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learning things about people we don't care about

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SARAH and Laverna were sitting by Sarah's pool. The housekeepers had cleaned up that part of the yard, so the girls took advantage of it. Sarah was relaxing and laying in a beach chair as she was texting her boyfriend and Laverna was sitting criss crossed right at the edge of the pool. She was sharpening a stick with her pocket knife. Sarah looked up from her phone and saw what Laverna was doing. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and asked, "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm making a knife so I can stab someone with nature." Laverna replied without looking up from her work. Sarah went to say something, but there was really nothing she could respond with. She just shook her head and got to her feet so she could sit next to Laverna. "Hey, Topper says that there's this party down by the Boneyard."

"Alright, and?" Laverna has never been one for parties. She doesn't really like drinking and she doesn't smoke or do drugs and really the only things that happen at parties are those three things. Laverna also believes that she's too busy for a relationship, so she doesn't want to meet anyone or hook up. All Laverna seems to care about is her work.

"And you should come. You're literally so uptight! Would it kill you to just have one night of fun?"

"Yes, it would kill me." Sarah rolled her eyes and got to her feet before snatching Laverna's pocket knife out of her hand. Laverna just went still, but her head slowly turned to look at Sarah who had an innocent smile. "I'll give this back if you go to the party."

Laverna bit the inside of her cheek before slowly standing up. She crossed her arms and looked right into Sarah's eyes. In the right light, Laverna could be terrifying, but Sarah knew her well enough to know that Laverna would never hurt her.

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