A new start (Re-write)

750 19 1

Thought ex.-(speech)

Action ex.-*speech*

(Y/N pov)

I could feel life drain away from my body as I looked up at the sky. The stars twinkled with grace as my vision started to blur.

I had no chance of winning, why even bother trying at this point? I was tired, injured and outnumbered.

Even though I had lost, even though I was nearing my death I still didn't fell anger, hate or anything, it all simply felt funny. To think that things could turn around this fast. In just a few years we went from the best of friends to this.

I don't blame them it is my fault, I was the one who went crazy over power and revenge. Now that I look at it, is revenge even worth it? Was this all worth it? Revenge is nothing more than a path of sadness and self destruction. I had chosen this path and now I pay the consequences.

I tilted my head to look at the cube which was weakly glowing. It had always given off a sense of security and familiarity to me. But now that I look at it I realize one thing. I had no choice did I? I was nothing more than just a puppet within an even bigger game, right?

My consciousness faded as the cube started to slowly lose its glow.

As I my vision started to go dark I looked at my friends one last time. I smiled at them and weakly said. "I'm sorry."


3rd person POV

The sun rose up from its long slumber and shone its light upon the land of illusions.

As its light shone within a particular forest its rays landed on the face of a little girl who was fast asleep.

No one knew how she got there, nor did anyone know what she was doing there.

Her eyes started to awake due to the sun rays shining onto her face.


I woke up from the ground to be met with a bright light shining on my face. I used my hands to cover myself from the light and to give myself time to adjust to the brightness.

Once my eyes had adjusted I looked at my surroundings. I couldn't recognize anything and that's when it hit me, I couldn't remember anything. Along with this I had another huge problem with me, a headache. The bright light wasn't helping with my headache anyways.


It had been a while and I hadn't moved, fortunately enough though, my headache had finally calmed down.

I tried to get up but my legs felt stiff. They were soar as well. It was hard to move but I forced myself. It almost felt as if I haven't used them in a very long time.

It was the same case with my hands.

The more I moved the more they hurt. But for now I had to deal with it.

I moved around a little bit and it was definitely hard and painful to say the least.

After a while of moving I did realize my body was pretty small.

I moved more to try and get myself to move smoothly without much trouble. Eventually the pain did calm down slightly.

Now I had nothing to do with me. No goal in mind no nothing. Well I guess there is one thing and that would be get more knowledge about where I was.

I do have a few choices onto what I can do. I could uslessly sit around here doing nothing orI could go around the forest to try and see what I could find.

I took the obvious action and started to walk.

Time seemingly went by pretty fast or the weather changed rather quickly as for it was raining at the current moment.

I took shelter from under the rain under a tree. I didn't have much time to waste so therefore, I decided to take a huge leaf to shelter myself from the rain whilst I was moving around.

As I got ready to take the leaf I accidentally uprooted the entire plant and kind of messed up the ground along with it.

I moved along pretending that I didn't do anything.

I moved around for a while trying to find anything and I still was completely lost.

After a while I still didn't find anything. The only thing was that the rain had stopped.

As the sky cleared I saw that the stars were already out and twinkling. The sky was surprisingly clear even though it was raining just a while ago.


I sat on top of a tree that I had flown up on and gazed up at the vast night sky.

The night was very calm and quiet it made me feel as if I had the entire world to myself and no one else. It was a beautiful sight the bright and white twinkling stars gracefully shone within the black sky. The cold breeze blew gently as well all night long.

I wonder what's up there. What kind of world lies beyond the sky. Maybe one day I may get to know. Who knows? I don't even know who I am, yet alone figuring out what kind of world lies up there.

I heard a few voices which drew my attention. I looked to the side from where the voices came from and saw a few small figures. There were 5 of them all of them had unique wings. They were pretty faraway and because of that I wasn't able to make out many details.

(Who are they?) I wondered, I don't anyone or anything around here, so therefore, this was my time to ask someone. I was kind of nervous though and because of that I hesitated. Because of my hesitation they all flew off before I was even able to start flying towards them. Only after a few moments I had lost line of sight on them.

I continued to gaze at the night sky as if I had never seen them. Though there was somenthing in this night, there was one peculiar thing I had noticed. There was a gap within the air that was filled with eyes. It was creepy. Even though it did peak my curiosity I was too afraid of the consequences if I approached it. Therefore, I left that though be and ignored the gap.

Throughout the night I did notice a few more figures flying in the distance. All of them left my line of sight pretty quickly. As one last figure was flying pretty slowly I could finally catch up to her. I built up the courage and approached the figure. I saw a blonde girl in mostly black and white clothing who was flying on a broom. A weird choice but who am I to judge.

As I approached the miss I already had noticed the size difference between the two of us.

I got near her and spoke up. "Hey, miss."

End first part 1 A new start.

Author's note: Missed me? I decided to completely re-write this story to the point it technically won't even be the same story. Thank all of you who are reading this for being patient. I have been busy with my life and also I am making a completely original story a well.

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