The Battle of UA

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Katsuki traded blow after blow with the insignificant cannon fodder who tried to get in his way. As soon as the fight had started, Izuku and Shigaraki had started fighting, steadily moving away from the main body of the battle and towards the forest, where Katsuki wouldn't be able to see them. Katsuki had complete faith in his boyfriend, he was by no means weak, but he couldn't help the anxious fluttering that swarmed his chest. And when Katsuki got anxious, he tended to show that through anger. His anger was only exacerbated by the small-time crooks who thought they stood a chance against Katsuki's explosions. 

"Move you asshole!" Katsuki yelled as he launched a villain with some sort of wind quirk across the garden. 

Katsuki was baffled as to how the LOV had managed to rally so much support for their assault on UA. This wasn't like the first time when they had attacked the USJ, they were more widely known as murderers. Sure, their notoriety may have gained them some attention and respect from those who had similar ideas to them, but Katsuki refused to believe that this many people detested heroes to the degree that they would dare to attack a hero school. The only other option that Katsuki could think of during the heat of battle was that the masses of people attacking him and his classmates were members of the Hero Safety Commission. Neither option was great, they both gave insight into how corrupt society had become and how little faith people had in heroes.

Katsuki batted away another small-time loser and took a second to look around. It looked like 2B and the third year hero students had joined his class in battling against the swarm of invaders, Katsuki thought he could also see some of the pro heroes who had been tasked with protecting the school in the absence of the rest of the teachers. Katsuki thought, somewhat snidely, that they hadn't done a very good job. 

To Katsuki's right, he saw Todoroki battling against his brother, Dabi. Katsuki knew that Todoroki had been training for this moment since the end of the war, and it looked like he was fairing well enough considering what a murderous monster Touya had turned into. The rest of Katsuki's classmates were in a similar position to him, easily knocking down weak villains, only for their opponent to be replaced by an equally as weak bastard who thought they were strong enough to take down the class that had been through hell and back. 

Katsuki desperately wanted to leave everybody behind and blast himself into the forest. Even from where he was stood he could see tendrils of blackwhip and sparks of green lightning in the forest. Izuku may not need Katsuki's help, but he would certainly appreciate it. Taking Shigaraki down would be easier with two people rather than one. Plus, with Izuku's hero complex, Katsuki wouldn't be surprised if he got himself killed whilst he defeated Shigaraki. Katsuki needed to get to his boyfriend, he just had to crush all of the extras in front of him first. 

Fighting Shigaraki wasn't easy. Though, Izuku would be an idiot if he ever thought that taking down one of the most wanted villains in the country would ever be easy. Izuku exchanged blow after blow with Shigaraki, often being forced to make defensive moves in favour of attacking. Shigaraki was relentless, Izuku only managed to get in the occasional hit when Shiagraki's onslaught slowed down for a few seconds, and even then the blows he dealt weren't hard-hitting enough to defeat the villain in front of him. Again, Izuku knew that this fight wasn't going to be easy. 

Izuku scarcely stopped himself from colliding with a tree, he used a combination of blackwhip and float to swing himself around the tree, putting it between Shigaraki and him. The milliseconds of the reprieve he had were used to quickly check himself over for injuries and wind up to attack Shigaraki when he inevitably rounded the tree and resumed his relentless onslaught. 

Just as Izuku had predicted, Shigaraki rounded the tree, and as he did so, Izuku unleashed a barrage of air force strikes, pushing Shigaraki back. There was no time to let Shigaraki rest. The last shot of air had barely been fired before Izuku was racing forwards and dealing a swift kick to Shigaraki's side at 20% power. Ordinarily, that would be enough to take a villain out, but Shigaraki was anything but ordinary. He had high endurance and regenerative abilities, they would be hard to contest, but not impossible. 

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