Chapter 16

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Hanabi's pov~

I wasn't supposed to.

I had promised myself that I wouldn't.

And yet at the mere breath of his chakra presence, I knew that I couldn't resist the bloodthirsty tang of revenge. Kiba was going to get pounded.

The trees flashed by me, their boughs shaking and protesting as I cut throught them, my blade sliding through the wood with ease. My vision blazed red as I honed in on their position, Kiba and that weird bug kid closer with each passing second.

And yet it wasn't fast enough.

He will pay...that bastard will pay for what he's done to my sister....

Hinata never knew. Never knew about the horrible lies Kiba and our bastard Father told about her. So much so that they even tricked me into believing that my sister had become a traitorous bitch. That she had willingly betrayed Konaha and joined the Akatsuki just because she had never cared about the loyalties that had been taught to the both of us sense we were young:

Clan first, Konaha second.

Yet, I now knew that everything I'd ever been told...was wrong.

All wrong.

And now, I wanted nothing more than to vent every ounce of my hatred and frustration on the man who had treated my sister like trash, just because she didn't want to be with trash. Trash like him, and our father...

But vengeance against my father will have to wait. Kiba....well, heh, that can start now.

I closed on their position, my hand drifting to my ANBU mask, the old reflexes taking over before I made my attack— But then..I felt my fingers move away from my mask, curling into a fist around my blade. No...I didn't want to do this as a shadow, a shadow that struck without any warning or revealment....

No. I wanted to make sure he saw my face as I delivered a vengeance that should have been delivered years ago. Years before he and my father warped my view and manipulated me into their stupid game.

Now it was my turn to play.

"...Hahaha, why you worrying, Shino? I have that stupid old lady wrapped around my finger."

Kiba was laughing, his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his jacket. "It won't be long before Hioshi-sama and the elders make their move, and I'm on their good side which means I get the pay-off. That is...once Hinata is dead anyways."

My anger flared. What?!

"This isn't a good idea, and you know it." Shino hissed, his voice low as bugs buzzed around him. "You know what I think, and if you continue on this insane path of betrayal, you know what I have to do—"

Kiba growled, his hand lashing through the air as he grabbed Shino's throat, pinning him against a tree. "You won't do anything, cockroach—!"

I didn't wait for the rest. I launched myself out of of the leafy canopy, my hand clenched around my katana.

"You, bastard!"

My growl echoed through the clearing as I collided with Kiba, the two of us tumbling together until I landed on top of him. I pressed my katana against his throat, my blade piercing the flesh just enough to cause a trickle of blood to dribble down his neck.

I was going to enjoy this.

"H-Hanabi.." Kiba gasped, his mouth contorting into a crazed grin. "It's been a while, darling—"

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