Chapter 10

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When we had reached the hideout, I couldn't help but worry, bile rising in my throat. It almost felt like the end, but I knew it wasn't. It couldn't be. Itachi would protect me from harm, so there was no need to be concerned.....right? Even so, it was rather nerve-racking to walk right into the mother nest of the Akatsuki. A group of S-rank criminals who were bent on capturing Naruto and stealing his power. While I didn't think they'd necessarily hurt me, I couldn't bet on anything yet. Just because I was Itachi's wife, didn't mean that I was safe. But I did have full confidence that Itachi wouldn't just let them hurt me. Not that I really needed his protection.

Itachi and Kisame led me inside, my skin pricking uncomfortably. I swallowed hard, shivering with fear as my stomach twisted. Biting my tongue, I hung my head in shame. I hated the fact that I was afraid. But I suppose that it wasn't all that odd, considering that even though I was a jonin, the Akatsuki could easily overpower me. It still sickened me to know that I was so nervous. Itachi looked back it me, and gave me a small smile, slipping his hand into mine. His touch brought me comfort, making the icy hand of fear that clenched around my heart receed back into the shadows. I was greatful for Itachi's small gesture of kindness, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

The three of us entered a large spacious room, furnished with chairs and fluffy couches. Several other Akatsuki members lounged about, only looking up when they saw us. I felt nervous to see so many pairs of eyes looking at me, my face feeling rather warm. Staring down at my toes, I clutched the sleeve of Itachi's coat, feeling rather shy.

Several moments passed before a man stood up. His periwinkle hair caught the light in shades of purple tinted silver, slicked back against his scalp. I watched his eyes roam over my body hungrily, as if begging to get a better look. His gaze made me feel uncomfortable, as I scooted closer to Itachi.

"Who's the lady?" The man asked Itachi, his creepy eyes still searching me, a red scythe slung over one shoulder.

Itachi's eyed narrowed, his sharingan spinning in a pinwheel of black and red. "She is my wife, and don't even think about touching her." Itachi hissed, his voice low and dangerous.

"Don't worry, I wasn't gonna touch your girl!" The man threw his hands up in protest, but you could see in his bloodthirsty eyes that he was lying. "I'm Hidan, by the way." Hidan grinned at me, fingering a necklace that hung around his neck, his fingertips brushing over a star shaped pendant.

"You don't get to sacrifice her to stupid Jashin either." Kisame added flatly, glaring at Hidan.

"Maybe I'll sacrifice you to Jashin!" Hidan spat.

"No." Kisame shrugged, smirking.

"Go fuck yourself!" Hidan grumbled, stalking away, his bright red scythe dragging behind him with a loud screech. 

"That's Hidan." Kisame sighed, turning to me. "He's loud and rude and a crazy, bloodthirsty, cultist. Just stay away from him."

Itachi nodded in agreement. "His temper is as foul as his mouth."

The next to introduce himself was a masked man, with creepy green eyes that seemed to glow. "I'm Kakazu. I handle the Akatsuki's finances, and deal with stupid Hidan."

Kakazu stalked away without another word, leaving me staring after him. I opened my mouth to take note of what was with Kakazu, but a strange man in a bright orange mask bounded up to me, waving his arms around wildly.

"Hi! I'm Tobi!" He giggled, bouncing up and down.

"O-oh..nice to meet you, Tobi." I smiled shyly.

"What do you want, Tobi?" Kisame groaned, looking at the masked man with distaste. "Dumb kid.."

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