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He didn't even hesitate, standing up abruptly as Lightbulb ran away, quickly looking back to Testtube who didn't hesitate either, lifting Paintbrush up in her arms.

"Go after her. I need to get them to my medical ward, I refuse to lose either of them." Testtube's expression was a mix of determination, and fear, as she turned towards the base, not even waiting for Fan to say anything, him now hesitating for a moment, before following where Lightbulb had run off to. It was already late, much later in the night, and through the trees and branches and bushes, Fan could barely see, well, anything. He couldn't even hear her footsteps anymore, having completely lost her after trailing for just a bit.
"No... no no this isn't good..." Fan stopped running, leaning on a tree as he caught his breath as he was now completely lost himself. He had no choice but to turn back now, feeling incredibly guilty at returning without her.


Meanwhile, Testtube was fast with taking Paintbrush down to her lab, back to the medical bay she had been spending too much time in lately for it to be comfortable, as she set them down in the chair and checked for a pulse... In which there was barely any. How long had it been? Surely not five minutes, as Testtube desperately ran to the cabinets in the room, yanking each one open to look for something-- a defibrillator. Finally finding one, she quickly got to work, heaving it over to where Paintbrush lay, setting it up quickly-- though still making sure to triple check that the machine was set right, before using it.





The heartbeat seemed to regulate. Exactly her goal. They watched as Paintbrush's body shuddered a bit, the little bits of electricity still remaining making them twitch a bit, but they were alive...

Still deeply out of it, but... Alive.

"I-I couldn't-- catch up with her..."

Testtube jolted a bit at Fan's sudden voice, as he now stood in the doorway, out of breath from having run so much.

"It's... Fine. You can search again tomorrow..." Testtube let out a hefty sigh, her eyes not moving from Paintbrush.

"Are they--"

"They're alive." Testtube quickly answered, already knowing what Fan was going to ask as he stepped further into the room, his expression uneasy, as he made his way over, unhappy to be in this room again in such a dire situation this soon. Really, it was taking everything in him not to break down now, the situation of possibly losing another friend just felt horrible. 

Testtube finally turned her gaze away from Paintbrush as she turned her back, walking over to lean forward on one of the counters, putting her head in her hands. Her world felt so dizzy, the lack of a good amount of her vial certainly not helping, along with this horrid situation. But she had to keep it together. Nobody else was going to be there if Fan needed comfort. Her needs, and stress could wait. She turned back around with a sigh, Fan's expression shifting to something still sad, but softer, as he walked over to Testtube.

"I- I'm sure... Everything's going to be fine. It has to be," He carefully put a hand to her cheek, wiping away a tear-- she hadn't even noticed she had started crying, and mentally cursed herself for being so selfish. This wasn't the time for him to be worried about her.

"Yeah, it is. I-- I'll make sure of it." Testtube's expression soured. She couldn't look him in the eyes as she stepped away a bit, wiping away the tears. Fan let his hand fall back to his side, stepping back into the center of the room.

"I'll... keep looking for her tomorrow... I just... I think it would be best if we both got some sleep..." Fan gave a sympathetic look to Testtube, who still couldn't meet his gaze.

Teamwork is a skill we lack. [II SUPERHERO AU FIC]Where stories live. Discover now