Chapter 9

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Beth's POV

He took her and I didn't do a thing about it. Not as if I could, he's an alpha  and I'd rather have her with her mate, even though he rejected her than live with those abusive mutts. I'm really going to miss her.

I limped all the way back to the pack house, I was exhausted. 

"Let's go" I heard Logan say as I entered the house. There were a couple of people with him, all shirtless and in shorts but Logan stood out more. That freaking six pack and that V line, I looked away so I wouldn't get caught. I rejected him anyway.

Logan took one look at me and ran over, I looked a bloody mess with the bite on my shoulder still bleeding and a claw mark on my arm. It won't heal fast cause its from another werewolf.

"What happened" he asked, his voice hard and steely. "Rogues, but we were able to fight them off" I answered and he let out a low growl sending shivers down my spine. I felt so weak all I wanted to do was sleep.

"By we, do you mean Mikky and you" Tyler the beta asked, shock and disbelief evident in his voice. I suddenly felt so angry.

"Yes Mikky and I and how did a dozen rogues get past patrol aren't you supposed to be in charge of that" I snapped at him, he glared at me and I glared right back.

"Where is Mikky" Logan asked, finally noticing that she wasn't here and I wasnt sure whether to tell them the truth. "She left" I said and it wasn't a lie.

"Good riddance to that ugly bitch" I heard someone say, I looked to my left and found Brittany and her friend laughing at what she had just said. I was in front of her in the blink of an eye trying to ignore the pain from my wounds.

"What did you say" my voice was deadly low, she looked really scared and didn't answer. I smirked at that but her friend was stupid enough to answer, "we just think its better she's gone no one wanted that ugly bitch here and who the hell are you anyway" she said looking me up and down scrunching up her nose.

I drew my fist back about to punch her when I felt a hand grab my arm and another arm slip around my waist. From the sparks I felt I knew it was Logan, he was too close and shirtless. His scent invaded my nose and I just wanted to forget about rejecting him, but I'm not going to.

I shrugged him off going upstairs. "Its just going to get harder you know" my wolf Lucy said in my head, and she's right, it is.

Mikky's POV

My bed was really comfortable this morning, it's never this way. All I want to do is go back to sleep but I have to get up and make breakfast; I overslept and now I'm going to be in big trouble.

I opened my eyes to meet a room that was obviously not mine, I was scared at first but then remembered everything that happened. I wonder if they care that I'm gone, of course they don't.

There was a soft knock at the door, I looked up to see Anna walk in with a tray full of food. It made my mouth water and my stomach let out an embarrassing growl, and she smirked at me.

"You're up" she said as she passed me the tray, which had a plate full of pancakes covered in maple syrup and a glass of orange juice.

"Thank you" I said, "Alex stopped by before going to school but you were still sleeping" she said, hearing that made my heart warm and my wolf purr.

I suddenly realized something.

"What time is it" I asked Ana, "noon why" she said nonchalantly.

"NOON" I yelled and she flinched. I had never slept for that long before, and what about school. I sighed out loud and she looked at me with sorry etched on her features.

"What's wrong" she asked, "it's nothing, why aren't you in school" I asked. She just shrugged, "Alex told me to take care of you" she said and I rolled my eyes. We sat in silence as I finished up my amazing pancakes.

"Take a shower we're going shopping I'll leave you some clothes on the bed" she said taking the tray from me. "Shopping?" I asked, "yeah, you can't keep wearing Alex's clothes and he won't let you go back to your old pack house" she said, I nodded and she left the room.

I took a shower and when I was done there were clothes on the bed, a green top and black jeans. I put them on and left the room. I have no idea where to go and this house is huge, so I followed Anna's scent which led to the kitchen.

She was talking animatedly with another girl, blond with a petite figure. They stopped talking once they noticed me, "are you ready to go" Anna asked and I nodded.

The blond girl ran towards me and threw her arms around me squealing in my ear, "welcome to the family, I'm Halee, Anna and Alex's cousin" she said when she pulled away from me.

"I'm Mikky" I said giving her a shy smile and she hugged me again, squealing something about me being too cute.

"And I'm so sorry about Alex, he can be such an idiot" she said this time frowning, I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Okay then let's go" Anna announced grabbing her keys and walking towards the door. 

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