again after a while. But she's sleeping now. And I'd like to keep an eye on her for a while."

Ferncloud nodded, relief soothing her hyper-active nerves. "Thank you, I'll go back to the other kits now." With a quick dip of her head, Ferncloud made her way to the nursery.

Leafpool Third Person POV

"Jaypaw, Rainkit will be staying with us for a few days. So be kind, and don't upset her." Leafpool instructed in a stern voice to her apprentice.

Jaypaw rolled his jay blue eyes. "When have I ever upset a kit?"

"Kits get easily upset, don't you dare try to irritate her just to go against my words." Leafpool retorted.

Her instruction was met with silence.

"Fine." Jaypaw finally replied.

Jaypaw Third Person POV

Jaypaw was woken again by the soft shifting of moss. He let out a heavy sigh, Rainkit had been shivering and shifting in her nest all night. He couldn't get a single wink of sleep! This was already the third night of the constant noise. Leaning over the side of his own nest, he poked the kit with his nose to find that her entire body was shivering.

Thinking for a moment on what to do, Jaypaw finally let out a heavy sigh. Grumbling to himself, he crawled out of his nest and planted himself beside Rainkit. Closing his eyes and praying that Leafpool wouldn't comment about it in the morning. As he fell asleep again, he felt Rainkit quit her shivering.

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