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Paintbrush quickly shoved taco off of them as they both hit the ground, quickly moving to shoot a fire blast at her. Taco swiftly got to her feet, evading the blast. She watched it hit a tree behind her, and quickly looked back to her opponent. She sneered.

"You're really not too bright, are you." Taco now brought out a weapon, a bright pink and red gun. She aimed, and fired, though Paintbrush was prepared. They rolled to their side, and brought themself to their feet now too, taking up a fighting stance. Their eyes shone as bright as the fire they produced now. Taco took up a pose of her own now, smirking.

"What, not much of a talker in combat? I was really hoping for a nice conversation--" Taco couldn't finish that sentence before having to duck down away from another fireball.

"Okay-- no more talking then." Taco spun around now, shooting another blast, this one being interrupted by another fireball. Both Taco and Paintbrush shielded their faces as the blast knocked them both back a bit. Taco was the first to recover, now changing her blaster's setting from harm to stun. If this kept going, she'd be in danger. Sure, Paintbrush could stand fire, but if anything else were to get lit up, this whole forest could become a danger. Taco didn't need that.

Paintbrush now recovered, finally noticing the damage they were causing to the forest around them. They let out a quiet curse, before shooting one more flame, and extinguishing themself. They'd have to do this the hard way. They balled their fists, and charged at Taco, evading her shots as best they could, before they were finally close enough to swing a punch-- but Taco seemed prepared. With their metal fist, they grabbed theirs with a grip they couldn't escape if they tried, and were promptly brought to their knees.

"You're reckless. Not very much of a fighter either, huh. It's a shame you can't rely on flame in this setting... Really, such a useless power, what do you even do?" Taco took up a smug expression.

"Shut up. I can beat you even without my powers." Paintbrush sneered.

"Oh, you? Beating me? When You've not landed a single hit? Pathetic really." She tightened her grip as Paintbrush moved their free hand to grab the metal one. They now focused, warming up their hand. It took taco a moment to realize this, and by then the damage had been done, and the grip was loosened. Taco stumbled back, seeing their damaged arm, their smug look turning to one of rage as Paintbrush got back up, ready to fight again.

"I wouldn't call that useless if it works on you." Paintbrush smirked.

"You'll regret this." Taco now aimed her weapon, shooting, as Paintbrush was focused on coming up with a witty remark.

They hit the ground with a thud. Taco would make sure they felt that when they woke up. Sure the fight was over now, and Paintbrush wouldn't be getting up any time soon, but that didn't mean Taco couldn't have any fun with this. She put her gun away, and went over to the taller, unconscious object, and kicked them. She kept kicking until there was a clear mark on their face. Nobody gets the best of her and leaves unharmed.


Paintbrush wasn't Taco's target, of course not, flame would have no use, really, she just needed to get out some anger of her own. Now that was done, she could go find her partner, and get back to the real mission...

Or... the mission could bring itself to her?

Taco stood over Paintbrush, about to leave, when she heard a twig snap. She quickly pressed the button on her bowtie, and ran over to a bush, watching in the direction of the sound. Into the small clearing they had been in ran Lightbulb-- the target! Just right there... Taco brought out the gun again, ready to take aim, before someone placed an arm on her shoulder. She swung around to see Microphone, who quickly went down on her knees to hide in the bush, holding a finger to her mouth in a 'be quiet' motion. She then pressed her own bow, going invisible. Taco let out a quiet sigh, and waited, putting the gun away.

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