Chapter 1

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    ~To all of the Queens, who are fighting alone,
       Baby you're not dancin' on your own~
                       ~Kings and Queens~
                              ~Ava Max◇

I ran through the streets, panting hard, tears leaving wet streaks down my face. Nothing I ever did would be good enough for Father. Hanabi would always be better. She always would have the love and recognition I could only dream of.

It wasn't that I hated my sister. Don't misunderstand me....I love my sister. I really do. I love her so very much, but it was still very hurtful that our Father loved her more than me. But I never took it out on Hanabi. She didn't deserve that and I knew it.

But it still hurt.

It wasnt just Father either. Everyone seemed to like Hanabi better than me. They always talked about how nice and helpful and beautiful She was. Hanabi was always popular with everyone at the academy. Everyone wanted to be her friend whereas I.....just stayed alone in the corner.

I wasn't completely friendless though. I did have one friend, and he was the cause of people tending to avoid me. It just so happened that I was close friends with the most popular boy in Konaha:

Uchiha Itachi.

Being friends with the village heartthrob meant that I was constantly under attack from his fangirls. They were absolutely crazy.

I ran through the streets, making my way through the crowds to the Uchiha compound. Hoping Itachi was home, I knocked on the door, only to be met with the kind face of Mikoto-san.

Mikoto smiled. "Hello, Hinata!" Her snike faded as she noticed my tear stained cheeks. "Are you alright?" Mikoto frowned.

"I'm fine." I whispered. "Is--"

"He's upstairs." Mikoto let me inside. She didn't even need me to tell her why I was there.

I dashed upstairs, bursting into Itachi's room. Itachi looked up from the book he was reading, his brows drawing together. He stood, opening his mouth to speak, but I ran over to him, knocking him slightly off balance as I wrapped my arms around him. Itachi returned my embrace, not speaking for some time.

"Bad day?" Itachi asked finally.

I only nodded in response.

"Your father?" Itachi guessed, and I nodded again.

"Yeah..." I sighed, pulling away from the raven. "I---I didn't do very well in my training today and Father had me spar Hanabi......I lost."

Itachi smiled kindly. "I'm guessing he gave you the lecture again.."

"Yeah." I nodded. I lowered my voice in a bad imitation of my father. "'You're a failure and a disgrace to our clan. Hanabi should be the heiress, not you.'"

"Do you think he really will?" Itachi looked worried.

"Will what?" I asked.

"Name Hanabi heiress?"

I looked away. "He probably will." I looked up at Itachi. "You're so lucky. You're smart, talented, and your parents are really nice."

A shadow passed over Itachi's features, but only for a brief moment so I thought I'd imagined it.

"Hn..." Itachi sighed absent-mindedly.

"I don't really care that much about being the heiress though." I lied. I actually did care, and Itachi knew it, too.

"That's not true and you know it." Itachi shook his head. He understood my position well. He, too, was heir to his clan, which meant a lot of pressure to be the best. Unlike me, however, Itachi really was the best. He was already an ANBU, and he was only thirteen.

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