Immaterial and missing power: Part 2

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... There has been so much commotion lately. All because of this little incident where people are partying. What's the matter with it anyways? Not as if anyone is being hurt. I don't think anyone here has much of any responsibilities anyways. People keep beating eachother up on the smallest of hunches.

I go to greet Marisa, oh no, someone's hiding up a tree to ambush an unsuspecting victim, trying to find any leads on the incident! I try to go hangout with Alice, oh no, someone shows up outta nowhere and beats me up on the smallest of hunch! I am trying to help Mutsuki collect ingredients for saké, oh no, I am suddenly a suspect because I am helping with the supply of saké in the party, helping the incident, so I get beat up again! I try to go greet Youmu, oh no, someone's already there and they pummel me with a bunch of bullets! I try to go to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, oh no, Hong Meiling won't allow me to- okay, that one makes sense, I will leave that be.

These last few days have been so frustrating just because a bunch of people are beating eachother up over the smallest of hunch, even beating people who aren't involved just because to them it felt like the right thing to do.

Maybe I should take this day to calm down. I already know I am not safe in my house, everyone knows where I live. Someone's bound to show up to my house knocking at my door to perform amateur acupuncture on me with danmaku.

Maybe I should go somewhere more quieter... Somewhere where it is guaranteed that no-one will come find me. Atleast, nobody who could easily beat me up.

I immediately gathered up things to go out on a little picnic for myself. I should try to take my mind off these ridiculous happenings recently.

I calmly walk, not fly, flying is bound to have me run into someone in the air. I calmly walk towards my destination, thinking about how bad could this simple incident could really be.

At worst, maybe the shrine is a little tougher to clean up because of all the partying... and maybe slightly slippery work. But I don't see much problem past those...

Is it just me, or do most people in Gensokyo seem like incident-resolving fanatics? I mean, I have already decided common sense is not the thing for me, but this is even beyond me. They are really willing to terrorise anyone just to solve even the smallest of inconveniences in the most elaborate ways possible.

At this point, I am not convinced that one of the dead bodies on my mortuary isn't just Reimu in a disguise waiting to smack me into one of my own coffins! Or even that one of my own employees just isn't another incident resolver getting ready to strangle me in my sleep over the smallest of evidence that could link me to the incident.

"I swear I feel like I can always see Reimu in the corner of my vision, stalking me, waiting for the opportunity... Ugh, makes me sick." I say to no one but myself as I continue walking on my path.


I let out a content sigh as I quietly sipped at my tea in this small moment of quiet. Perfect temperature on the lips and tongue, a satisfyingly calming fragrance whilst not being too bitter. TRULY, this is the dream!

I was sitting outside the Scarlet Devil Mansion at the edge of the misty lake, traces of fire in the form of charcoal and ash that was formerly grass and wood.

It all seemed like it would just be peacef-

An explosion happened...

"What the f-"

I turned towards the mansion, the explosion came from in there. Don't tell me some pesky incident resolver is in there beating people up for literally no reason.

I quickly finished drinking my tea and got up. I started packing my things up to quickly get out of here before anyone gets out of the mansion and sees me. If I come within the line of sight of any of those psychopaths in there I am definitely coming out with bruises and wounds all over my body.

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