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hiding the worst of it underground

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LAVERNA was leaning against a palm tree as she watched her friend, Sarah Cameron, run around the yard with a tennis racket. She was trying to save the mice from the seagulls. After the storm had hit yesterday, a lot of the mice were washed out of their habitats. Laverna honestly didn't care. Her main priority was not the mice.

Laverna and Sarah have been friends since Laverna was ten and Sarah was seven. Now, Laverna is nineteen and Sarah is sixteen. Laverna's fathers and Sarah's parents were best friends and business partners. Her fathers used to work on Ward Cameron's boat and took care of it, they got paid pretty well for it and a friendship blossomed. That was until her fathers were out fishing on a summer day four years ago and just never came back. Laverna didn't know if they left her or died. She didn't care. She moved on.

Laverna's family never had a lot of money, unlike Sarah's family. They weren't quite Pogues, but they weren't Kooks either. Although, there was one weird thing about that. Laverna is only nineteen and she is now one of the richest and most successful people in Kildare. No one knew how she got her money, and it was sort of the town mystery, but only two people know. Her cousin, JJ, and her friend, Barry.

"Sarah, would you stop? You look insane." Laverna called out as she fiddled with the end of her blue Hawaiian shirt. Sarah just kept running around and attempting to scare the seagulls away. "I can't stop, Lav! I have to protect the mice."

Laverna rolled her eyes before folding her arms. Lav was what everyone called her. Her friends, her fathers did, even when she introduced herself, she said people should call her that. Laverna suddenly heard the sound of people walking, so she looked to her side where she saw Ward Cameron and Ms. Lana. They stood next to Laverna and Ward asked, "Vernie, what is she doing?"

Ward was the only person who called her Vernie. He wasn't really a father figure to her since Laverna didn't believe that she needed one, but Ward basically took care of her since he was the closest she could have to a father.

"Your beloved daughter is the Rat Queen, so she's protecting her loyal subjects." Laverna responded which only caused Ward to sigh. "Your sarcasm is never helpful."

"I beg to differ." Ward ignored her statement and just called out for his daughter. "Sarah! What are you doing?"

"The burrows filled with water from the surge. The birds are having a field day." Laverna rolled her eyes once again. This was a constant occurring action. Laverna and Sarah are two very different people who don't see eye to eye on so many different things.

"Just let the mice die. Murder is apart of life." Laverna pointed out and Sarah just waved her off. Sarah always waved her off when Laverna said odd things like that.

Sarah had given up on trying to help the mice, also since it seemed like Ward and Ms. Lana were waiting for her. Sarah walked over to them and Ward introduced her to Ms. Lana. "Sarah, this is Lana, Scooter's wife. Lana, this is Sarah and Laverna."

"I've met Laverna. Scooter knows her." Laverna sent her a little salute. Laverna did in fact know Scooter and it was for a reason that Lana did not know about.

The whole mystery behind how Laverna was rich was a little...illegal. Laverna deals drugs for people on the island and some even off the island. The only two people who knew about it was JJ, her only cousin, and Barry, who is the guy who gets her the drugs and is technically her boss. Although, they are friends, so the two of them just sort of see it as working together.

Scooter just so happened to be one of her clients.

"You were storm prepping with him, right?" Ward asked his daughter, referring to yesterday when Sarah was in fact prepping the boat with Scooter. "Yeah. He helped me latch the cabin on the Druthers 'cause a certain someone wasn't here."

Sarah was referring to Laverna. Laverna was supposed to help her, but she had to protect the mass amount of drugs in her house so that the hurricane couldn't get to it and ruin it. Although, she used the excuse that she had to storm prep her own boat. Which she did later.

"Last night?" Sarah nodded. "And did he go out after that?"

"From here? No, are you crazy? There was a hurricane." Sarah pointed out as if it was the most obvious thing. Ms. Lana was still a little worried so she frantically asked, "Well, did he say where he was going? Get a phone call or mention anything?"

"He didn't say anything to me. I'm so sorry, is he okay?" Laverna pushed herself off of the tree and put a hand on Sarah's shoulder. "He's probably fine. The hurricane probably killed him. He's sitting up on a cloud, enjoying a margarita."

Ward sent her a harsh look as Ms. Lana's expression appeared horrified. Laverna quickly corrected herself and stood up straight. "N-No. No. He did not die, he probably just got kidnapped."

Sarah hit Laverna's arm harshly and she immediately grabbed her arm in pain. "Ow!"

"Go to the docks." Sarah commanded. Laverna rolled her eyes and began walking over there. If it wasn't obvious, Laverna does not have people skills. She's a very blunt, honest person and no one likes that. The only reason she's successful in what she does, or even has acquaintances or friends is because she has a certain charm. There's something about Laverna that draws people in. Whether it's the fact that she's a risk taker. Or the fact that she seems effortlessly graceful. Or the fact that she's strong. Laverna seemed like she was everything perfect about life. But there was so much under the surface that no one is able to see.

Sound Waves〜〜rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now