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"Get rid of the mallet, or I get rid of him." 4S looked to MePhone, who seemed to be struggling with the decision.

"You know I'm not lying." 4S placed a finger on the trigger. Knife just stood completely still. He couldn't die like this, right? MePhone still gripped the mallet close, making direct eye-contact with 4S now.

"MePhone." Knife called out, sternly.

"I know what I'm doing." MePhone glanced at Knife for a second, with a focused look.

"Oh yeah? Well what if I just shoot him anyways?" 4S grinned, inching his finger closer to firing the gun. But he didn't get to shoot-- or at least, when the gun went off, it didn't shoot Knife.

4S, who was pushed out of the way at just the right second, re-aimed the gun, and fired as he hit the ground, the gun now out of his hand and skidding across the floor away from him. Both MePhone and Knife stood in shock for a moment, making sure neither of them had been hit. 4S had re-aimed, but missed.

4S swore out as he reached for the gun, but something kicked it away... So he grabbed at whatever was around it, and once it grabbed something, though not visible, it pulled down as hard as it could, pulling whatever it was down to the ground with it with a yelp. 4S felt something kick at him as he slid back a bit, finally taking this chance to get up as a new object finally became visible, now between 4S and its gun.

It swore out again, as it tried to generate another gun-- but the generation timer still hadn't gotten back to zero.

"You're going to pay for that!" 4S yelled out, quickly getting to its feet, as Microphone did the same, now just trying to make sure it couldn't get to the gun again. Before 4S could do anything else, it felt its arms being pulled behind its back, as it was held back from doing anything by Knife.

"And you're going to calm down." Knife spoke, struggling to keep it from breaking free, as MePhone walked up, mallet still in grasp.

"Just turn it off. We can try to question him later if--" Knife was sent stumbling back as MePhone slammed the mallet into 4S' screen.

"Gah-- what the hell!" Knife yelled out, taking a moment to process what had just happened.

MePhone stood over the now broken and shattered 4S, breathing heavily.

"It- it's a liability. Cobs can track it. If... If we brought him along for questioning, we would've just been... in more trouble." Microphone stood by in shock, completely taken aback by all of this.

MePad, a little further into the building, finally stood up, looking at the crowd, and snapping back into reality.

"S-same with him." MePhone's voice glitched, as he pointed the mallet towards MePad.

"I've done some thinking. I've disabled my tracking device." MePad looked down, if they could convey emotion, it would be clear that though they didn't feel much, they did feel sad seeing their fallen friend destroyed.

"You're lying." MePhone narrowed its eyes

"You can check." MePad spoke, calmly walking over, trying to avoid looking at 4S now.

"It'd be easier to--"

"No. Just-" Knife paused to let out a hefty sigh, stepping in between MePhone and MePad.

"I'll check them... YOU." He pointed at MePhone- "Put down the mallet... and you," He pointed to Microphone. "You're here now. You're going to help us."

"Oh- okay well actually-"

"Whatever you're about to say, just... save it for a little while, okay?" He dismissed her, looking back to MePad, checking for any sort of tracking system or app.

Teamwork is a skill we lack. [II SUPERHERO AU FIC]Where stories live. Discover now