Red mist in the sky. (Re-write)

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Before I went out to live on my own mom always used to tell me "Be careful at night, there might be a youkai waiting for an opportunity to attack and kill you." That isn't exactly what's going on with my live right now, so I don-"Hey miss." A sudden voice behind me scared me. Alright, I take it back, maybe she was right, time to save my ass from whoever is behind me. I immediately turned around with my mini hakkero, ready to blast whoever it was into hell.


I approached the person and spoke up."Hey miss." At this the girl jumped and turned around with something that I didn't recognize but judging by the way she is holding it up towards me, it is probably to blast people straight into hell.

I ducked down trying to safe my ass from whatever kind of attack that thing might unleash. As soon as I ducked down a huge light beam came out of the thing. It was just barely missing me by a few inches. But, even though the main attack was missing me I could still feel the heat radiating off the attack on my skin.

After the attack was over I got up and spoke up. "Calm down, calm down. You win, I don't want to fight. I don't want to lose my life that I just got yesterday."

The girl looked at me with confusion. She placed her hand on my head, it would appear that she trying to compare our heights. She then picked me up like a stuffed animal and held me in the air trying to get a good look at me.

I was just here to get some help, almost got my life taken away from me and now I'm being picked up like a stuffed animal? I have to raise my voice in objection against this. "Oi, lady, could you put me down? I'm not a toy that you can just pick up."

She then looked at me for a little while longer before putting me back down.

After she put me back down I then proceeded with introducing myself. "Hello miss who almost killed me. I am (Y/N) and I am new around this place, so I was wondering if you could show me around?"

She looked kind of annoyed at the name that I had given her. Though she proceeded to introduce herself anyways. "The name is Marisa, just an ordinary magician. Now about the part of showing you around, I can't really do it right now, I'm kind of busy. But, I do have this map that I can give you."

At this Marisa handed me a map and immediately flew away at breakneck speeds.

I was all alone now...... again.

I then started walking. Only a few minutes later I had realized, I cannot read this map........ it is still very dark........ and it's also raining...... again.

"What a bummer, I can't read the map, it is still very dark, it is also raining again and I'm alone and bored......... if things stay this boring.............. then I may as well........... die." This is what I said now that I was bored, because I couldn't explore properly as for I couldn't read the map.

It had been multiple hours and I was getting really bored and then suddenly a small cute ghost came out of nowhere. It was making gestures to play...... rock, paper, scissors. Well there is nothing better to do, so why not.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot." For the first round we both chose rock and this resulted in a draw.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot." For the second round the hand had won, as for I had chosen rock again whilst the ghost chose paper.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot." I had won this round. The ghost had chosen rock and I chose paper.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot." I had won yet again. The ghost had chosen paper whilst I chose scissors.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot." I had won yet again. The ghost chose scissors whilst I chose rock.

After this the ghost slowly left. As it was leaving I waved my hand and simply said in a low voice "Goodbye."

Now the rain was starting to clear up and I tried reading the map again. But even so, nothing had improved even one bit. I still couldn't comprehend one thing about the map. The main problem with me reading this map was that I didn't know where I was. So it was hard to know, going in which direction will land me where.

Then an idea suddenly popped into my mind. I flew high up until I could see very far out and now I could see where most of the structures were. Where I was at the current moment was presumably the forest of magic. That huge mountain in the distance should be the youkai mountain. Not that far away I could see a shrine, here on this map it was written that it was the Hakurei shrine. According to the map it was the only shrine here.

Not too far away from the Hakurei shrine was the human village, honestly? Not interested in that, probably very boring.

Wait..... If I want to live here won't I need...... money.......? What do I do? I can't really think up of much. Hmm......... Let's...... bury people. What am I thinking?


"What do you think father?" A little girl asked her father as she showed of a butterfly that she made from paper.

"It looks great kiddo. Perhaps even good enough to be used as decoration for the parlor!" The father complimented the child's work as he pat her on the head.

"Really!?" The girl asked with a big smile and excitement in her voice. Her voice was filled with so much energy and happiness that it could illuminate the whole world.

"Yes, kiddo." The father replied with a small smile on his face.

The girl was overjoyed with her father's answer."Well then, I shall keep practicing until my crafts become perfect, then, I will start helping you with your job dad!" The kid declared to her father.

From another room the voice of a woman could be heard. "Dinner is ready you two, come on over!"


The candles gave off a dim light during the night. The barely 13 year old girl sat on her knees on the stone path near a grave. Tears would not stop flowing from her eyes as she mourned over her close one's death. Picking up 3 lilies she had brought with herself she placed them on the water's surface and let them flow with the flow of the river. She closed her eyes and swore one thing, one single thing.


It had been a few months or so since I had arrived here in Gensokyo. I had learned many things about the place. For now I resided only a few minutes away from human village. For the most part I had been kind of lonely due to my job...... I had around 27 employees working under me. I always try to keep a happy personality outside of my job, after all I don't want to scare people away from me, it also hurts my heart to see those sad weeping faces, so I try to keep people happy if possible.

(A/N:Past Junko might have needed  (Y/N's) services.)

Today was a free day. There were no clients at the current moment, the perfect day to go out.

I stepped out of the human village and was immediately met with thick red mist. What is this? Well, this is a bummer. I wanted to bask in the sunlight. Who did this? Whose work is this?

I looked around to check for any humans nearby and when I confirmed that there was indeed no one around I called out to my little friend. "YAAAAAHOOOOOO!" And just like that my friend came phasing through the ground.

I pointed at the sky and he followed my finger and looked at the sky before looking back at me. "I want you to help me find the source of this mist you can do that right?"

The ghost simply looked away from me in a manner that literally said "I'm not gonna do it."

So, I clasped my hands together and slightly bowed down and said. "Please."

The ghost turned even further away. At this I bowed even further and yet again said "Please!" but louder this time.

The ghost turned even further away so I bowed even further and even louder this time I said. "PLEASE!"

At this the ghost finally turned towards and made a gesture to say "fine, fine."

I then immediately got back up but still with my hands clasped together I had one eye closed as a way to say thank you.

A/N:Ok, here you guys go another part. I could have definitely done better, but since it was taking way too long I decided to just upload it. Also write your thoughts onto what Y/N's job might be.

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