Y/N's outing: Spring celebration

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... The blue sky... and the clouds... It was finally warm again. I could touch water without the worry of freezing my hand over... Spring was here.

I was lying down on my back inside a very shallow stream of water. My back was fully submerged, the water reaching up to halfway up my shoulders. My hair was getting soaked in the water... I can feel the calm and cool water brushing past my head, then down to my shoulders, then down my torso, then finally down my feet.

I closed my eyes to relax a little, concentrating on the sound of the water flowing past me.

Maybe I should have taken off my clothes before jumping into the stream of water, but it is done now and it can't be undone.

... My ears suddenly perk up at the sound of certain fairies talking from behind the trees and shrubs.

"Come on, let's hurry up, we need to be the first to reach there!" That ice fairy... She sounds about as loud as always.

Following Cirno's voice was the voice of another familiar greater fairy. "Cirno-Chan, please slow down a little!" As usual, the poor gentle Daiyousei having to keep up with the ever energetic and excite-able Cirno's shenanigans. Daiyousei's voice continued speaking, "Plus, the spring celebration is taking place at the Hakurei shrine. You are going the opposite way, Cirno-Chan!"

Ah, yes... That's right, the spring celebration. I guess that's happening today.

I opened my eyes and looked at the blue sky again... the clouds still hadn't moved from their positions.

Marisa had invited me to attend the spring celebration, not that you need one in the first place.

Maybe a few more minutes and then I will leave for the Hakurei shrine.

I closed my eyes again and relaxed, still laying down on the stream of water.

A few more minutes passed... I don't know... maybe even an hour or was it two...? I guess I have procrastinated enough either way.

I got up and sat down with my legs folded on eachother. I sat there for a few seconds.

"Let's go on ahead and see what the spring celebration has in store!" I exclaimed to myself as I unfurled my wings and quickly take off, leaving a cloud of dust and dirt in the place from where I took off.

I followed the shortest path towards the Hakurei Shrine from where I was currently, which was simply ignoring all the paths carved out by the people and fly straight to the top of the mountain.

I could see the many plants that had sprung up with life now that spring was finally back... Letty should also be back to sleep by now.

Well, whatever the case, I should pay more attention to where I am going. You never know when one could randomly and suddenly bump into a troublesome Marisa... Unless she has already arrived at the shrine, then I am safe from the dangers presented within the presence of Marisa in the air.

It wasn't too long until I reached the Hakurei Shrine. It was quite lively, many inhabitants of Gensokyo were present here... Only yokai though, no humans present... as expected!

I looked at the attendees of the festival, seeing many faces I recognise, and many that I do not recognise. We have Aya... The three fairies of light... Cirno and Daiyousei... The entire cast of residents from Scarlet Devil Mansion... Alice... Mystia... Ruima... Mystia The Prismriver sisters... That Kappa... what was her name again? Ah, yes, Nitori... Then, of course, we have Marisa and Reimu... and would y'all look at that? Even the perpetrators themselves are here! And a few others I don't know as well are here... Well, whatever the case, this place looks kind of crowded.

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