Curiosities of lotus asia: Part 1

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... I opened my eyes... It was the same day... I thought I was gonna be having a good nap. But it seems like I slept for less than 30 minutes this time around...

I got up from my bed and looked around. My room looked about as dark and bland as ever. I never really had thought of putting any special decorations here. But after realizing just how empty, depressing and "totally not reflecting how I am" my room looked like... Got it! I am gonna decorate it with the most exotic decoration I can find!

... But where can I find such things? I could go out and search by myself... But I doubt any of those human shops are gonna have anything special or unique...

Wait! I know where to go! I don't know if he is gonna sell his items to me or not since he seems more like a collector rather than a shopkeeper when it comes to the items he "has in stock"... But, it is worth the try anyways!

I jumped off my bed and quickly changed into my winter clothing.

I looked into the mirror. I had just woken up, so my hair looks like an absolute mess, and I still look a tad bit groggy. So, I spent a good amount of time fixing up my hair and washing my face to make myself look presentable!

After the preparations were done, I looked at myself in the mirror once more. "Looking as good as ever!" I exclaimed to myself.

I then proceeded to walk up to the window again and threw them open. To Kourindou! I am coming for your collection, Rinnosuke!

Unfurling my wings, I climbed onto the open window's frame and jumped out, quickly taking into the air and flying off towards Kourindou.

Kourindou was to the east of the human village and the south-western edge of the forest of magic. So, I quickly turned to the right of the human village and flew out the gates.

There is not much but a clear path carved out from the human village to Kourindou.

After flying for a while, I passed by the diversion to the left that would have lead to the Scarlet devil mansion, I knew that at the next diversion if I turned left, I would reach Kourindou.

But as I flew over the path, at the yokai trail, I saw something peculiar on the ground... Was that the yokai that Reimu was fighting...? Fuming? She also seemed to be covered in a few bruises and her clothing seemed a bit dirty from the little scuffle she had with Reimu.

Eh, who cares. My destination is Kourindou. So, I continued flying forward.

Eventually, I reached the turn that will lead me directly to Kourindou.

I opened the door and walked inside. I saw Rinnosuke and Marisa talking would appear the two hadn't noticed my arrival.

I overheard Marisa and Rinnosuke speaking in the middle of their conversation. "...That's the 12th volume of a series, the continuation of the books piled up here. You wouldn't be able to understand that book without reading the ones before it." Rinnosuke pointed to the pile of books on the counter besides him as he spoke.

Marisa turned her head to the pile of books and read the title, "Oh, 'The Future of the Non-Neumann-Type Computer'? Man, I can't even figure out what it's about by the title."

I didn't want to interrupt their conversation, so I just listened in silently without making my presence known.

Rinnosuke now explained a little of what he understood about the books and their purpose to Marisa, "It's a spell book from the outside world. You probably wouldn't be interested at all but I am."

Marisa looked curious about the books. "Hmm, spells from the outside world... What kinda magic is that, Kourin?" She asked Rinnosuke. Rinnosuke quickly replied saying, "I'm still in the middle of reading it, but... they use calculation familiars called "computers", and those do exactly as they're ordered. Of course, those are clearly shikigami, but I'm still not quite sure what kind of power they use."

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