Chapter 4

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I skipped through the darkening streets of Konaha, my heart fluttering in my chest. My fingers constantly slid to the necklace around my neck-a chain with three rings that matched Itachi's. The sun was sinking below the horizon, slowly lengthening the shadows cast on the ground. I looked up at the sky above me, its large expanse shot with pinks and purples, framing the fiery sun. Everything just seemed so beautiful when you have someone who loves you.

Even though I was heading back to my house, where my parents would be waiting, I didn't dread it. My heart was light, even though it was practically bursting full with joy. For the first time in my life, I had someone who loved me, that I could love in return. Itachi was so sweet and kind, and he loved me so very much. And that was enough.

I rounded the corner, not far from my house, when Iruka-sensei ran up to me panting hard.

"Sensei?" I frowned. "What is it?"

"Sasuke forgot this." Iruka panted, handing me some papers. "This is some of his homework. Would you mind running it by the Uchiha compound?"

"Not at all!" I beamed.

"Thank you." Iruka looked relieved. "I would, but I have a lot of work to get done."

"I'll go right away!" I replied happily, dashing away. I had no problem postponing my meeting with my parents.

The sky was slowly darkening to a deep royal purple, the first stars showing thier faces, scattered across the sky. I skipped along happily, the gentle night breeze ruffling my hair. The last rays of sunlight disappeared from sight, allowing the moon to shine a bright silver orb, coating everything in a silver glow. I had always loved the night. Something about it had always seemed magical.

By the time I'd reached the Uchiha compound, Night had finally come, flinging her dark robes across the sky, glittering with a million diamonds. But I wasn't focused on the sky. Worry drew my brows together, as I observed the dark and quiet Uchiha compound. The silence was deafening, and it was odd that all the lights were off.

Stepping inside the courtyard, I gasped, horrified at the sight that met me. Bodies were piled all over the ground, blood pooling in dark puddles on the ground. Running in rivers down the drain. Bloodied streaks painted everything in horrible dark stains. I stumbled, clapping my hand over my mouth, the thick metallic scent of blood making me nauseated.

Who did this?!

I picked my way through the carnage, making my way inside. The sight inside was no less horrible, bodies upon bodies slumped on the ground, blood pooling on the wooden floors, staining the wood a dark red. I couldn't belive it. I couldn't imagine who could have done this. Who could have slaughtered so many people.

I broke into a run, panic and terror flooding my senses as I searched desperately for surivuors. For anyone who at least had a chance to be saved. I ran from room to room, only to find more and more bodies. Realization struck me hard, knocking the wind out of me. Whoever had done this......had killed the whole clan. I had already known that the Uchiha clan wasn't largely trusted by the village, but I hadn't thought it'd be this bad. I hadn't thought that the views of hatred had run this deep.

Then it dawned on me. If they'd been after the clan.......

"Itachi!" I whispered allowed, tears streaming down my cheeks.

My heart pounded as I ran, searching the carnage for Itachi, and Sasuke. There was no sign of them anywhere. I searched room after room, none of them anywhere in sight. Sliding open another door, I gasped to find the bloodied bodies of Fugaku and Mikoto, lying on the ground. They were both dead. Sobs escaped my chest as I ran out side again, stumbling through the blood and bodies. I fell to my knees, sobs shuddering though my body as my tears fell in droplets on the ground. When I looked up again, I could see Sasuke's unconscious form, lying amongst the blood.

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