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Firestar Third Person POV (The trio are 1 moon into their training, so Jaypaw is now studying to be med cat)

The night after both Skywatcher and Bluestar had shared some disturbing phrases, Firestar could not sleep. Something was nagging him to go out, in the rain.

Failing for another time, Firestar gave in to the nagging feeling and walked silently out of camp. Silently, he walked through the forest, following the nagging feeling as rain dripped down on him.

Finally, he came upon a small clearing where a very small kit sat. Her abnormally large ears pricked up as if listening carefully to her surroundings. Yet, she didn't seem at all startled when Firestar came up beside her and sat down.

"Hello there, little one." He mewed softly. "What are you doing?"

The pale tortoiseshell kit turned and looked up at Firestar, sending shock through his bones. The she-kit had one pale sharp blue eye while the other was a shocking bright yellow-amber colour. Around her left eye–the sun-like one–there was a splatter of white that resembled a cloud. On her right ear tip, the same marking was present.

"I'm listening to the song!" The little she-kit replied in a sweet voice.

"Why out where there isn't any cover?" He asked in a quavering voice.

"You hear it best when you aren't under a bush." She answered in a tone oblivious to his shock while sending a pointed glare at a nearby shrub.

"Are you alone? Where's your mother?" Firestar asked, looking around.

"I'm not alone! Skykit is under the bush over there, sheltering. He doesn't like rain very much." She continued. "And Whitestorm was here–"

"Whitestorm!?" Firestar gaped. "How do you know that na–"

"Yeah! He was here a few seconds ago." The kit interrupted while she looked around. "I think he left, back to where we came from."

"And where did you come from?"

"From up there." She pointed to the sky with her nose.

"I see..." Firestar was becoming awfully confused. "What's your name?"

"I'm Rainkit!" She answered, beaming up at him.

"Rainkit! Hurry up and get under here, it's cold! You'll get whitecough!" A new voice exclaimed.

Turning around, Firestar found a sturdy looking blue-gray tom-kit with a pale ginger splotch on his chest and dark blue eyes.

"I'll come in a bit, Skykit!" Rainkit shot back.

The kits had Clan names, the she-kit knew the name Whitestorm and for some strange reason, she looked an awful lot like Rainsong.

" ...Watch carefully for her." Bluestar's words flashed through his mind. Had the previous ThunderClan leader meant the little she-kit?

"Why don't you both come with me?" Firestar asked, silently hoping the kits wouldn't find it suspicious and argue. "I can take you to my Clan, we can give you shelter, a soft nest and plenty of food. It isn't safe for kits to stay out here where there are predators."

Skykit's eyes widened, as if such a place couldn't possibly exist. Rainkit merely tilted her head and looked like she was thinking.

"We'll come with you!" Skykit immediately shouted as Rainkit opened her mouth to say something herself.

"Hey! You can't speak for me!" She pouted. "But yeah, I want to go with you too."

Relieved that they weren't making it difficult, Firestar led the way as the two kits teased each other and followed him. As they walked, Firestar couldn't help but feel shifty and uncomfortable as if some cat were keeping their eyes on him. Looking back, he found Rainkit staring at him with wonder.

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